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What's the difference? I don't get it?


Someone more educated then me, let me know?


I've heard MAC's are better for multimedia things like video editing, and I've also heard that Windows is way better. Is this like the ongoing debate between pay OS and Linux?

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Macs are for homosexuals. That's just the reality of it; if you are a fudge packer, you probably own a Mac. Sorry you cock mongers get all hurt that I mention that FACT, but I'm not the one shoving my cock in a man's ass.


Edit: Now that I read this the next morning, I must have been drunk posting last night. Macs are still queer though. ;)

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Mac OS is pretty queer in styling, I will say that. Looks like they designed it after a Sharper Image catalog. The Intel MacBook Pro however, is one of the best things that Apple has ever produced simply because it can boot as many operating systems as you can fit on the hard drive on it. Windows, Linux, BSD, you name it.


I still like my PC better though. And I am not biased, my opinion comes from having used both platforms. I like the PC for the same reason Macs have never sold well up until recently. Everyone makes everything for the PC platform, and rarely does PC software get ported to the Mac. Also, a lot of the times the Mac gets the PC software, its usually a stripped out and dumbed down version. Now like I said, there are exceptions to the rule. Photoshop, for example, still runs better on the Mac than it ever will on the PC. And Mac used to be the ubor movie editing platform, but with new advances in video encoding technology for PC's, it seems to have switched sides again.


So in conclusion, it all depends on what you want to do with your computer.


Side Note: You had might as well ignore Ohio_Wookie, he is an extremely biased Mac fanboy, as has been clearly demonstrated in past threads he posted in.

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Side Note: You had might as well ignore Ohio_Wookie, he is an extremely biased Mac fanboy, as has been clearly demonstrated in past threads he posted in.



I still dont understand how you label me as a fanboy. also in past threads I have shared my distaste for the itunes/itunes music store, the ipod os, and my current macbook pro ordeal which i am returning it tomorrow, I have also addressed my dislike for apples software like mail and address book. now if I were a fanboy I believe that I would probably like all of these apple products just for the fact that they are apple. also before i stated my reasons for liking apple was the ppc arch and the unix based os. i am sorry for being able to form a independent personal opinion that was influenced by nothing more than first hand experience.

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The mac laptop is one of the fastest laptops on the market for use gaming and what ever with bootcamp you can play all your favorite games in XP. Or just reboot and go back to a nice stable os that will stay booted for 100+ days. I run pc's mostly but i do have a Powerbook 17. and at work i use a g4 dual 800. Now thats a old box and yet it still is quick for what i need it for.
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The Intel Core Duo Mac Mini benchmarked 17% faster running Windows XP than a PC of equivalent power. That's a true smack to the face to all you PC lovers out there. I personally like both. I have respect for PCs that can be mass produced so cheap. And on the other hand, if you want something with true performance and power, go Mac. Joe's just upset. He got an anal tear last night. Joe, its only gay if you push back... and good God did you push back last night...
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Ben, have them test against an athalon 64 x2... I doubt it's 17% faster... anyways, as far as the comment about the OS being faster, more reliable, etc.... come fix my mac for me then... the stupid thing crashes at least twice a day is slow as donkey balls and the multimedia on it sucks... granted, I'm just using iLife 05 but good lord, I would have figured it would be better... (I pulled some videos off of my camera onto my mac and onto my PC.. I used Vegas Video 6.0 on the PC... the PC was faster at rendering AND had alot better picture quality.)



I like my mac... it's fun to put a DVD in it when I"m stuck at work late so i have something to do while packages are rendering, but as far as EVER being better than my PC... not gonna happen.



P.S. Joe, please don't argue about MACs again... you make the pro-pc people look bad :-P

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maybe its slow mac.. i dunno . I am talking laptops the mac laptop is one of the fastest on the market.


as for 64x2 thats great it is faster no one is debating it. but a x2 chip costs alone 300$


Macmini is pretty cheap for a nice little commidtity box (Web/email)

macbook pro rocks socks for power / usablity


as for OSX. I run my mac at work with a uptime usaly 100+

smokin what mac do you have i can take a look at it.


i am pro pc and pro mac.


My main box at home.

AMD 64 3500

2gig ram

1TB hd

7800 GS


My main Lappy

PowerPC 1.5

768 Ram



Backup lappy

Thinkpad r32





and my powerbook beats the shit out of my thinkpad.


Each has there place. As a unix guy the mac just rocks.

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I own both, I like both. I prefer my mac just becuase the GUI is more intelligent and working with the OS makes more sense (things like installing and de-installing apps go much more smoothly on the mac os).
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I own the MacBook Pro.


I got sick of pop-ups and viruses and went with the Mac for school and absolutely love it. I have yet to see a pop-up or have any type of problem with spy-ware or anything...great computer.

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Ben, have them test against an athalon 64 x2... I doubt it's 17% faster...


Somehow you missed the whole equivalent thing. You know, Intel versus Intel. But whatever...


anyways, as far as the comment about the OS being faster, more reliable, etc.... come fix my mac for me then... the stupid thing crashes at least twice a day is slow as donkey balls and the multimedia on it sucks... granted, I'm just using iLife 05 but good lord, I would have figured it would be better... (I pulled some videos off of my camera onto my mac and onto my PC.. I used Vegas Video 6.0 on the PC... the PC was faster at rendering AND had alot better picture quality.)


I'd be more than happy to come fix your Mac. I've fixed several people's Macs here on CR. All I ask is have a beer or something for me to drink. As for the importing video problem, you're comparing $79.99 iLife against $449.96 Vegas Video. Again, not fair. Use Final Cut Pro and then tell me what you think compared to the PC running Vegas Video. iLife for video is like using the built in movie maker in XP.


I like my mac... it's fun to put a DVD in it when I"m stuck at work late so i have something to do while packages are rendering, but as far as EVER being better than my PC... not gonna happen.


That's your opinion. Remember, I'm not a Mac guy. I'm sitting here typing this on my Sony laptop. I'm just defending Macs against the haters.


P.S. Joe, please don't argue about MACs again... you make the pro-pc people look bad :-P


Joe is the typical pro-pc Mac hater. You all make yourselfs look bad by being ignorant. True story.

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Ben, I'm not going to even reply about the ignorant comment about MAC's. I admit that I don't know much about them but at least I"m not saying, "only gay people use MAC's.... they take it in the pewper" and stuff like that. true story...


as far as the software... hook a brotha up... then I'll compair them.


AMD is an Intel based platform... just because it isn't an Intel chip doesn't mean it isn't an equvilant PC. True Story


oh, as far as fixing it, I'd love to have you take a look at it but you didn't take the jewb and it's in my office. :(

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Ben, I'm not going to even reply about the ignorant comment about MAC's. I admit that I don't know much about them but at least I"m not saying, "only gay people use MAC's.... they take it in the pewper" and stuff like that. true story...


as far as the software... hook a brotha up... then I'll compair them.


AMD is an Intel based platform... just because it isn't an Intel chip doesn't mean it isn't an equvilant PC. True Story


oh, as far as fixing it, I'd love to have you take a look at it but you didn't take the jewb and it's in my office. :(


Isn't the Mac in your office an older Mac? I was under the impression the Macs you guys had were a year or two old. Bring it home, and I'll fix it.


I'd actually be interested in benchmarking the Intel Core Duo Mac versus an AMD 64 x2. Do you have one? I'm interested to see how it does.


For the other stuff, check your PMs.

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ya, it's an old flowerpot... they never let us have the newer stuff just to "test"


I have an Athalon 64 3600 with the 939 chipset in it... it's not the dual core, but it's a faster 64 processor.


replied to your PM

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ya, it's an old flowerpot... they never let us have the newer stuff just to "test"


Yeah, that probably has a lot to do with why the PC was so much better and the Mac was disappointing. Remember video editing on a PIII or early PIV?

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AMD is an Intel based platform... just because it isn't an Intel chip doesn't mean it isn't an equvilant PC. True Story


Who designed Intel's 64 bit commands? Anyone?



AMD64 PC > Mac


Edit: AMD is not Intel based. At all. It's Windows compatable, but that is the only similarity.

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