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Up for 32hrs...


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Assuming I get home rite at 1pm today and fall asleep instantly.. I will have been up for 32hrs. I tried to take a nap at about 6pm this past Friday and had no luck with sleeping.


Suppose to be heading out of town to have a good time today too.. Im thinking that being in bed at 1pm is not going to happen.. will this be a 40hr straight awake time purhapse?


Question is...... whats your bodies longest awake time record?

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Around 54. I was a disaster in College and did stupid experiments to see how far I could push myself. It was a competition with my small asian friend. I won.


I had dillusions, tremors, and was constantly crazy cold by the end. Dont try that at home.

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i did 49 just last week...woke up sunday morning at about 9(after a bachelor party!)...hung around the house until about 11pm...left for vacation at Hilton Head, got down there, thought about napping, then thought about the beach...of course the beach won...then the bars and more drinking...after breakfast finally got to bed Tues morning around 11ish. and i still only catnapped for about 3hrs before going to the beach again!



i've heard that the British Commandos, or whatever they're called have to train one mission staying awake for an entire 72hrs, and still be able to function.

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Guest FrancesTheMute
I think I pulled 36 in basic...I was too paranoid about getting gassed out in the woods that I didn't sleep at all. I was a fucking wreck.
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Guest Whinin
hmm well I did around 40hrs less than a week ago....i dunno i just didnt want to fall asleep and then went to the junkyards for a good 4 hours....then went home and did some stuff to the nissan.....then eventually fell asleep watching spongebob squarepants lmfao
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This is almost unthinkable to me now, but we did a 3 day patrol in jungle warfare school that covered close to 45 miles. We were doing movement to contact drills the whole time. One part we were evaluated on was doing 3 ambush's. I don't remember the 3rd one, other than that we did it, it was like watching it on TV and being in it at the same time. Almost like a drunk feeling without the buzz. The ambush's were the worst because at times you would sit for hours watching your field of fire. We were starting to see shit that wasn't there. It's funny to think about it now, but you were scared awake half the time thinking you saw something move. When it was all done and we were released, 82 hours awake.
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I did 39 hours in Febuary for a school. I was about to tell them I was in charge and that I was going to bed. But we can push ourselves just a little further and we tent to be able to do it. Hands down, it fucking sucks though.
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