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Hope Is Emo


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Seriously, I guess I'm a little too old to understand the whole "Emo" thing...


Are these freaks like the "straight edge" drug-free crowd? I honestly hope these kids are on some good shit to pull this crap...99.9% of them have great middle-class suburban upbringings that are wasted on this sort of self-depricating attitude.


It really pisses me off.

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Like, my mom took us to olive garden instead of like, cameron mitchell's so like, I know what pain and sadness is.


That's a Dublin quote.


If this is what Emo is, than I havent been missing much. Scoop these over thinker's up and send them to a farm to finish growing up. Some good manual labor at a young age can change thier perspective on "the darkness we live in". It will save them a tom on lithium later in life.

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I belive the self mutilation thing is a form of built in self preservation for the species. These people know they will never do anything usefull for scocitey, and they are trying to off themselves early so more fitting people can continue the procreation of the species without the tainted "EMO" DNA. I am realy intrested to see what these kids are like in a few years when thier parents stop suporting thier asses, and reality hits them square in between the eyes. Oh wait, it will be someone elses fault, someone didnt love them, and they are entitled to a free ride. :nono:
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Alright, i'll explain to you the whole emo thing, because its a fucking epidemic at Boston U.


It begins with the music; emo kids go hand in hand with pretentious indie rockers to a point; emo kids latch on to a relatively unheard of band until they make it huge (when the indie rockers start to say "i loved them before they sold out" and move on) and then they get together with their emo friends and cry for no reason. They follow the trends and styles of any given band until a better option rears its ugly head, but it basically means tight gay jeans for dudes coupled with meticulous haircuts that see hours of manufacturing to appear unkempt.


From the music/image comes the attitude; emo kids, like indie rockers, understand the world on a higher, more emotional level than common folk. Normal people apparently push their emotions aside which is the greatest sin known to man, as emotions are the only thing worth paying attention to.


From the attitude comes the fact that emo kids are completely fucking annoying: they usually are brought up in well-off families (the only reason they can afford a $40 ticket to see Death Cab for Cutie) and have very little to complain about.


Basically, the emo movement is a spinoff of the goth kid movement. While the goth kids started listening to Slipknot and Korn and other shitty uninnovative hardcore music, emo kids started listening to Dashboard Confessional and The Get Up Kids; again shitty and uninnovative, but just with a big blubbering pussy.

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Does anyone else know "emo" music started in the early 80's? I thought it started recently but found out it was a spin-off of punk in the early 80's and bla bla bla.........just more information you don't need to know.

that not really true...grunge music dominated the 90's, so emo never really caught on until the 00's.

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