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Time for coltboostin and his fruity troop of fairies to eat some virtual concrete?


Should JP and his squirrel troop:  

98 members have voted

  1. 1. Should JP and his squirrel troop:

    • Eat some virtual wall (Ban)
    • Have adequate brakes and common sense (No ban)

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Some random smart-ass posted the same gay thread over on RC and he ended up looking like a moron. This forum was dead until JP came on last year and you of all people should know that. Go check your hit/post rates since he joined relative to the prior year....or do you not know how to do that, Mr. Moderator? But in the end who gives a fuck what you do. Just rebrand this forum IPSnutswingers.com. Hell, you (IPS) should ban everyone from out of town since if virtually any of our local shops decided to open up in Columbus after hearing about the bullshit IPS puts out, IPS would be gone in 6 months.
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Hell, you (IPS) should ban everyone from out of town since if virtually any of our local shops decided to open up in Columbus after hearing about the bullshit IPS puts out, IPS would be gone in 6 months.




I have neither dealt with IPS nor know any of them personally, but I hear nothing but praise from people on this board in the past year. I know from my experience from on this board (4+ years) if people have a problem with a product/service they don't hesitate to share.


So if what they put out is bullshit, where is the negative feedback? Maybe I missed it somewhere.


This forum was dead until JP came on last year and you of all people should know that. Go check your hit/post rates since he joined relative to the prior year....or do you not know how to do that, Mr. Moderator?


This may be somewhat true, conflict brings lots of attention, especially on this board. But, after so long everyone gets sick of it. More and more people are posting that they are tired of it, as am I. Of course no one really cares about hit/post rates, its not a competition to be the best BOARD EVAR!!! Also, the board wasn't dead there is always activity on here daily.

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I have neither dealt with IPS nor know any of them personally, but I hear nothing but praise from people on this board in the past year. I know from my experience from on this board (4+ years) if people have a problem with a product/service they don't hesitate to share.


So if what they put out is bullshit, where is the negative feedback? Maybe I missed it somewhere.


Of course you'll hear good things from this board. But you are smart to enough to realize you can't always believe what you read on forums....on any subject.

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Not everyone is a fan of IPS, it's just that the people that have had their problems had their say and then moved on. They don't keep bringing shit up over and over, they let the horse die in peace instead of beating it constantly.


JP is now old hat, his era has come and gone without anything really happening. His fast car is no more, so what's it matter what it did? Hard to bench race a car that will never be on the road again.


As for the bet, I think it's possible to pull that off. I've got something in mind that might be able to do it, but who knows. I'm not going to try and make claims about something that I only have in my mind.

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I don't mind JP so much as his hardcore nutswingers such as this tool in this very thread.


"Look at the hits"


Ya, it's because JP. OR! Mayber it's because the sight has become more known each year, which is usually how things work.


Your a fucking idiot.


Ban his squirrels FTW!

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Some random smart-ass posted the same gay thread over on RC and he ended up looking like a moron. This forum was dead until JP came on last year and you of all people should know that. Go check your hit/post rates since he joined relative to the prior year....or do you not know how to do that, Mr. Moderator? But in the end who gives a fuck what you do. Just rebrand this forum IPSnutswingers.com. Hell, you (IPS) should ban everyone from out of town since if virtually any of our local shops decided to open up in Columbus after hearing about the bullshit IPS puts out, IPS would be gone in 6 months.


Alright, I 've had about enough from you cockbags. I'll state my piece and then bow out of this pissing match.


I work(ed) for a shop in direct competition with IPS. Yes, we specialize in a different vehicle, but there is overlap. I do know Jeff, Brett, Mike, and Greg from IPS on a social basis. I am also familiar with their education backrounds, Business sense, and personal ethics. You, jackass, cannot be further from the truth in the foul stench you are spewing. If I wasn't capable of doing my own work to my car, IPS is the first place I would take it.


As any human with one iota of business experience knows, you perform the work that your customers ask of you. Should a customer have handed you the keys to their car, and the money, with a request for an 150 mph trapping car, it would have been built for that purpose. But I am quite sure that there has never been such a request made to IPS. yes, the good Dr. has entrusted them with a car capable of such feats, but it surely had nothing to do with beating the Colt.


They are in the customer service business and not the race business. how hard is that for you to understand? I still, suprisingly, have respect for what JP has accomplished, yet I would have absolutely no interest in waisting my businesses money to prove to you, or anyone else I can build a cheap, incredibly fast, shitbox simply to have chest thumping rights over a bunch of whining bitches such as yourselves.


Get over yourselves and get a fucking clue. Bring your businesses and try to put IPS out of business. You are in for a sad reality.


With all due respect, get fucked!

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With all due respect, get fucked!


Couldn't have said it better myself. :nod:


This has zero to do with IPS and everything to do with you guys being a bunch of douche-bags. Keep posting, you’re proving my poll is valid.

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What the fuck is the problem here?


I offered a gentleman’s bet. IPS countered, we modified it, and now have an agreed bet. I made one more post to clarify it, so that neither party can backpedal out of it later.


That’s it. Its not a hard fucking concept. Now why would you try and say (with this thread) that all the backlash of absurdly stupid, uneducated, dumb, ignorant, thoughtless and 99% of the time meaningless and unrelated to the topic responses posted by CR members-is some how my fault? :wtf: Fuck that, and fuck you for implying it. You can PM me your phone number, and I will tell you the same.


You can show up when I am in C-bus, and I will tell it to your face. This is such a weak crock of shit its amazing you can come up with it sober in any way. If this is how it is, if I am labeled as a trouble maker for setting up a fun challenge, and then being riddled with 140posts of useless bullshit by YOUR core members-then you can go fuck yourself.


And if your going to continue to be a pussy and ban me for this, then that’s a sad way for IPS to get out of a bet that not only did they agree to, but suggested in the first place!


All I want is IPS to say OK to the terms, and have it made a sticky so no one can question the outcome come Nov. 1. Evidently, that is to hard of a task for 95% or CR to comprehend.

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Also, to all the sad fucks that wank off to CR at night conjuring up more posts of useless crap backed by not one stinking fact (that in the end I will some how get the blame for)-have you met me? Have you spoke to me? Ask the people that have about me before you attempt to draw an opinion. Or, if your pussy is sore, PM me, and I will gladly send you my # so you can talk to me in person. I know many of you keyboard warriors may not be comfortable with that-since you will be out from behind the safety of the monitor-where the world will be able to tell what a weak, sorry person you may be-that kid in high school that wished he fuck my girlfriends, the one that hated the jocks, and still has it out for the “popular guy”.


I invite John T, Sam, Linn, Anthony, and the other virtual god fathers of the site to post about me, their honest opinions. They are the ones that race, they are the opinions I give 2 shits about. The rest of you idiots that are cluttering up the forums can continue to sit back and masturbate to our videos, times, and achievements per the usual.

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Also, to all the sad fucks that wank off to CR at night conjuring up more posts of useless crap backed by not one stinking fact (that in the end I will some how get the blame for)-have you met me? Have you spoke to me? Ask the people that have about me before you attempt to draw an opinion. Or, if your pussy is sore, PM me, and I will gladly send you my # so you can talk to me in person. I know many of you keyboard warriors may not be comfortable with that-since you will be out from behind the safety of the monitor-where the world will be able to tell what a weak, sorry person you may be-that kid in high school that wished he fuck my girlfriends, the one that hated the jocks, and still has it out for the “popular guy”.


I invite John T, Sam, Linn, Anthony, and the other virtual god fathers of the site to post about me, their honest opinions. They are the ones that race, they are the opinions I give 2 shits about. The rest of you idiots that are cluttering up the forums can continue to sit back and masturbate to our videos, times, and achievements per the usual.

I race, and you are still gay.

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you don't need to keep posting this bet on the forum.




you know their website i'm sure just call them and spare us the fucking drama.



There would be no drama at all if the CR public would just let it be. Let IPS respond, and leave it at that. That's a simple concept you would think right?


Also, making it the bet puclic makes it accountable. How hard would it be for IPS to back out, or renig on a bet made in private between them and I? In turn, how would they be able to now that its public? ;)

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I don't care for the kid but like so few on here at least he go's/went out and ran unstead of talking about it. Leave him alone, if he bothers you that much don't go in the kitchen. I mean hell that james69camaro bothers me be he is still here. plus this place is for shit talking and bs.


Oh and there are more shops than IPS on this board and people that support them as well, so don't think it is becouse we all love Ips. Hell they all were baned not to long ago

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Some random smart-ass posted the same gay thread over on RC and he ended up looking like a moron. This forum was dead until JP came on last year and you of all people should know that. Go check your hit/post rates since he joined relative to the prior year....or do you not know how to do that, Mr. Moderator? But in the end who gives a fuck what you do. Just rebrand this forum IPSnutswingers.com. Hell, you (IPS) should ban everyone from out of town since if virtually any of our local shops decided to open up in Columbus after hearing about the bullshit IPS puts out, IPS would be gone in 6 months.


Normally I don't like to get involved in these sorts of things, but now I feel like you are attacking me personally. First of all, I am not random. I have been a part of this community since it's inception. I am not just some random nobody kid that just got a computer, and his drivers license.


Second, I am not sure how my post on RC made me look like a "moron". It actually looks like the population over there were split on keeping him. I suppose I misjudged how much everyone enjoys drama. I also seem to recall you declined to respond to my last message to you in that thread. Then again it is difficult to argue with sound logic.


Now, concerning my distain for JP. My perception of him are as follows(or at least my perception of the person his displays on the internet). JP is in great need of acceptance, and attention. JP reminds me of a little yappy dog jumping up at you saying "Pet ME!! Pet ME!! PLAY WITH ME!" He will copy and paste the same message on multiple forums trying to get people to stroke his ego, and provide him with said attention.














I won't go through and find all of said postings, but if one were so inclined, they could certainly do so.


Now that his car is gone, and he can't talk trash with it, his constant posts concerning IPS obviously garner him what he needs. As much as I hate to agree with Jeff, arguing with JP is like talking to a child who is holding his ears and screaming NO as if talking louder will win the argument.


It's old. It was old a year ago. THAT is why I made my post on RC suggesting he be banned. He is an annoying little rat dog with to much energy, and too much of a need for attention. His inferiority complex, and need to prove himself needs to go.


Now concerning you and I. You have called me an asshole. You have called me a dick. You have implied that I have made myself look like a Moron. I have never started a thread with you. I have never addressed you in a thread unless I was responding to you. The only reason I can see that you have a beef with me is because of my dislike of JP. I am very interested in hearing what you have to say on the subject.

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