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Dr. Z06 calls out the Drift King in Vegas.

Dr. Pomade

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Sounds like an awesome time.


I plan on hitting Vegas again within the next year. How were the rooms at Palms? Was the pricing decent there? Last time I went we stayed at the Stratosphere (visit the tower, nothing special about the rest, and the location kind of sucks, as does the pool there).


The rooms at the Palms were fine. Spacious, clean, and with all the amenities you would really need. Pricing, for me, was great - it averaged at right around $150 per night. However, I've looked into going to the Palms at other times during the year, and it's been much, much higher - like $350 per night high. Depends on when you go, I would imagine - summer seems like kind of a down-time (if you can call it that) in Vegas (as opposed to say, around the Super Bowl).


We actually stayed at the Stratosphere the first time we went to Vegas. Dude, that place is straight up 1976. You have got to get away from there. You're absolutely right, the location does suck, and there's nothing really worthwhile about the place. Get your ass down to the other end of the Strip. :)


I thought what happened in Vegas, stays in vegas? :confused::p


You think I actually shared all the details/pics that came out of my trip? Come on now... ;)

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Tilley, OMGWTFBBQSAUSE! you're having all the fun this weekend.


Actually, I've been to vegas so keep those pictures, but the girl ... Now that's something I don't sleep next to, so more of those, would be beyond appreciated.





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Great story. You do like kinda famous, I guess. :)


The wife and I tried to get into the Ghost Bar years ago. I think it was when we were there for our wedding. It's like 10:00 at night, still 90 some fucking degrees, and the one of the guys who was working stops me and says "You can't come in dressed like that. Long pants, shirt with a collar." Of course, I had shorts and some other t-shirt on. I was pissed. Not because I really wanted to get in (I didn't), but the fact that they were making you wear pants when you're in the middle of the fucking desert and it's hotter than hell. So anyway, Wease will never attend any bar in Vegas where he has to wear pants... :finger:

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Like Sean said, great story, sounds like it was an awesome trip. Those prices for rooms at the Palms are much better then I thought they would be. :cool:


Me: "Listen, man, you know I'd walk your ass from a 40 roll."

Him: "What?"

Me: "You know it. Get your Z so I can drag it down the Strip."

Him: "Ha! You don't want none of this!"

Me: "Let's do this!"

Just picturing this conversation... :lol: :lol:

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Great story. You do like kinda famous, I guess. :)


The wife and I tried to get into the Ghost Bar years ago. I think it was when we were there for our wedding. It's like 10:00 at night, still 90 some fucking degrees, and the one of the guys who was working stops me and says "You can't come in dressed like that. Long pants, shirt with a collar." Of course, I had shorts and some other t-shirt on. I was pissed. Not because I really wanted to get in (I didn't), but the fact that they were making you wear pants when you're in the middle of the fucking desert and it's hotter than hell. So anyway, Wease will never attend any bar in Vegas where he has to wear pants... :finger:


Yeah, I've never been to Vegas during the spring/summer months, so I was shocked by the sheer heat when we first got there. We step out of the airport in Vegas, it's like 10pm there, and it was still like 95 degrees. I was like, "Holy fuck this is hot." Then, the following day, it was 106 degrees, and the day after that it was 108 degrees. Yeah, just a tad bit fucking warm, you know?

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Yeah, I've never been to Vegas during the spring/summer months, so I was shocked by the sheer heat when we first got there. We step out of the airport in Vegas, it's like 10pm there, and it was still like 95 degrees. I was like, "Holy fuck this is hot." Then, the following day, it was 106 degrees, and the day after that it was 108 degrees. Yeah, just a tad bit fucking warm, you know?


Yeah, but it's a dry heat. ;)


Actually, if you've been in serious heat and humidity in the south (I lived in Biloxi, MS for nearly 4 years), the dry heat out there isn't really that bad. You can move around comfortably in that heat without wanting to kill yourself right away... :nod:

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thats why the day is for going to the pool and getting ripped and the night is for going out


Fixed to more accurately reflect my experiences. I don't go to Vegas to sleep. ;)


Yeah, but it's a dry heat. ;)


Actually, if you've been in serious heat and humidity in the south (I lived in Biloxi, MS for nearly 4 years), the dry heat out there isn't really that bad. You can move around comfortably in that heat without wanting to kill yourself right away... :nod:


You know, I haven't experienced that sort of deep South heat. The furthest south I've ever been is Myrtle Beach, and, well, that's the beach, so I don't think that quite qualifies. I've heard what you're talking about though with respect to the sheer humidity of it down there. In fact, while we were in Vegas, some guy from Miami was telling us about how miserable it is there this time of year because of the humidity. He also told us that he owned a club in Miami, and, from personal experience, I tend not to believe anything a person says if they tell me they own a club, so who knows if he was being truthful about the weather.

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Great story....I was married with a child by 21 so suffice it to say I did not spend much time in Vegas partying it up. My only hope is my youngest will be 18 when I am only 43 so maybe I can come up with some stories then. Until then I will live vicariously through you guys!
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Florida humidity is the real deal, I lived on the panhandle for 2.5 years and in the summer with alot of humidity it is horrible! I thought it was the worst heat ever....until I went to Korea, and found out that Florida's heat and humidity does not hold a candle to what it was like there!


I went to Vegas when I was 16 and will have to sat that was the most comfortable 100+ degree heat I have been in.

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The furthest south I've ever been is Myrtle Beach, and, well, that's the beach, so I don't think that quite qualifies.



I've been there when the temp was around 100 with 90+% humidity. The heat index was over 130. :eek::eek:

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You know, I haven't experienced that sort of deep South heat. The furthest south I've ever been is Myrtle Beach, and, well, that's the beach, so I don't think that quite qualifies. I've heard what you're talking about though with respect to the sheer humidity of it down there. In fact, while we were in Vegas, some guy from Miami was telling us about how miserable it is there this time of year because of the humidity. He also told us that he owned a club in Miami, and, from personal experience, I tend not to believe anything a person says if they tell me they own a club, so who knows if he was being truthful about the weather.


Had to laugh about the club owner comment....long story there. He's right about Miami humidity...it's miserable..better yet try Puerto Rico in the summer. We make 3-4 trips a year to Puerto Rico and the ones in the summer are miserable...I eat fried food all week and still manage to loose weight!!


I need to get to Vegas...been wanting to go for a few years...this only makes it worse.



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Reading the part about how you bypassed the club waiting line makes me think of Johnny Cage's Friendship from MK:


'To my number one fan - Johnny Cage'


Did you give the guy an autograph? Ever figure out who he thought you were?


Sounds like a great trip. I am living vicariously through you.

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