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Different view on gas prices.


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I wanted to share a Messenger conversation I just had with dad. For those that do not know, he owns a gas station in Zanesville. I wanted to remind everyone that the next time you fill up and give the station employer crap about the prices, or ask stupid shit like, "how do you sleep at night", that now, more than ever, the little guys out there are NOT making a killing. They are losing their asses.


Vince says: Your cost go up today?

Fred says: Cost has gone up every day this week.

Vince says:What is your price on reg?

Fred says: Street Price $2.89

Vince says: What does it cost you today?

Fred says: $2.85

Vince says: Nice. Greedy bastard.


That is $.04 a gallon he's making today. And before you say, "yeah, but he sells x,000 gallons a day", remember this - 75% of people use credit cards now. He has to pay 2-3% fees to accept those cards. That means, that today, he is making $.04 and it's costing him $.06 per gallon.


Couple that with people conserving more and driving less (which is a good thing), the small station owners are taking it in the rear right now. So, direct your bitching to companies that are posting RECORD profits, not to these folks. I see this ignorant bitching first-hand every Saturday. Hope this enlightened someone.

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Exxon = Anti-Christ


$9 billion profit in one quarter. Highest profit in one quarter by any company ever.

And they still got almot $1billion in tax breaks so they could "explore for more oil."

Want to rule the world? Control it's energy. These time are so much like "Dune" It's not even funny. Replace "The Spice" with Oil, what do you have. The stuff you need to keep the world moving is in God awfull places full of warring angry people. Its controlled and manipulated by governments, and in the end, the entire cost is passed on down to you. If it stops, we as a whole are totaly screwed. The spice must flow.

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Guest powers

well the only issue with that orginal thought is that for the fuel the fule comapies cover the expense of the credit card fees.


If you notice alot of the non corporate gas stations will have multiple card car machines due to this.

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Guest lis9400
hmmm.. wonder why bush isnt stepping in. its like.. he used to be in the oil business or something. :confused:


If you were refering to Bush doing something about gas prices.....

Bush has investments in companys like exxon. Why would he want to lower their profits by reduceing gas prices??? That would mean he would lose money... a republican do something for the good of the middle class people?? :funny:

__ NOT trying to be a bitch just being honest.


Is Ohio a mainly deomcratic or republican state?




And 2.89 is cheap compared to the 3.15 in NY. Last summer it was up to an average of 3.50- 4 a gallon.

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If you were refering to Bush doing something about gas prices.....

Bush has investments in companys like exxon. Why would he want to lower their profits by reduceing gas prices??? That would mean he would lose money... a republican do something for the good of the middle class people?? :funny:

__ NOT trying to be a bitch just being honest.


Is Ohio a mainly deomcratic or republican state?




And 2.89 is cheap compared to the 3.15 in NY. Last summer it was up to an average of 3.50- 4 a gallon.


Bush doesn't have money in oil companies. Cheney and Bush's family do. Cheney has lots of stock in Exxon. Imagine that.


Ohio is a swing state. That's why presidential candidates spend so much time here. We swing both ways. Woohoo.

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well the only issue with that orginal thought is that for the fuel the fule comapies cover the expense of the credit card fees.


If you notice alot of the non corporate gas stations will have multiple card car machines due to this.


No, Greg, they do not cover it. He is NOT a company-owned location. He gets a better rate than other small businesses due to the large number of privately-owned stores involved in the same agreement. This is my family's business; I know it inside and out. The percentage comes STRAIGHT out of his wallet.


He refuses to take AmEx because they are a FULL % higher.

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Ethanol is only a temporary solution, just like Hybrid vehicles. What E85 and Hybrids have in common is that they make people more comfortable using alternate energy sources. Motorheads like people here are reluctant to get away from using high-octane fuels because we love performance. Normal people don't like alternate energy because its change, and change scares ignorant people. What E85 and Hybrids allow for is taking a concept people are familiar with (the internal combustion engine, in this case) and slowly adapting it to the needs of the future. Ethanol allows for combustion to still occur while being relatively enviro-friendly. Hybrids allow for performance with a gas engine with the efficiency of the electrical engine. Right now we have the ability to convert to a different type of energy to power vehicles, but with the political power of oil companies and the resistence to change of the general public, reliance on gasoline will only be extinct when the oil reserves dry up.


In short, fuck the big oil companies for A) forcing us to rely on them and their monopolistic competition, B) jerking us around with absurd prices that the government simply allows to be regulated by the market (they refuse to raise the minimum wage and refuse to put a cap on gas prices) and C) not giving jack shit back to the community.

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I love ethy ahkly. makes me kinda laugh though. Could you imagine countrys fighting over corn feilds? ;-)

Actually no one wants to fight over corn fields, because corn is a relatively inefficient way of producing ethanol. Just ask the Brazilian sugar cane lobbyists in Washington that are trying to get their cheaper, more efficiently produced ethanol to be sold cheaper and with fewer tariffs in the U.S. The U.S. Agricultural lobby has an insane amount of power in Washington given how completely useless the industry is. Just imagine all the farmland in tornado alley being used to manufacture steel or plastic or whatever as cheaply as they can overseas. America is seriously fucked up.

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