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Traffic law fact of the day

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Something that I've heard speculated, but most people didn't know for sure either way. I found it while studying the ORC.


You cannot be pulled over and issued a citation by an unmarked car or an ununiformed officer. If you are, his testimony is inadmissable. The law specificaly calls him "incompetant".


Its a fact, tell your freinds.

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This is for those who didn't know. I've als heard a couple stories of people being pulled over by a cop because an off-duty officer saw them speed and called them in. There are many municipalites out there who capitalize a great deal ont eh general publics lack of knowlege.
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Does this still apply if it is a serious charge such as a felony? I mean speeding, sure thats a no go. But if you were doing something crazy like and the "unmarked" car saw you and stopped you, would this be acceptable? I remember some hear say about this.
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This is for those who didn't know. I've als heard a couple stories of people being pulled over by a cop because an off-duty officer saw them speed and called them in. There are many municipalites out there who capitalize a great deal ont eh general publics lack of knowlege.


I was just fucking around.


only traffic misdemenors are cited in the code. If you commit a felony, you can be arrested by any cop, any time. You may even be subject to citizens arrest, but I'm not sure what the laws reguarding that are.


feloneez is bad


Citizens arrest really isn't arrest. You can legally detain someone until police arrive. So yes, and off duty cop could detain you. However, an on duty officer has to arrest you. For instance, if someone breaks into my apartment, I will hold them at gunpoint until CPD arrives. I can only hope they have a guy and I feel threatened. Then I get to shoot them.

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I've been pulled over by an unmarked with an officer in uniform an unmarked in plain clothes. This did not happen in Ohio. Don't know if that makes a difference. I can say I did not receive a ticket from either one, though I did have one stand there and actually cuss me for 5 minutes before letting me go. This was in California.

That is good to know, though and something I'll definitely keep in mind. Thanks.

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Guest powers
I've been pulled over by an unmarked with an officer in uniform an unmarked in plain clothes. This did not happen in Ohio. Don't know if that makes a difference. I can say I did not receive a ticket from either one, though I did have one stand there and actually cuss me for 5 minutes before letting me go. This was in California.

That is good to know, though and something I'll definitely keep in mind. Thanks.

ORC stands for Ohio revised code

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No unmarked cars in this state. You may see cars driven by detectives and such that are just plain cars, but "Patrol" cars must be marked and equipped with exterior lighting.

Were lucky here, some states run completely unmarked cars with tinted windows and lights on the inside!!

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You cannot be pulled over and issued a citation by an unmarked car or an ununiformed officer. If you are, his testimony is inadmissable. The law specificaly calls him "incompetant".


Its a fact, tell your freinds.


My understanding of the interpretation of that law is that the officer performing a traffic stop/issuing a citation must be in uniform OR in a marked police vehicle. So, he can be in an unmarked can, but he'd need to be in uniform, OR, he can be out of uniform, but he'd need to be in a marked car.


Said somewhat differently, I don't think it means, "To get a ticket, the cop has to be in uniform AND in a marked police vehicle."

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No unmarked cars in this state. You may see cars driven by detectives and such that are just plain cars, but "Patrol" cars must be marked and equipped with exterior lighting.

Were lucky here, some states run completely unmarked cars with tinted windows and lights on the inside!!


Portsmouth is full of unmarked cars, and I see them pulling people over all the time. They actually just did it the other night out in front of my house.

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Guest 78novaman

I believe in Ohio you can be pulled over by an unmarked cruiser, but the officer has to be in uniform. I'm about 95% sure you have the right to refuse to deal with the officer in the unmarked car and make them call in a marked backup or a Sherriff Deputy.



We were just discussing this on another message board I'm on. The Illinois state highway patrol is using really sneaky tactics such as a Buick Century with tinted windows and lightbars inside. They also have beat up 80's camaros and other similar vehicles that pose as vehicles aready pulled over, so when you blow by they both light up and chase you down :bs:

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My friends father used this little trick you have found. A state patrol man pulled up beside him and the cop was in plain clothing and motioned him to pull him over. My friends father just kept going when they finally got him to stop he told them that he wasnt sure if they guy was actually a cop or some nut job that stole a cop car and wanted to kill him. He got off, im not sure what they were trying to get him to stop for but i know it wasnt for speeding.
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My friends father used this little trick you have found. A state patrol man pulled up beside him and the cop was in plain clothing and motioned him to pull him over. My friends father just kept going when they finally got him to stop he told them that he wasnt sure if they guy was actually a cop or some nut job that stole a cop car and wanted to kill him. He got off, im not sure what they were trying to get him to stop for but i know it wasnt for speeding.

And that's the justification behind the law. The cop has to be clearly identified as a cop. I'd often wondered why they were so anal about wearing their hats. ;)

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hell, a couple years ago they stated on the news to never pull off to the side of the road if an unmarked car trys to pull you over, they advised to continue driving to the nearest public place (gas station, restuarant etc) before stopping for the unmarked car, purely for safety reasons of course
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yea that was going to be my next post about this........ if a state patrol man gives u a ticket with out his hat on its (the ticket) void.



whoever you heard that from is a fucking dumbass. that is completely false.

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only traffic misdemenors are cited in the code. If you commit a felony, you can be arrested by any cop, any time. You may even be subject to citizens arrest, but I'm not sure what the laws reguarding that are.


feloneez is bad


I know from experience that if you witness a felony you can pull a citizens arrest.

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Ahh but you can be ticketed by a foot/bike cop. Ask Geoff/stealthmonkey.

I'd say the Uniform part is universal. You simply dont have to pull over for an unmarked car.


Yes, you can be ticketed by a bicycle cop. :( You can also be pulled over while riding a bicycle with the cop lights twirling and all. lol Yes, another experience I've had. I was so worried about getting towed. heheh I've even had a cop chase me on foot for a block and caught me at the next red light. He actually asked me what I would do if I were him. I, of course, said let me go. He did, eventually.

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