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noobie here

Guest sloSS

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Guest sloSS
hey whats up all heard about this site from lots of people so i thought i would check it out i have a 02 camaro ss (all stock for now) got it 2 weeks agomy name is jeremy i live in ashville im 23 thats about it
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hey whats up all heard about this site from lots of people so i thought i would check it out i have a 02 camaro ss (all stock for now) got it 2 weeks agomy name is jeremy i live in ashville im 23 thats about it


lol there are the pics and yes i luv abuse man im engaged if i can handle that i can handle ppl on here lol


lol hell no i hate it it will be off real soon some moron who had it before me put that red sticker on it it looks gay



Fucking A man. Please, please, please read this website. Scroll down to "Periods". It will benefit everyone. My eyes will stop bleeding everytime you post, and you won't seem like such a fucking idiot. Oh, and welcome.

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Dear Ben,


sdaflkjsdaf asdf;kj sfd;kjsafd sfdakjsd sfdj; fjsd fopsdfpoi f;ods fjksd;l fmjdis fjisd sfdjff aa fjk fkafmf fmdsa fff dia f';ewff f\e #$#@! RESDFF $dsjfsa fjujda


- Joe


(I swear mother fuckers should have to take a test before being allowed to post on the internet). Typing isn't exactly a high-level skill, and neither is structuring a semi-understandable sentence with a minimum of 4th grade grammar.



(I swear mothfuckers should have to take a test before being allowed to post on the internet. Typing isn't exactly a high-level skill, and neither is structuring a semi-understandable sentence with a minimum of 4th grade grammar.

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