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Please help me win a contest.


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Cols Racing,


I have entered a weight loss contest at work. Who ever can loose the most weight in 30 day's takes home $1000.00


Things about myself. I have been working out at the gym 2 nights a week for the last 4 months, mostly free weights, and started a good solid upper body tone, but since lateley have started to drink pop again and eat a little more than I should. And now I am back up to my highest weight :( 284 lbs.


Starting today, I have begun a cardio program 45 min 5 nights a week mon,wed, and friday. Keeping my heartrate up to 150. On tues and thurs still sticking to freeweights and finish up with 20 min cardio.


Now for my diet. Sticking to most un-carb food's eating every 3hrs....turkey, chicken breast....water and a bowl of special K in the morning.


If anyone could give me a fiew pointers on how to loose the most weight in that 30 days.....I would greatly be happy.....


Thanks again guy's and please no crapy reply's



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Crystal methamphetamine.


Seriously, drink lots and lots of water. The more water you drink, the less water your body retains. You've got to stay away from the soda like the plague.


Also, well, if you want to get drastic, then get your self a plastic suit (or some large trash bags), a sweat suit, a toboggan, some cough drops, a big cup to spit in, a jumprope, and a sauna and you can lose 10 pounds a night. I used to wrestle in middle and high school, so I know about all of the brutal weight cutting techniques. They work, although they'll leave you on the verge of death. So, I'd advise to wait until the last week or two to implement those kinds of things, if in fact, you are that determined to win.

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no carbs ftw!!!


2 eggs (maybe a slice of bacon) for breakfast.

cheadder chesse slices for snacks.

grilled chicken salad for lunch.

grilled steak/chicken salad for dinner.


burger king, and quiznos salads > wendy's salads



Good luck!



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eat grilled chicken and green beans for every meal... thats also from wrestling


Wear anything that traps heat when you workout... i used to wear soccer socks, a tshirt, hoodie, kneepads, and beanie to practice and they'd weigh a ton after due to sweat (didnt smell good either...)


I saw a kid go as far as shaving off all of his hair... made him sweat more durring wrestling meets and verry hard to get ahold of... but i think he said he lost like 1/2 a pound just by doing that

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It's going to take more than working out twice a day to win. I'm sure for a G there are many people at your place who will be working very hard to win.


This is what I did for the CDSM Biggest Loser Contest a few months back when I lost 20 or 25 lbs. The time frame was much longer so you'll have to modify a few things...


-Before the weigh [if you havent already] eat as much salt as you can without throwing up then drink AT LEAST 2 gallons of water. Start this the night before the weigh in.


-Weigh in


-Head straight to the gym and sweat as much as possible while consuming as much water as you can stand. You dont want to retain that much water for more than 24 hours. Seriously 2 hours of cardio should be the minimum.


-You should plan to work out twice a day. Once in the morning before you eat [works best for me] and once at night. An hour of cardio in the AM with 1/2 hour cardio and 1/2 hour weight training in the evening. You dont want to put on muscle mass so do not hit the weights too hard though with the diet you should be on, it would almost be impossible to do so.


-You should consume no more than 1500-2000 calories a day. [i didnt actually do the calculation, I am tired but you can find your maintenance calorie level using your basal metabolic rate and activity level and reduce by 10-20%] Since you are eating so little you want low glycemic foods that will keep you full as long as possible. Meats, complex carbs, polyunsaturated fats. I did a ton of Albacore, mixed with olive oil, balsamic vinaigrette, and mustard. If you absolutely must consume sugar, make it yogurt as the active cultures will stimulate your metabolism.


-Drink more water than you can imagine. You want to convince your body that it absolutely does not need to retain any water.


-the night before do the things the good doctor suggested.


You could easily lose 50 net lbs with the above techniques, but you will be cranky, irritable and pretty much hate your life. It all depends on how much that $1000 and the respect that goes along with it means to you.


PS. I lost the competition to skully who probably has a few more tricks than the above, along with more dedication to a routine.


PSS. The above is unhealthy and is not the answer to long term weight loss.



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You need to be a badass like this ex-navy seal that worked at Honda with me.


We had a contest similar to the one your having. He ate like a granola bar a day and kept telling me how mental hunger is. Haha.


Needless to say he won.

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He ate like a granola bar a day and kept telling me how mental hunger is. Haha.


He is absolutely right. Hunger is the response of the hypothalamus [in the brain] to lowered blood glycogen levels.


The hunger response, what triggers it and how to control it is really fascinating stuff. The focus on all the diets these days is less on actual nutrition and more toward controlling the actual hunger effect. The harmony of maintaining a caloric deficit while convincing the body that it is not hungry is what the diets attempt to create since most Americans and humans in general lack the will power to disrupt their goddamn homeostasis.


/that was a very serious response to your very casual one because I am that big of a dork.

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There are a bunch of techniques you can use to lose weight. A lot of it depends on your body type too though.


Like aforementioned, pop is bad, there is absolutely nothing good for you in it, and it actually makes you thirsty.


If you're trying to drop pounds, stick to cardio only. Building muscle short of just toning will actually increase your weight or hold it right around the same level. Because your "muscle weighs more than fat."


Hunger is mostly mental, That is why most diets revolve arond eatting something very small every few hours, it keeps you from eating alot and your mind believes you're fed.


and get things like small carrots, apples, grapes. ect to snack on through the day since they're mostly water anyways. And if you do decide to do drastic weight lose like Dr. and others mentioned. We used to stick with eatting spinach at the end of the night for the last meal. Because it's (I think) one of the most vitamin filled things you can eat.

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One of your first problems is that you are already into a workout and basing everything off of weight. Muscle is heavy, if you gain muscle you will gain weight. If you want to burn fat you need to do cardio, more output of calories than input. More reps, less weight as lean muscle takes more energy to maintain than fat. Fat is pretty amazing stuff, it takes almost no energy to store and little energy to open and use. People will tell you that they noticed once they started losing fat it just melted away. The reason is that the more lean muscle the more calories you need to keep it.
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Well I have been hard at work on my diet so far. I am 1 full week into it and here is what I have done so far.


1. 1 bowl of total with skim milk for breakfast


2. 1 bag of 100 calorie penut snacks and 2 17oz bottle's of water


3. 1 Red apple w/ an orange and 2 more bottle's of water. For lunch.


4. 1 bag of 100 calorie penut snacks and 2 more bottle's of water.


5. 1 Wendy's chicken BLT salad w/ ranch dressing and a 32oz water.


That is all my diet for the week and has a toal of 11lbs so far weight loss. Not to forget my 45min of cardio a day for 5 day's strait.


This week I am going to hit it harder and work on some more cardio. My goal is 32 lbs in one month I think I can do it :) ......wish me luck!!



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You need to detox your body. I started a diet about 3 weeks ago I was taking in less the 1200 cals a day just eating fruits and veggies, haveing 1 cup of plain oatmeal a day and all the water I can drink (about 2 - 2 1/2 gals a day). I have only been running twice a week about 2 miles and lost about 10 lbs(that was with out working out). I know it not much but now I loose about 1 1/2lbs sleeping. Right now I'am taking in about 1500 a day and splurging on the weekends running everyday and going to the gym. I started out at 240ish I'am down to 228ish. Just a thought. I know with working out there could be much more to be lost.
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You need to detox your body. I started a diet about 3 weeks ago I was taking in less the 1200 cals a day just eating fruits and veggies, haveing 1 cup of plain oatmeal a day and all the water I can drink (about 2 - 2 1/2 gals a day). I have only been running twice a week about 2 miles and lost about 10 lbs(that was with out working out). I know it not much but now I loose about 1 1/2lbs sleeping. Right now I'am taking in about 1500 a day and splurging on the weekends running everyday and going to the gym. I started out at 240ish I'am down to 228ish. Just a thought. I know with working out there could be much more to be lost.


I need to get on something like that.

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Well I have been hard at work on my diet so far. I am 1 full week into it and here is what I have done so far.


1. 1 bowl of total with skim milk for breakfast


2. 1 bag of 100 calorie penut snacks and 2 17oz bottle's of water


3. 1 Red apple w/ an orange and 2 more bottle's of water. For lunch.


4. 1 bag of 100 calorie penut snacks and 2 more bottle's of water.


5. 1 Wendy's chicken BLT salad w/ ranch dressing and a 32oz water.


That is all my diet for the week and has a toal of 11lbs so far weight loss. Not to forget my 45min of cardio a day for 5 day's strait.


This week I am going to hit it harder and work on some more cardio. My goal is 32 lbs in one month I think I can do it :) ......wish me luck!!




Dude you need to lose that Wendy's salad. Def not good. Try making Grill Veggies for dinner. Onions, Green Red and Yellow peppers, and Portabellas. Mix up some 1/2 cup EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) With 1/2 Balsomic Vinagar and some black peper. Its pretty good.


Edit: Also To keep track of Cal's you can sign up for Sparkpeople.com they have a pretty good listing for what has how many cals

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Main Entry: anorexia ner·vo·sa

Pronunciation: -(")n&r-'vO-s&, -z&

Function: noun

: a serious eating disorder primarily of young women in their teens and early twenties that is characterized especially by a pathological fear of weight gain leading to faulty eating patterns, malnutrition, and usually excessive weight loss

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