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Friday, June 30th


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Fool, the whole reason I'm busy is because of them! Chasin' tail all around various columbus parties isn't easy.


wait, i thought you said you were related to chuck norris? the norris clan doesnt "chase tail", they "go fucking."

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wait, i thought you said you were related to chuck norris? the norris clan doesnt "chase tail", they "go fucking."

if i weren't so full of chipotle, and thus despising movement of any kind, i'd be laughing my ass off at this.


I am actually related to both Chuck Norris and Genghis Khan, both of which are masters of fucking. Whether it is Norris's violent tendencies to fuck whomever he feels the need to fuck, or Khan's historic harem, I never have problems. I just like to take it easy sometimes and "chase tail" just to give humanity a chance against my inexorable seed.

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I dont chase tail, it comes to me.


So is your step-sisters cousins uncle, second removed mothers 3rd cousin, related to chuck, or how does that work?


oh the point to this. Ben, Amy and I will be at an Art Gallery for a while then we are headed over. Im sure you know, but if not Laurie is in. Talked to her last night. And by the way sorry I missed you the other day. That pissed me off. I really wanted to come down there and check that out. I was caught up here.

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I dont chase tail, it comes to me.


So is your step-sisters cousins uncle, second removed mothers 3rd cousin, related to chuck, or how does that work?


oh the point to this. Ben, Amy and I will be at an Art Gallery for a while then we are headed over. Im sure you know, but if not Laurie is in. Talked to her last night. And by the way sorry I missed you the other day. That pissed me off. I really wanted to come down there and check that out. I was caught up here.



No prob bro. Yeah, I know Laurie's coming. Very cool. So are a lot of other people I haven't seen in awhile. Kinda weird actually. Definitely going to be a good time. Just please, take me to the ER THAT NIGHT if I get hurt. Don't let me wait until the next day. Haha.

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Ben, I just got and email from my liver. Apparently it got word of your party and is worried about a repeat of last week. Not to worry though, I have worked out extra hard this week in perperation for the event. Is there anything you want people to bring?
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Ben, I just got and email from my liver. Apparently it got word of your party and is worried about a repeat of last week. Not to worry though, I have worked out extra hard this week in perperation for the event. Is there anything you want people to bring?


Bring whatever. Alcohol would be good. We'll have some, but can always use more.

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2 bottles of tequila in the margerita ball - check

1 gal of kool-aid and vodka - check

1 bottle of jaeger - check

8 cans of red bull - check

gentleman's jack for the traditional toast - check

miller light - check

bud light - check

six bags of chips - check

60 hamburgers - check

80 hot dogs - check

16 brats - check


I'm broke, but this is going to be fun. :barf:

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Damn, thats one hell of a list, sounds like a blast. To bad i dont really know who you or really anyone else on this board and im only 17(shit, the 17 part dont matter) or i would come. Sounds like a really good time, have fun and be safe.
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