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Ticket question


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Short answer:

Yes they can.


Long answer:

Even if you did get a ticket, when taken to court it will be dropped if they did not check the dB level at the time of the traffic stop. I know this from prior experience(s).


I got pulled over once, did the whole DUI thing, walk line, follow finger, ABCs, etc. After the cop was done and determined I was not worthy of a DUI, he said "oh yeah, I pulled you over for crossing the white line." They can say whatever they want.

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Short answer:

Yes they can.


Long answer:

Even if you did get a ticket, when taken to court it will be dropped if they did not check the dB level at the time of the traffic stop. I know this from prior experience(s).



That is not true in columbus, dublin, Hilliard and I am sure there are others. Their laws are written to be at a cops discretion. They are defined as "loud" not a specific decible, "excessive or unusual noise" as quoted from columbus code. This is from prior experience as well.

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Yea, I get that all of the time here in Hilliard. I ask them to pay for the test and they usually back out of giving me a ticket..


I've also been pulled over by Hilliard cops because my "muffler was loud." Twice actually, and numerous other times for other little things (front license plate in window, taillight blackouts, checking my age past curfew, etc). No tickets, just warnings. Hilliard cops don't have much to do so they'll just pull you over to make sure you're not "ridin dirty" as others have stated. They see a kid driving around in a loud car and they pull me over and hope I'm drunk or have drugs on me or something. Stereotyping is a bitch.

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Ok remember that I did NOT get a ticket but I got pulled over for the craziest thing. Driving down high street downtown, not doin a damn thing at all. I was behind my girlfriend in her car. I was in the vette. I wasnt reving driving over the speed limit or anything. Cop goin the opposite direction does a complete u turn in the middle of the street and pulls me over. Comes to my window and says

Cop: Whats wrong with your mufflers

Me: Uh nothing that I know of

Cop: Dont you think they are alittle to loud

Me: Uh I dont think so

Cop: I pulled you over for your mufflers being to loud


Now can a cop do that, seriously.



Yes he can. My wife was once citied for a muffler violation. Long story short, she has friends in the right places. She went to court and knew the judge and he reduced the speeding to a muffler violation, thus no points on her license. This happened 15 year while she was in law school.

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Yes he can. My wife was once citied for a muffler violation. Long story short, she has friends in the right places. She went to court and knew the judge and he reduced the speeding to a muffler violation, thus no points on her license. This happened 15 year while she was in law school.

I don't know anyone and I have like 5-10 loud mufflers from going to court to fight a wide range of tickets I got back when I drove like a .......well ricer I guess except mine were always like not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign at 2am and no front plate, dumb shit never a accident or anything

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I got pulled over for apparently crossing the white line. Extremely tired long drive home late at night, the officer thought I was high. :shrugs: You could smell something burning, but it was like garbage or wood. He kept trying to prove I had "paraphanelia" (insurance papers, locking lug key, etc.) then finally gave up and said good night... I don't even smoke, anything!
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If a cop wants to pull over there is nothing you can do about it. He will find a reason. The loud muffler is a good pinch, but not one that is usually written unless your an asshole about it. Most likely the officer was just fishing. I don't care about loud mufflers but I do hate the cars that blow a lot of smoke. Best policy is to be cool about and be polite no matter how much of a jerk the officer is being because you are not going to win against him. I like the swerving within lanes the best and it is a writable offense.
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Sam here is the Law:


Section 437.20 Muffler; Muffler Cutout; Excessive Smoke, Gas or Noise


(e) No person shall operate any motor vehicle which produces a sound or noise in excess of ninety-five decibels as measured not less than five feet from the source of such sound or noise. term "decibel" means a unit for measurement of relative sound levels as indicated by a sound level meter having those properties essential for the purpose of administration and enforcement of this section of a nature defined by the current American Standard Association Specification (Z 24.3-1944).


Scale A or Scale C?

Does not say in or out of gear, if auto can drop idle speed 100 or so rpm.

Ambient noise?

Are their meters calibrated?

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No you won't





Originally Posted by SpaceGhost

Sam here is the Law:


Section 437.20 Muffler; Muffler Cutout; Excessive Smoke, Gas or Noise


(e) No person shall operate any motor vehicle which produces a sound or noise in excess of ninety-five decibels as measured not less than five feet from the source of such sound or noise. term "decibel" means a unit for measurement of relative sound levels as indicated by a sound level meter having those properties essential for the purpose of administration and enforcement of this section of a nature defined by the current American Standard Association Specification (Z 24.3-1944).




I think that is Ohio code.

Columbus code is


2137.20 Mufflers; excessive smoke or gas.


(a)Every vehicle and motorcycle with an internal combustion engine shall at all times be equipped with a muffler which is in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise, and no person shall use a muffler cutout, by-pass, or similar device upon a motor vehicle on a highway. Every motorcycle muffler shall be equipped with baffle plates. No person shall own, operate, or have in the person’s possession any vehicle or motorcycle equipped with a device for producing excessive smoke or gas, or so equipped as to permit oil or any other chemical to flow into or upon the exhaust pipe or muffler of such vehicle or motorcycle, or equipped in any other way to produce or emit smoke or dangerous or annoying gases from any portion of such vehicle, other than the ordinary gases emitted by the exhaust of an internal combustion engine under normal operation.

(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. If, within one (1) year, the offender previously has been convicted of a violation of this section, Section 4513.22 of the Ohio Revised Code, or a substantially similar municipal ordinance, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. If, within one (1) year, the offender previously has been convicted of two (2) or more violations of this section, Section 4513.22 of the Ohio Revised Code, or a substantially similar municipal ordinance, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree. (ORC 4513.22; Ord. 2120-03 § 1 (part).)



Do know how many tickets ive gotten out of, yes he woudl have gotten out of that ticket.

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