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So let me get this straight

Science Abuse

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*How many troops have died in Iraq?


2,011 American Military casulties as of 7-12-06. (That's since the war started in march of '03.)


I know that answer because I asked that same question.


More people between the ages of 17-23 have died to JUST firearms related deaths in the country(doesn't include the stabbings, poison, and old age deaths). Annually since March of '03. And I don't believe they're doing it because of our foriegn relations policies.


Destroying the lives of people that have been in the area that the terrorist groups are the answer. I think is a good idea. Let's set in these peoples memories for the rest of their lives "Don't fuck with the Americans they'll destroy you're whole fucking country looking for six people." It's worked well for the Mafia.

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Actually, you TWINST your own words, and it's quite funny:)


Making fun of typing skills is not an adequate substitute for having a legitimate point.


The problem with OSUGT's assessment of Benz Guy's opinion of the status quo is that it deals in absolutes; the idea that our president is ABSOLUTELY right in his policy in Iraq, the idea that Israel is ABSOLUTELY right in their intense retribution against Hezbollah, the idea that we would ABSOLUTELY be attacked were it not for the efforts of our valiant armed forces abroad.


While you may be content to feel safe in the "cocoon" that our borders provide (if we can even call it that anymore), I aspire to travel elsewhere in the world and not be hated because I'm American.


I'm not completely defending Benz Guy. The connections he makes are sometimes coincidental and weak at best, but a lot of times he at least makes valid points that don't deal in absolutes.

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*secure Airlines = good, I dontneed my nail clippers. But what about everything else? We've tightened up on one front out of hundreds. There are ways to kill thousands without using a plane.

*Mexicans aren't the security problem, the boarders are.

*Bombing the piss out of people makes them dead, the surivors are angry with us. Your asertion that Fear is the only way to get people to cooperate is the most faciest thing I've ever heard come out of a so-called American. Fear makes people angry, it does not make people cooperate, it makes them act like it (I'm sure Dr. Jon can back that up). The Britsh had the most powerfull military force on the planet, we suffered many defeats. Did it stop the revolution? In terms of comparitive funding, we were alot worse off then than the terrorists as a collective are now. The difference is, they have yet to organize.

*The USS Cole was not in New Your city, neither was the Kenyan ebassy. I said the US.


Here is my two cents - if stem cells show so much promise, how come the bio companies want the government to front the money for research? Why aren't investors on this like white on rice?


If the investors aren't willing to risk their own money, why should we, the taxpayers be forced to do so.


This doesn't ban the research of embryonic stem cells, only FEDERAL funding. The individual states can still fund it, as can private investors.

Dude, thank you for staying on topic. ;) Nice to see some one is.

They actualy are, to a degree. Keep in mind, they're buisnessmen before they are doctors, and anymore it is tough to convince the board to front cash for new projects, let alone contraversial ones. Securing govermentn grants and funding is actualy the means to securing other investors. As Nevarmore said above, things such as this are often a path to bans. No one wants to invest in a new technology if its going to get banned halfway through development.


Actually, you TWINST your own words, and it's quite funny:)

I'm here to spread joy, Jason. :)

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Making fun of typing skills is not an adequate substitute for having a legitimate point.


The problem with OSUGT's assessment of Benz Guy's opinion of the status quo is that it deals in absolutes; the idea that our president is ABSOLUTELY right in his policy in Iraq, the idea that Israel is ABSOLUTELY right in their intense retribution against Hezbollah, the idea that we would ABSOLUTELY be attacked were it not for the efforts of our valiant armed forces abroad.


While you may be content to feel safe in the "cocoon" that our borders provide (if we can even call it that anymore), I aspire to travel elsewhere in the world and not be hated because I'm American.


I'm not completely defending Benz Guy. The connections he makes are sometimes coincidental and weak at best, but a lot of times he at least makes valid points that don't deal in absolutes.



I think you are right, friend. I'm probably one of those old school thinkers that you love to hate. You know, crazy assertions that Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong. That out of his mind, black is black, white is white dimwit.


I offend people with my archaic notion that America is the greatest nation on earth:) I'm sorry if some French guy might make fun of you on your next field trip. I really am.


You know that funny thing about people who believe there are no absolutes? They believe in an absolute:)


Other than that. I've got no hard feelings against anyone. By the way, I am sorry for goofing on the spelling. I just thought it was ironic, that's all.

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I remember two bombs being dropped at the end of a World War, and everyone kinda went "Those guys aren't fucking around, grab some flags from the french and wave them, so they know we're not fighting back."


I'm all for making a glass play ground in the middle east. Long as we can still get the oil afterwards.

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I don't believe that there are no absolutes. I simply believe that treating every societal debate as an absolute right or an absolute wrong is ridiculous.


Slavery was beneficial to white plantation owners who were the ones with both financial and political power. Does that mean slavery was a good thing?

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So instead of asking Where are we going and how did I get in this handbasket, just hold on and enjoy the ride? Sounds fun! :)


Please, for the love of Zeus, let it be Mccain 2008, with Rudy as his running mate. He'd slaughter hilliary.


the only problem i have about mccain is .....illegal imigration.....hes for it . atleast he was. good topic benz i see your points but i dont see how people can say ahh too bad' its war. peace will never happen because there are some people who simply just dont believe in it.

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You know that funny thing about people who believe there are no absolutes? They believe in an absolute:)


LOL - true story.


I heart OSUGT.


Not taking sides, either, BTW. I could give a fuck less what this thread is actually about. So, I guess I'll promptly eject myself from it.



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Dude, thank you for staying on topic. ;) Nice to see some one is.

They actualy are, to a degree. Keep in mind, they're buisnessmen before they are doctors, and anymore it is tough to convince the board to front cash for new projects, let alone contraversial ones. Securing govermentn grants and funding is actualy the means to securing other investors. As Nevarmore said above, things such as this are often a path to bans. No one wants to invest in a new technology if its going to get banned halfway through development.


It's not getting banned. IMO, this is not an area where the Federal government should intrude, either by banning it or by funding it. It is a problem that is best left to solve by the free market, which, so far, has proven to be far more efficient than any government.


If we want to complain about how bad the government is and how much they screw things up, why do we keep asking them to do more and more?

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I offend people with my archaic notion that America is the greatest nation on earth:) I'm sorry if some French guy might make fun of you on your next field trip. I really am.


America is the greatest nation on Earth. Sometimes the people in charge of the laws and policies (and how they are made) do not make the best decisions to keep it that way for the majority of our population. I am of the opinion that we should do things for the common good, but sometimes I am outnumbered. That's fine; I understand how a Democracy works. However, when a poor decision is made by one of our leaders that hurts us as a nation, we should look at that decision objectively. It doesn't matter if we are Republican or Democrat, we should all be working together to find a solution to our common problems.


Vetoing federal stem cell research funding may not be the best decision for the majority. Bush thinks abortion is wrong, and like many who feel that way, he thinks that anything related to abortion is bad. I don't think the decision was the right one, nor do I think it was well thought out by him.


I also think that we should be fighting terrorists. I don't think we should be in Iraq. It pisses me off that there are groups that put us in danger, but we do nothing because of political ties with the same countries (i.e., money).


No attacks in 5 years, (and not because they havent tried) true story.


What you just said was a slap in the face to every person fighting the war on terror. Local police, Firemen, FBI, CIA, and military. You have a right to their protection because I assume you are an American. However, with comments like that, the question is, "Do you deserve it?"


Get bent


1.Five years since a major attack is not indicative of us being ahead of the "bad guys". These people take time to plan out their attacks, and they do it well. How much time was there between the other attacks? A longer lapse may just mean a larger threat to us. How many of the people on our most wanted list have been killed or captured?


2.What have you done that Eric has not to deserve your freedom? The rights and the country you love support Eric's ability to speak his opinion. People have died so that he can say the things you don't agree with. To state he should not be able to is arrogant and ignorant. Maybe you should stick with picking on his spelling.


Cliffs notes: Every decision should be an objective one (or as much as possible). Bush may not always make the right decision just because you support him, and he may not always make the wrong decision just because you don't like him.

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Heart Eli, and OSUGT (your PM box is full. :))

Eli's point in the Cliff is one I've tried to make before. "I wanna kick some ass" is not the mentality that you want taking you into battle. People incapable of making cool headed and informed descisions should not be making descisions.


The real reason that Bush veto'd all of the legislation: Because he said he would. Plain and simple. It's likely that he didn't even read it. He vowed to veto all federal funding of stem cell research, and he followed through. Technicaly thats not even making a descision.

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