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To the simple bitch in the yellow evo


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How dare you think that I would waste any time or gas racing you. If you really want your ass handed to you bring lots of cash to make it worth my while.


BTW, you're little drifting stunt in the parking lot, not at all impressive.

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How dare you think that I would waste any time or gas racing you. If you really want your ass handed to you bring lots of cash to make it worth my while.


BTW, you're little drifting stunt in the parking lot, not at all impressive.


Ah.. If I remember right, that kid doesn't even own that car. It was some dudes that he borrowed from where he works. Unless it was someone else.

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Please let that kid - or his representatives - be on this board. Tinman rarely even posts in the Kitchen, let alone starts a thread in it, so this is destined to be good.


Also, Tinman, while we're waiting for him/them to show, mind sharing some of the dialogue that transpired? I'm a sucker for the details, you know.

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No dialogue, probably wouldn't recognize the driver if I saw him again.


Details are pretty boring, we witnessed said tool trying out his mad drifting skills in the parking lot. After commenting on his lack of good judgement we decided it was time to go home. As we rolled out of the lot he decides to follow, he pulls along side of us on Cleveland pacing us and trying to get me do do something. Not going to happen, just as Holyfield wouldn't fight a one armed midget with poor vision, I'm not going to compete with this moron. We continue up Cleveland at near or below the posted limit as he pulls ahead then in front and turns on his hazards, not sure what that was supposed to mean, maybe he was having trouble operating his vehicle and needed to pull over and read the owner's manual or ask his friends if he should be double clutching. He finally pulls into the turn lane by Siren's and gives the thumbs down as we pass him on the way to 270E.

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It wa some crazy fucking shit. That movie has every ricer in the damn world FWD/AWD trying to drift and 1 300z acting a fool. I tried to catch some of it on video it seemed everytime i would power off my cam some tool would do someting else. aling with Ali Babe letting off RPG's alot of idiots out now at the thrift store :(
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lol, yeah, that guy was foolish. you should have just revved on him. that would have been shakespearean.


"turn, fool, and look upon thy doom."




Do you rev your engine at me sir?


No sir, but I do rev my engine.


At me sir?


No sir.

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Do you rev your engine at me sir?


No sir, but I do rev my engine.


At me sir?


No sir.

Do you race sir?


Race sir? No sir!


If you do sir, I am for you. I serve as good an engine as you.


No faster.


Well, sir.


Say "faster": here comes one of my benchracers.


Yes, faster, sir.


You lie!


Race, if you be men! Brian Spilner! Remember to hit the nawz!

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I was there as well. That kid is an dumbass. Also correct on the fact that it isn't his EVO. It is someone elses and he takes it out trying to "sell" it for the guy. He is doing a really good job at it to.



If its who I'm thinking its not his car same as the rumor above he just "Rents" it maybe?


I think He's a registered user on DubOhio, I'll post this up there tonight for ya, If he responds I'll tell him to get on here but I'm sure he'll be too skerd, Peolple like that are the ones that ruin it for everyone.


You shoulda kicked his ass,

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Tinman Whats Up Im The Guy In The Yellow Evo. I Can Post From Dr Zo6s Computer Because Im L337 With The Hax0r Skillz!!!1!! Anyway, Pal, Ill Have You Know That I Put On My Hazards Because All 4 Wheels On My Car Were Spinning At The Same Time And I Knew There Was Something Wrong Right Then. So How Do You Like Me Now, Huh?!? Dont Make Me Get All Drift King On Your Ass Because I Will Meet You Down At The Easton Parking Garage Right Now.


And I Am Not Typing In All Caps Because I Am Yelling This Is Just How I Roll When I Am On The Internet. Hahahalolololhahahaha!

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