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Need movie ideas...


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I just got the Blockbuster movie pass again and I'm gonna start off with some horror and suspense movies. I'm looking for mainly physcological thrillers and drama suspense. Moves like the Sixth Sense, Se7en and Session 9, only different because the multiple personalities thing has been done too much. Any ideas?
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umm it falls into the horror group.. It will prolly be a movie either you generaly love, or hate. The most current remake of "house on haunted hill". I'm sure you have seen "the ring". If not, you should. The second one was alright but not as good as the first.





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the hills have eyes - fucked up movie but good


high tension - really fucked up and gory.. but awesome


the salton sea - one of val kilmers best movies


revolver - dude from the transporter, interesting movie, different then any others ove seen the way its structured


true romance - tarrintino film excellent A+++


the way of the gun - kick ass movie you gotta watch


Boondock Saints - a classic movie, has a cult following


Swingers - Vince Vaughn John Favreau one of my favorites if nto my #1 film


Adaptation - Nicolas Cage, one of my fav films he is in. (its a thinker film)


History of Violence - good flick as well


Running Scared - Paul Walker can actually act


Matchstick Men - nicolas cage, another good film he is ocd in it, and he is a con man


The jacket - you jsut have to see it


eternal sunshine of the spotless mind - Jim Carey, no not a funny movie.. serious roll and makes you think

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ive seen to many movies.. but i like alot of movies you actually have to have osme kind of thought into. and alot of movies you dont hear about everyday as well. i can list a ton more, but i dont know if your taste are like mine
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2nd vote for Running Scared. Paul Walker totally delivers and the movie dredges society to bring out the worst for this movie. Good stuff.


Also, think about renting some Hitchcock films; The Birds, Vertigo, The Rear Window, Psycho. All movies that you should see before you die.


Try Kairo (Pulse), and its not the shitty looking movie coming out in theaters soon; this is the original 2001 japanese cut of the film done by Kiyoshi Kurosawa (no relation to the legendary Akira). This movie was one Eli Roth's inspirations for Hostel.


Another object of Eli Roth/Tarantino's fandom is Takashi Miike, who cameo'd in Hostel. All of his horror flicks are laden with things that will make you really uneasy, mostly because he likes pushing limits.

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the hills have eyes - pretty good i admit


high tension - really fucked up and STOOPID, i liked it up until the climax WEAK ASS MOVIE imho, maybe something was lost in translation from French, but alot of shit didn't make since.


the way of the gun - kick ass movie you gotta watch...........agreed


History of Violence - good flick............agreed


Running Scared - Paul Walker can actually act........agreed VERY overlooked movie at the theatre good shit


The jacket - you just have to see it..........this is one hell of a good movie imho


i also watch too many movies, i have a "collection" of over 300 dvd's

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