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Need some info on BMW M3s and 330CIs


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I would be careful. Yes the new M3 will have a V8 but it will be larger and heavier and MUCH MORE electronic. The E46 is even too electronic for many enthusiasts; they prefer the E30 or E36 M3's. If the M3 is a bust (which it will be to many), you could end up having to pay a higher premium for the E46's. I think that the best time to buy will be right BEFORE the new E90's hit. That way, everyone will only have speculation on what the new M3 will be like and no one will be trying to get back into their E46's just yet.


Do you happen to know when the E90 will be hitting the streets? I'm hoping the introduction of the E90 will impact the resale value of the E46 M3 as much as the introduction of the 2005 Mustang impacted the resale value of my car. $40,000 seems to be about the average going price for a used E46 M3.


I suppose I could always just GO to a dealership, but then I run the very real risk of walking out with a BMW key in my pocket.

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The new M3 is not slated until Mid '07 at this point as an early '08 model...that's what I was told as of about a month ago when I tried to get on the list!!!...they weren't taking deposits yet.


Now that I have the Porsche I doubt I'll get the new M3....at least not for a few years.



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