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Any of you ever had to put a dog down?


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If so, how did you know it was time? My Golden Retriever is now 14 years old, and is getting quite rusty. Mostly mornings, she has a hard time getting up and moving. But, the rest of the day she's usually fine, until today. She just seems lost, like she almost doesnt know whats going on, etc. Any other dog I'd just take outside and shoot, but not this one. Just wanted to hear from somebody who has had to do this to their pet(s) before. If we have her put to sleep, can we get her back afterwards to bury her or? I'm clueless as to the procedure. The vet wants me to make an appointment just to get these answers.
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I went with my Mom to put her cat down and it was peaceful but very sad. It cost me over $200. She got a tin with her cat's name on it ashes in it. My mom could not afford it so I payed. They cremate the animals. She knew because the cat was 14-15 years old and was not eating or drinking and was nothing but bones and could barely get around. I even miss that cat. One of the hardest things to watch in my life next to holding my grandfathers hand and waiting as they took him off life support. :(
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If you would like I could give you the number to the animal hospital my girlfriend works at and you could give her a call. I'm not sure on their prices but they do the cremation thing. Or well if youre going to see your vet already then you should get all the info there. But let me know man
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Had too put down our cat last year. her lungs were filled with fuild and she had fuild around her heart as well. Was real hard for my wife to do but she knew it was for the best. Best thing I can say is take him to a vet and see what they think. To put paton down was around $180 and that included the visit as well I'll ask my wife tonight how our vet is if you would like.
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Last year, we had to put down one of our cats due to kidney failure. It was pricey, i wanna say around 100 bucks. We also had her cremated and the company that did it, gave us a nice wooden box with a plaque.. and a very unexpected, cast his paw. I cried.


Putting him down was so hard. He was the first pet i had ever hand picked. (the rest of mine are rescues, as in i rescued them, not shelter rescued)


You have do the thing that is the hardest part. You have to think of their quality of life. Its what the vet will tell you as well. I dont know how i will ever do it again, but i know ithat i will have to, as we have 5 pets. I hope your doggy is just feeling draggy fromt he last few days and the heat. You might want to call your vet and see if they think you should come in.


Good luck.

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we had to put a cat down last year, i dont remember what it cost though. i actually got him and his brother off a friend of mine who was about to just let them wander off outside. he had liver disease, kidney disease, water in his lungs. he wandered off for a few days, my mom found him under the neighbors tree, brought him home, and the next day he wasnt breathing right, took him to the vet and they put him down. i only had him for about 6 months, but it was hard..


his brother, my cat now, ive had him for about a year and a half...hes one of the oddest pets ive had...he eats tapioca pudding, sleeps right next to me, sits on the table while im eating (if im just by myself...not a nice dinner w/ people lol). if he died, i would probably take a couple days off work...hes like a family member

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We had to put our family dog of 15 years down a few years ago, he was a Pembroke welsh corgi cutest dog ever. I grew up with it. He ended up contracting a few diseases and his body slowly but surely started shutting down. It was really hard to watch, it felt almost as if a family member was passing away right in front of my eyes.


I bought a AKC Black Lab right before my other dog passed away to try and help I guess? And I'll tell you what, watching them put him to sleep was one of the hardest things I've ever done.


But I was glad that it was painless and it felt nice to know that he's in a better play now. I was shocked at how quickly he went down though, it literally was a matter of seconds. It really felt like a family member was gone, so many memories and good times.

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This is really sad stuff.. I love my dog to death and get choked up just thinking about this stuff.. She's 7 so I'm hoping she has a lot of good years left.


I'm curious if there are other humane ways of doing this other than going to the vet? I know Ally is TERRIFIED every time we go to the vet and I'd hate for her to spend her last moments there.. I'm guessing that's the only way but just wondered if anybody has any idea?

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A few years back I got a puppy from my sisters b/f of the time. I spent alot of time with him rarely leaving him alone he even went to work with me. He was the best dog I ever had and I miss him to this day, once he started getting sick I really didn't know what to do. Finally it got so bad the vet told me he needed put down, I'm not going to lie I cried like a girl he was such a good little dog and so young. My sister took him to the vet for me and the next morning I barried him at my dad's golf course. I guess all I can say is get the most time you can because once they are gone they never come back.
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This is really sad stuff.. I love my dog to death and get choked up just thinking about this stuff.. She's 7 so I'm hoping she has a lot of good years left.


I'm curious if there are other humane ways of doing this other than going to the vet? I know Ally is TERRIFIED every time we go to the vet and I'd hate for her to spend her last moments there.. I'm guessing that's the only way but just wondered if anybody has any idea?

This is one of my fears. My dog hates the vet and would get sick just being there. Would a vet let you administer the shot yourself at a park or somewhere of your own pick? My dog has been with me for 15 of my 19 years and lately I've been fearing this kind of stuff.

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I would take her to the vet first, it's not a decision you wanna make really easily. Like said earlier, she may just be sick. Depending on her size, a Golden should have a year or 2 more in her. If she's having trouble moving around in the morning just give her an aspirin.
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Guest Ponyfreak
Just shoot it in the head. If you cannot handle it get a friend that will stop by when noone is around, kill it, and dispose of the body. The whole family can just pretend like the dog ran away.
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Guest Ponyfreak
Next time your viper breaks something we will come down to KY and just light it on fire for ya. Then you can tell the insurance company that it was arson :cool:



I do not know what point you are trying to make here.


I have had to put down many family pets i.e. dogs, horse, cats. More times that not I had a tear in my eye when I did it. I know it is a hard thing to do, but you have to suck it up and just do it. No sense in prolonging the animals suffering or paying stupid amounts of money to accomplish the same goal.


For some people it is too hard to pull the trigger. That is where a friend of the family can be very helpful and help the family cope with their loss.

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My dog has kidney failure. We got her from a border collie rescue about five years ago. We estimate that she is about ten years old. Because of her kidney failure she has to wear diapers and has to get medicine three times a day. I am very sure that soon she will have to be put down.
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Just shoot it in the head. If you cannot handle it get a friend that will stop by when noone is around, kill it, and dispose of the body. The whole family can just pretend like the dog ran away.




I don't know if you're joking or what. But, I've been thinking towards this way. Ive put like 5 down by shooting them before. They were just hunting dogs, so it'll be a little different this time around. She seems to be doing better today, but who knows. Vet can't get her in until tomorrow. I know Im gonna catch alot of grief for what I just said, but, maybe it would be best if I did it. Hopefully she gets better, and I wont have to resort to either for some time. Thanks folks. Ill post back and let everybody whats up.

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I had to put my 13 year old Boxer to sleep last November. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. I don't care who knows it, I still get teary eyed when I think about her. She was the best dog a guy could have. When I took her into the vet I could hardly look at her. I loved her so much. It makes me sad just thinking about it.


I just got another dog a few months ago, a Siberian Husky puppy. I had wanted one my whole life. I don't think I'll ever get as attached to a dog as I did my boxer though.

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don't have the animal put down... if you really look at it as part of your family... find out what's wrong with it and get it treated... that simple....


if your parents or sister had kidney failure, you wouldn't take them out back and shoot them.... so why would you with your dog? Now if you don't think of it as part of your family, take it out back, play catch with it.... and then when it's bringing back the ball shoot it between the eyes.

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