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Who else gets raped: fed OASDI/EE taxes


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SS was not meant as a retirement fund. When it was put in to action, the benefit age is the same as today, 65. Care to guess the mean Age that a male died at the time of its inception? That's right 65. This was only meant to be a widow’s fund if the male died before 65, it would give Women of that time money to live on since women didn't work back then. It was nicknamed the "widow fund".


SO today's males live much longer and now everyone is collecting on it. I will never collect on it. I will be a millionaire when I am 55, although maybe a million will not be that much then but I can retire at 52 from the state! Live on that retirement for a few years, (80% - 90% of my top 3 years salary) I get that the rest of my life. Then withdraw my Roth Tax free a few years later! I am 1/3rd of the way to retirement at the age of 31, I just need to stay alive to see it......

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