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The end of dedication

Chad is Dead

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After years of dedication of trying to find a career I love I finally settled into something I don't. I have to wear a tie which was the #1 thing I didn't want to do. I start 2marrow for CAP Marketing and Counseling. I'm sad and don't wanna go. Feels like I'm throwing away all my dreams. Anyone else ever done this?????? and how was the outcome?
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What exactly were your dreams? I was kinda throwing away my dreams when I decided to goto Columbus State for a business degree. I gave up that real quick and now I'll be going to Full Sail in Florida for recording arts.
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Nothing wrong with a shirt and tie. I swore I would never work in one. Best words I've ever had to eat. I was a skater and snowboarder (still snowboard) and I was anti shirt and tie. Then I realized; if I want to achieve certain other goals, this was part of it.


If you are quitting collage though, please reconsider.

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I like getting dressed up, I'm always looking for an excuse to do it. If I could afford the wardrobe, I'd fuckin change my oil in 3 peice.


Ohh, Armani...in Nomex! Bitchin race suits. Every girls crazy about a sharp dressed man. ;)




Side note: Dont pursue a career in something you love, not this soon. Professionaly speaking, you're about to enter the suck. Climbing the ladder to professional/financial security will make you despise whatever it is you're doing, even if it was something you loved. Work toward an early retirement or a small buisness.


And for fuck sake, stop bitching, Emo kid! :p

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I'm currently not in school. I had to wear a suit and tie and walk around outside all day in the heat for 12 hours and got paid $50. Moral of the story....don't wear at Cap Marketings because it's a fuckin scam. They drop you off somewhere and say "we'll be back around 8" and your stuck. Fuck that shit. And as my dreams go, I can't really put my finger on what exactly I want to do. I just know I want to work a 9-5 for the rest of my life.
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Haha ya they change there name alot I went to that bs after I talked to the guy on the phone and I asked point blank is this door to door and he said no, Then he told me that they did a 8hr interview (said I work with someone for the day and then they decide if I was a fit). So I said ok what the hell and showed up. We all load up and leave and they drive to a complex and drop off 2 people and then drive a couple more blocks and he stops and turns to me and hand me some BS coupons for I think Pizza hut and starts telling me what to say and how much to sell them for. I was like wait I asked you if this was door to door and you said no. He then tells me it is not. I ask so wait I go to that door and try to sell this crap and then after that I go to the next one how is this not d2d. After that I was steaming so bad I not sure what pile of crap fell out of his mouth.

So I told him I am not doing this shit drive me back to my car so I can leave. He says he does not have time, that I will have to walk back ( It was like 10 miles). I told him something along the lines of "If you like breathing you are going to drive me back now" The whole time we drove back he tried to lecture me on how "Grown ups" do things they don't want to and complete things the start.


God that was like close to 10 years ago and I still get all steamed just thinking about that BS

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Jesus fucking christ. I sat on one of those promotional seminars for about 10 minutes, I walked out as soon as i realized it was door-to-door sales.


I cant beleive that, at 22, your bitching about home much life sucks because you dooped yourself into a bad job, cry me a river. For 73 1days (yes, I counted every one) I worked non-stop, no time off, and even 7 days weeks, for Worthington Cylindars for a paycheck and zero benifits. You think you're in a bad way? I wasted two year fresh out of highschool on a job that, the whole time, promised they'd cover my college education if i just worked a little hard and made their regular-full-time staff. Guess what, shares were down, no one was getting hired. Didn't stop them from dangling that carrot in front of me. The list of things I didn;t know how to do in that plant was vastly shorter thent he list of things I could do, and did well. Busted my ass for something so simple, and ended up getting fucked.


Forgive my animocity toward you, but you realy have no fucking clue how bad things can get. Stop bitching and do something about it. And for fuck sake, lose that door-to-door job. you're better off in a factory.


Also, give it time, you'll want nothing but a regular 9-5 job. It makes life so much easier when you're schedule is fixed.

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I hate to say this, but I agree with Eric


boo fucking hoooo


working sucks.... but it's alot better than having no money, no place to live, and no food in your belly... time to grow up... coddling time with mommy and daddy are done.

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I guess it depends on what your dreams were:


- If your dreams were realistic its called giving up.

- If your dreams were stupid its called growing up.


I've met plenty of both.



Ya know I agree to a degree.


When i went into the field I'm in i was told no way i was going to make it anywere or make anywere near 60k. Well they were all wrong.


so if you goals are even remotely obtainable you use the job as a stepping stone or get in the path you want to get were u need to be. thats the key. Whats your job goals?


If your 22 and have no clue what you want, GET ON THE BALL. If your going to these type of things I am assuming your on the get rich quick path. Those things always promise insane shit. Almost as good as amway or quickstar. Set a goal make a path get there. You don't get out of the box making 60+ you work at it.

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Haha ya they change there name alot I went to that bs after I talked to the guy on the phone and I asked point blank is this door to door and he said no, Then he told me that they did a 8hr interview (said I work with someone for the day and then they decide if I was a fit). So I said ok what the hell and showed up. We all load up and leave and they drive to a complex and drop off 2 people and then drive a couple more blocks and he stops and turns to me and hand me some BS coupons for I think Pizza hut and starts telling me what to say and how much to sell them for. I was like wait I asked you if this was door to door and you said no. He then tells me it is not. I ask so wait I go to that door and try to sell this crap and then after that I go to the next one how is this not d2d. After that I was steaming so bad I not sure what pile of crap fell out of his mouth.

So I told him I am not doing this shit drive me back to my car so I can leave. He says he does not have time, that I will have to walk back ( It was like 10 miles). I told him something along the lines of "If you like breathing you are going to drive me back now" The whole time we drove back he tried to lecture me on how "Grown ups" do things they don't want to and complete things the start.


God that was like close to 10 years ago and I still get all steamed just thinking about that BS


HAha I did the same thing. Fuck that shit. It was Jiffy Lube or some thing like that.

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Forgive my animocity toward you, but you realy have no fucking clue how bad things can get. Stop bitching and do something about it. And for fuck sake, lose that door-to-door job. you're better off in a factory.


Also, give it time, you'll want nothing but a regular 9-5 job. It makes life so much easier when you're schedule is fixed.


he speaks the truth. for 3 years right out of high school i worked in a warehouse, making a bit of change, great benefits but no doubt busted my ass every fucking night (5pm-3.30am) for bosses and supervisors who could give a shit less about what a union peeon did. It's an ok life for some guys but i took it to heart when my mom sat me down one day and said that i need to pick a job/career in which i use my head every day, not my muscles to pick up boxes all day.


Since then i left there jumped from shitty job to shitty job and now work in the corporate world, have my own desk, phone, etc... yeah i may just be a corporate grunt, on the bottom rung of the latter. But i'd much rather be a grunt here than where i was 2 years ago. im 22 and have a decent job and a great life and still have my whole life ahead of me, if i want to go back to school i will, if i want to travel i will. quit being so damn depressed about it.

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With time:

Physical labor makes you weaker.

Mental labor makes you smarter.


I made the hop to my current profession from the warehouse thats right outside my door now. YOu never know where opportunity may strike. I'm at the bottom of the totem, but in this position I've traveled all of this great....state....yeah, ok, shut up, I said this was entry level. :p

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