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Time for coltboostin and his fruity troop of fairies to eat some virtual concrete?


Should JP and his squirrel troop:  

98 members have voted

  1. 1. Should JP and his squirrel troop:

    • Eat some virtual wall (Ban)
    • Have adequate brakes and common sense (No ban)

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I say keep him.....I think its entertianing to read him make a fool of himself. I don't know JP and he may be a totally different in person. But thats not what we see. Maybe if he would have made it down here to actually race then the forum might have a different opinion of him. But he didn't so all we have to go on is what he post on the internet. And from what I have read, he is just looking for attention. I like the bet, it will be interesting to see the outcome. But JP has gone too far with trying to get them to committ to it. It got annoying real fast. In conclusion, JP seems very knowledgable when it comes to cars and could contribute to the board in a positive way. and this is just the internet. If he wants to post some stupid crap in the kitchen, then who cares thats what it is there for. Don't read his threads! This will all blow over and we can look back on it and laugh about it. But hey....I won't miss him if he is banned.



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Keep them around. Winter is to long without them.


NOW, JP does seem to bring some car sense with him. But he never provides it. Its always "your car is slow", "we have cars that will beat that off spray","you will need more than that to beat anything here." That shit is annoying.


If they ever do make it down here I wouldnt mind seeing their cars. Fuck it keep them on.

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Now concerning you and I. You have called me an asshole. You have called me a dick. You have implied that I have made myself look like a Moron. I have never started a thread with you. I have never addressed you in a thread unless I was responding to you. The only reason I can see that you have a beef with me is because of my dislike of JP. I am very interested in hearing what you have to say on the subject.


Howard, I believe you have been an asshole and a dick in your responses towards JP. I felt these were bandwagon comments taken to a personal level towards someone you do not know and generally have nothing to do with. I would respond in a similar way again to someone I actually knew (and have on our local forums). So it's not personal.


Regarding your CR post, I actually forgot you started that one until I just checked. So your hard-on for JP has caused my reaction back to you. Again nothing personal since I've never met you. I'm sure you're a decent guy. Maybe I'll meet you at the next Supra meet and we can put this behind us.

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The best part in all of this mess is that people speak of the drama I bring. The drama is caused by the countless posts of off-topic shit made against me, simply because I am coltboostin, all of which come from people that 100% have not had any personal contact with me. I don’t invite it, I never asked for it-yet no matter how non-confrontational the thread is, like this one I made just to clarify the terms of the bet.




In this post, I made not one confrontational statement, and did not dog, call out, ect anyone. Yet, it is immediately filled by stupid posts by your fellow CR brethren. There is no need for this shit-and if I am going to be blamed for dumb people’s posts I can control, than I don’t even care to be here. Its ridiculous how stupid this has gotten.



Beefcake, since you started this thread, and you have some issue with me, why don’t you take off the skirt and send me a PM if you really have a problem with me? I would be glad to talk in person.

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I didn't know you were portuguese.. is that like a step up form puerto rican? I thought Alex was Asian? The only guy I know named Alex is from Taiwan. woohoo one more post to my post count.

Bitch, portuguese people rock! Actually, Portuguese society is basically still rooted in their accomplishments from the 1400's. Not exactly the cult of civilization. Still, they have fucking amazing food and hot bitches.

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The best part in all of this mess is that people speak of the drama I bring. The drama is caused by the countless posts of off-topic shit made against me, simply because I am coltboostin, all of which come from people that 100% have not had any personal contact with me. I don’t invite it, I never asked for it-yet no matter how non-confrontational the thread is, like this one I made just to clarify the terms of the bet.




In this post, I made not one confrontational statement, and did not dog, call out, ect anyone. Yet, it is immediately filled by stupid posts by your fellow CR brethren. There is no need for this shit-and if I am going to be blamed for dumb people’s posts I can control, than I don’t even care to be here. Its ridiculous how stupid this has gotten.




I would say the reason you have gotten so much shit is people are getting tired of seeing you post the same stuff over and over and over. Yes you have a hard-on for IPS we all know that. If you wanted to finalize the bet you should have done it in PM's and if they didn't respond you could have called them.

Once you guys had everything worked and and agreed upon they post up the details for everyone to talk about what have you.


As for banning you I don't see a reason for it you talk shit and there's nothing wrong with that.

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I would say the reason you have gotten so much shit is people are getting tired of seeing you post the same stuff over and over and over. Yes you have a hard-on for IPS we all know that. If you wanted to finalize the bet you should have done it in PM's and if they didn't respond you could have called them.

Once you guys had everything worked and and agreed upon they post up the details for everyone to talk about what have you.


As for banning you I don't see a reason for it you talk shit and there's nothing wrong with that.


They finally started responding to PM's so I am trying to get them to finalize it.


This could be the last time I post the same stuff over, and over, and over again as you say. They are being given the opportunity to shut me the fuck up. They just need to sign on the dotted line and take it.

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Guest MlnknprkrM
As soon as Jp is banned, everyone is going to be sitting around looking for something to do. I enjoy reading controversial stuff, it helps the day pass by a bit more quickly.
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HA! what the fuck is wrong with the v8ftw-bullshitters on this board? Still making fun of him and his Colt even after it's gone. I voted to keep him because life is pointless if everyone in this world is a lifeless trend-troll. So, in summary, he should be banned because people don't agree with him wanting to make bets? Sweet, mostly everyone here reads his threads anyway despite claiming they hate reading what he has to say. It's pretty damn immature to make a fucking poll to ban someone as well. I mean come on, he never threatened anyone, he doesn't spam, he posts legit shit(in my opinion at least). Give him a break.
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HA! what the fuck is wrong with the v8ftw-bullshitters on this board? Still making fun of him and his Colt even after it's gone.

I love how it's the V8 guy's fault.


Take a look at who in this thread is posting about getting rid of him. 3/4 of the guys are NON-V8 drivers. Nice try there bub.


I agree with Howard, his online persona comes off as someone desperately seeking attention. The needy dog comment was spot-on. Hell, I don't read a lot of his threads even, because they all seem to be the same thing.

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I love how it's the V8 guy's fault.


Take a look at who in this thread is posting about getting rid of him. 3/4 of the guys are NON-V8 drivers. Nice try there bub.


Last I checked, there are several threads related to Colt, not this just one, "bub." And if it's not relating to a type of engine, then why do so many make fun of his car? They don't like how it looks or it's not popular? Sounds like a bunch of horse's asses to me. Atleast he's contributing SOMETHING on this website. Oh, and this is the internet, where personas typically come off differently then in real life.

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