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U.S. Asks Internet Providers for Help in Prosecutions


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Listen to the report. It affects everyone here.


It talkes about how the US Justice dept. is looking at using ISPs to get IP adresses of child touchers and Terrorist. as of right now, the Justrice Dept. has to first request this from ISP before any recording is done.


What some are proposing is for ISP to have to record all the actions of every IP adress in the US, for not only kid touchers and terrorist activity, but for every day shit, like music downloading, and regular internet usage(porn). This obviously worries the hell out of the ISPs with concerns about storage, cost and like considerations.



This is just another exemplary action in a long row of many about how we are slowly but surely loosing our privacy in the US. This has been happening since bush Sr, continued while Clinton was in office, and is now with W Bush. Its not a left wing/ right wing issue. this is an american citizen issue.



Devils Advocate


any cost incured by the ISP would we passed on to Us, the consumers.


what about extending the use for unethical corperations, such as Enron? In theory it would work, but money talks. Just another oppertunity for someone to get a bribe.


The world is flat, and the internet is the hammer. Maybe it is time to update our laws for something so commonly used in every day activites, private or for business.

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Stupid fucking politcians, all of them. I wish they would get their heads out of their asses and see how badly some of the shit they propose would affect the situation. I can't imagine how much ISP's would have to spend on storage, that would be a nightmare, assuming it's even possible. Besides, I still don't believe that any government has the right to say how the internet is run, the internet is worldwide. Let it govern itself.


Maddox for E-President '07

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There are no costs. ISP's by law have to record IP addresses now, for cybercrime investigations. Those records are maintained for 5 yrs if I remember right.


The idea that this would be used for file/music bootlegging is silly. The feds do NOT fucking care about bootlegging, sure there is the milinium act but it's settled in a civil court room where the RIAA and BSA break in off in you and reap major profits, the feds don't see any of this money other than the bullshit court costs for a federal case and typically it costs the feds money paying for a federal appointed attourney for teh defendant. As far as porn, nuddie pics of people over 18 is legal, and sodomy laws are at the state level. Some states but sex is legal and others it ain't. Even vid's of rape are only bad for the person or persons that commit the rape. The feds ain't gonna give a shit about that either.


If they can catch the NAMBLA sick assed fucks that think they need to be screwing kids, I am all for that. As far as terrorists, if it keeps them from doing their terrorist shit, cool. People read way more into shit than is really there.


My 2 cents.

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If they can catch the NAMBLA sick assed fucks that think they need to be screwing kids, I am all for that. As far as terrorists, if it keeps them from doing their terrorist shit, cool. People read way more into shit than is really there.


My 2 cents.


You're stuipd and naieve if you don't think information like this will eventually be used in a way we, the normal (I use that term in it's roughest sense on this board) law abiding citizens, would want it to be.

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