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FS: Dremel Kit ~ variable speed


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Selling a dremel kit I got two years ago and have used maybe once? It's been sitting in storage forever and I really have no use for it. I'm not looking at it right now but it's the variable speed model that plugs in, and has quite a few attachements (i also bought some attachments for it). I believe the purchase price was around 100 bucks at the time of purchase...I'd let her go for 50 bucks if anyone wants it. Let me know!






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Whats the deal with this? is it sold?



Selling a dremel kit I got two years ago and have used maybe once? It's been sitting in storage forever and I really have no use for it. I'm not looking at it right now but it's the variable speed model that plugs in, and has quite a few attachements (i also bought some attachments for it). I believe the purchase price was around 100 bucks at the time of purchase...I'd let her go for 50 bucks if anyone wants it. Let me know!



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It's still available...I just havn't made it down to Athens to get it out of storage and take pics of it. I know I purchased several attachments..including a metal cutting one and a wood carving one...and possibly a glass etching one. I'll try to go down tomorrow and get it to provide more information. Sorry for the delay.
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ok thanks, :)


It's still available...I just havn't made it down to Athens to get it out of storage and take pics of it. I know I purchased several attachments..including a metal cutting one and a wood carving one...and possibly a glass etching one. I'll try to go down tomorrow and get it to provide more information. Sorry for the delay.
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Any update?


It's still available...I just havn't made it down to Athens to get it out of storage and take pics of it. I know I purchased several attachments..including a metal cutting one and a wood carving one...and possibly a glass etching one. I'll try to go down tomorrow and get it to provide more information. Sorry for the delay.
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pics up man, sorry for the delay..i really don't know much about it..it has the original manual and an unopened diamond tip attachment, along with a bunch of cutting circles and such....if you have specific questions let me know, i think the picture sums it up though.
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I PM'd this to you earlier today, but I never heard from you. Here’s what happened.


1) You PM'd me to buy the Xbox from you when you had an arrangement with Berto for when he came back in town. You never gave him a call saying you needed the money sooner than you had arranged. You PM'd me; I called Berto to see what was up. I then called you to set something up so the deal wasn't lost from the first two to call dibs. You said you would call me the next day to meet and exchange, YOU never called. Then you went an sold it to someone else AFTER we had an arrangement.


2) The only reason I was going to buy the Xbox from you still was so berto could get it from me when he came in town. You went about things in a shady way. You didn't give Berto the chance to meet YOUR change. Your price was a good deal. The way you handled the deal was crap.


We are over it. We also know now how you handle your sales.

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I PM'd this to you earlier today, but I never heard from you. Here’s what happened.


1) You PM'd me to buy the Xbox from you when you had an arrangement with Berto for when he came back in town. You never gave him a call saying you needed the money sooner than you had arranged. You called me; I called Berto to see what was up. I then called you to set something up so the deal wasn't lost from the first two to call dibs. You said you would call me the next day to meet and exchange, YOU never called.


2) The only reason I was going to buy the Xbox from you still was so berto could get it from me when he came in town. You went about things in a shady way. You didn't give Berto the chance to meet YOUR change. Your price was a good deal. The way you handled the deal was crap.


We are over it. We also know now how you handle your sales.


This is how it happened. But I thank Joe for being honest and calling me to see what the deal was.

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Thanks for giving me the first chance to buy this. i mean after all, I was the one asking about it first.


pics up man, sorry for the delay..i really don't know much about it..it has the original manual and an unopened diamond tip attachment, along with a bunch of cutting circles and such....if you have specific questions let me know, i think the picture sums it up though.
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I PM'd this to you earlier today, but I never heard from you. Here’s what happened.


1) You PM'd me to buy the Xbox from you when you had an arrangement with Berto for when he came back in town. You never gave him a call saying you needed the money sooner than you had arranged. You PM'd me; I called Berto to see what was up. I then called you to set something up so the deal wasn't lost from the first two to call dibs. You said you would call me the next day to meet and exchange, YOU never called. Then you went an sold it to someone else AFTER we had an arrangement.


2) The only reason I was going to buy the Xbox from you still was so berto could get it from me when he came in town. You went about things in a shady way. You didn't give Berto the chance to meet YOUR change. Your price was a good deal. The way you handled the deal was crap.


We are over it. We also know now how you handle your sales.


Ok, however you guys feel. I would appreciate it if a moderator or admin would delete this post....because I've had many successful deals on CR, including a recent one with Ben(Satan) and havn't had any problems with them. Bottom line, I needed the money...and I was going to get it as soon as possible...I'm sorry if you guys don't understand that. It is not however how I handle all my sales, it was under those circumstances that they were handled in that manner.


Please lock/del this thread now.

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Thanks for giving me the first chance to buy this. i mean after all, I was the one asking about it first.


I asked to lock the thread because you do have dibs dakotart...and Ballian said if you didn't buy it he would...therefore I stated it had been sold...however it is still in my possession and you are still the one I assumed was buying it.

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Sorry it appeared to me that it has been sold to the other person who asked about it so I bought one off ebay last night.


thanks though.


I asked to lock the thread because you do have dibs dakotart...and Ballian said if you didn't buy it he would...therefore I stated it had been sold...however it is still in my possession and you are still the one I assumed was buying it.
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You said you needed the money by the 28th, I was going to be in town by the 22nd to buy it. Great we both get what we want in the time we want. Then I don't know or care what happened but you needed the money sooner, I couldn't be in town to buy it before the 22nd so you called Joe and tried to sell it to him without even telling me.


Joe called me to make sure I knew what was going on, but the fact is that you tried to sell it to him without telling me. Then Joe being the straight up guy he is said he would buy it from you immediately so that you got your money and then Joe would sell the Xbox to me at the same price. Basically Joe was doing me a favor. Well you sold it to some one else from under him too without returning his acknowledgement to purchase.


You say you needed the money urgently so you couldn't wait for me, then you didn't even sell it to Joe. Why they heck did you even post it on here, honestly?


Its not a huge deal but its just kind of irritating really.

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