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Jimmy Buffett


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You guys should all check out http://www.buckeyebuffettbus.com. They organize a bus every year to go to the Buffett concert in Cinci. The website is brand new, but the people that go have been doing this for years. Its a fucking blast. Its an all day party, and you don't have to drive home. We take the bus from their house in Miamisburg (near Dayton) to the concert and drink the whole way. The bus is only $25 per person. We're not talking a school bus or any shit like that. This is a tour bus with a restroom, TVs, and all that crap. This was my second year. It was a freaking blast. If you're interested, check out the website and register. PM me with what you set up as the screen name and I'll make sure she approves your accounts. The more people the merrier. I do have to warn you though, there usually is a waiting list to get on the bus. This year there wasn't though because the concert was on a weekday.
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I was just in Cincy for a bank function on Thursday and Friday. We had a couple of Florida employees that CAME UP from Florida to go to the Cincy Buffett concert...it's that popular.


I was told its a huge boatfest on the Ohio River and a lot of titties come out for a breath of fresh air. I was at the Hyatt downtown and I saw lots of drunk Hawaiian-shirted mofos around for sure.

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I was just in Cincy for a bank function on Thursday and Friday. We had a couple of Florida employees that CAME UP from Florida to go to the Cincy Buffett concert...it's that popular.


I was told its a huge boatfest on the Ohio River and a lot of titties come out for a breath of fresh air. I was at the Hyatt downtown and I saw lots of drunk Hawaiian-shirted mofos around for sure.



lots of titties... check

lots of boats... check

lots of drunk hawaiian-shirted mofos... check


yup, it was a Buffett concert

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