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TWO more fatal accidents over weekend!


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Helmets are a no brainer to me..no pun intended.

Last year..I was hit from behind and I hit the ground head first. My helmet saved my dome. Last week..you all know the story. At some point while I was tumbling through the air my head hit a big ass piece of wood that was holding a mailbox up. That's the second time my dome came out untouched.

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I hate to say this but I saw it coming. I saw soooo many douche bags this weekend it wasnt even funny! I called it as I was leaving the track on Saturday, I said there would be at least one death this weekend. I was

surprised at how stupid people are and how many of them there were.

but r.i.p. Either way sucks to be there friends and family and best wishes to them as well.

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Me and two of my friends are actually the ones that found the second link wreck, in Heath, and called 911...We were on our way from a party going to my friends house and found them laying half way in the road, was some very scary shit. The lady was sitting up on her own and talking a little, but the guy was laying face down and making some very very bad noises...scared the shit out of us.

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I hate to say this but I saw it coming. I saw soooo many douche bags this weekend it wasnt even funny! I called it as I was leaving the track on Saturday, I said there would be at least one death this weekend. I was

surprised at how stupid people are and how many of them there were.

Yeah, the girlfriend kept on commenting on how many riders she saw on Saturday wearing no helmets, sleeveless shirts, and even sandals. People just being retarded and not protecting themselves in some way.

It sucks anytime we hear anything like this. My thoughts go out to their family and friends. RIP.

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2:30 AM crash? Were they drunk?

The number of people bar hopping on Harleys around here is unreal. A couple of bars in town (Stone Mug, et al), are crammed full of bikers drinking and then blasting off on their HD's into the dark. I'm amazed that there aren't more deaths as a result of it.

Indy Police do nothing about it. But if you're on a sportbike doing 7 mph over the limit....

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something outrageous like 20% of all motorcycle deaths involve alcohol. If your on a cruiser your safe, you don't need gear and you can drink and drive. because there is something magical about a cruiser that makes it safe, makes it stand up right, and makes it go in a straight line better, even though physics and general design would say the sport bike is steadier and turns better.

Call me a sick fuck (I am I know it. I've got no regrets about it) but I'd have walked over and asked them if they wanted to borrow a helmet and laughed at them. I came up to an accident where two chicks rolled their SUV and were ejected from it. I asked the one girl I was by if she wanted me to check to make sure her seat belt was on for her? (obviously she wasn't wearing it) she kinda coughed up some blood and said "Fuck You" I laughed at her some more and waited around till the EMS showed up and I left. Go ahead, I know I'm a morbid sick fuck :D

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Call me a sick fuck (I am I know it. I've got no regrets about it) but I'd have walked over and asked them if they wanted to borrow a helmet and laughed at them. I came up to an accident where two chicks rolled their SUV and were ejected from it. I asked the one girl I was by if she wanted me to check to make sure her seat belt was on for her? (obviously she wasn't wearing it) she kinda coughed up some blood and said "Fuck You" I laughed at her some more and waited around till the EMS showed up and I left. Go ahead, I know I'm a morbid sick fuck :D

a reluctant :plus1: for this one...

if you decide not to take general (and reasonable) safety precautions, I'm not going to "preach" at you about it, It's your decision...

But I'm not going to feel bad for you when an easily preventable injury ends your life because of that decision...

You dug your grave, and random chance decided to put you in it this time...

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Me and two of my friends are actually the ones that found the second link wreck, in Heath, and called 911...We were on our way from a party going to my friends house and found them laying half way in the road, was some very scary shit. The lady was sitting up on her own and talking a little, but the guy was laying face down and making some very very bad noises...scared the shit out of us.

Got a little chill as I read this part sadnews.gif

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thats always horrible to hear.

rode to Mt. Vernon on sunday. passes over 100 bikes. counted about 6 helmets and 2 jackets (sportbikers). i cant imagine not riding with out a helmet and gear.

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Ok I agree that helmets are important but the car pulled out in front of the bike. They should be arrested for vehicular manslaughter. thats the bullshit, there is no talk of charges being pressed...

"The mishap occurred on Morse Road in Licking County at one Sunday afternoon."

mis·hap Pronunciation: \ˈmis-ˌhap, mis-ˈ\

Function: noun Date: 14th century 1 : an unfortunate accident 2 : bad luck : misfortune

and it was in the afternoon. she couldn't see them? thats such bullshit. I get pulled over at 3am speeding on polaris and get my bike impounded and have to go to court. this bitch kills someone and its a mishap... yeah this upsets me.

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Well being realistic, I'm sure they are going to press charges. It's inevitable, but at this point in time she's innocent until proven guilty. The papers cannot say that she killed him because it's yet to be "proven", and so yes, at this, and any point in time it's a mishap. An unfortunate accident.

That and NO, they can't see us. Mid-afternoon, early morning, late evening, middle of the night. They don't see us. Especially since 80% of them are doing other things, and driving second.

Ok I agree that helmets are important but the car pulled out in front of the bike.

Exactly why you should always wear your gear. You or I have NO control over what that car is going to do, and frankly, I have a hard time believing 95% of the people behind the wheel of a car have no idea what it's going to do either. Exactly why I have no remorse for anyone who gets killed/injured in a motorcycle/car accident when they arn't wearing their gear or seatbelt. WE know these idiots are out there in mass quantities operating these killing machines, why in the HELL would you step over a bike without everything you could muster to protect yourself from these idiots? Walking away in disgust sure beats the hell out of a free ride to the morgue in a trash bag.

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