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Who wants to see a grown man cry?

Science Abuse

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This upcoming saturday, D day for the cougar. Lapping day at mid-ohio, first with TKo 5 speed and 13" brakes.

4 weeks ago: Take cougar to shop for tranny swap, brake swap, and wheel bearings. Shop gets zoned out of town, forced to move.

2 weeks ago: take cougar to Lasota for tanny swap

10 days ago: retreive car with new tranny, exhaust now wont fit.

9 days ago: 4hrs making new exhaust

8days ago: 3 hours rewiring battery and installing box

7 days ago: install electric fan and wiring

6 days ago: finaly get wiring right.

5 days ago: F1

4 days ago: Up late installing new knuckle and wheel bearing assemblies

3 days ago, brand new wheel bearings ruined, insufficient torque on retaining nut

2 days ago: fix one bearing. Wreck beloved benzo, I have no alternate track car.

Last night: fix other bearing

Today: brake swap, pack the car, and clean it up a bit.....but no


Today on the way to work, the car sputters and dies. I see the gas gauge, not quite empty, but close. An hour of walking later, I get gas in it and drive it 200yds to work.

Lunch break, depart for gas station, car sputters and dies after a mile.

Run 3/4 mile to gas station, run back with 3 gal of fuel. Car still wont start, looks like fuel pump. Run mile back to work to avoid being late.


Seriously my woman and my kid are the only things keeping me from totaly going off the deep end right now. For two weeks I've been eating only one meal a day for the sake devoting the rest of my time to that fucking car, AND IT DIES THE FUCKING DAY BEFORE THE EVENT! I'm out of cars for life, I swear to god, some one come buy these things, I'm going to start riding my bike everywhere.

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In top of that, I'm out of money. Not litteraly, of course, I' wouldn't put myself in that situation. I'm just out of money that I can spare for cars, and then some.

It'll need a tow, no AAA

Benz needs fixed at my expence

Deductable needs paid

Ticket needs paid

insurance needs paid

Car payment for wrecked car needs paid

Credit card needs paid.


I'm going to fuckin cry. The gods have been stacking up obstacles to this weekends event for 4 weeks straight now, and finaly they've just outright smote the damn car. I swear, when I die I'm going to beat the hell out of all of them. On the up side, I ran two miles or so today. yey

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My weekend is ruined, all the last minute cramming is for naught. But there may be a small glimmer of hope with the car itself.

These gas tanks have a reputation for starvation when they get low. I've just been able to put 2.5 gallons in at a time, the capacity of my port'a'fuel cannister. Maybe I just need to dump 10gal in there and it'll be fine. That still doesn't explain why it wouldn't start after applying fuel the second time.

I let it sit for 4 hours and it started right up, then sputtered out at the first turn. I'm wondering if the pump doesn't default off when it gets hot from sucking air. Ya think?

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Guest No_Speed4_You
If you need use of my AAA i'd be happy to help' date=' or at least offer. I have the gold or premium package (every DSM owner does i believe, comes with the purchase of the car) so i'd be glad to let you use a tow.[/quote']



AAA comes stardard with the ownership of a DSM. I've used my miles up on mine in 3 months.

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