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Mailbox bashing


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When I bought my house last August, the mailbox got nailed with a basesball bat the weekend I moved in. Since then, three more times.


Mailboxes are < $10, and I kind of enjoy getting out the tools and repairing it each time, but I've had enough. Wife just called; they knocked it off the pole again last night.


So, I want ideas of a mailbox that will withstand a bat swing from a redneck teenage boy. I'm thinking of buying a new flimsy mailbox, but building an inner layer out of 1/4" steel plate held on with 6" lag bolts into a new 4x6 post(aimed so you can only see the 4" side coming down the road).


Any other ideas? Cement? Others?


There was actually a news story 10 years or so ago where an old man got tired of the same thing, and built one (I think) out of cement. The kid tried to bash it again and broke his arm/hand/something. Parents sued... and won.

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i would build one that is some what sturdy, but if hit with enough force, it will spin around...maybe even fast enough to catch the fuckers vehicle


and i remember seeing something about a mailbox made out of that plastic that bounces back, kid hit it, busted the rear window, parents tried to sue.

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How the fuck can parents try to sue someone when their kids are VANDALIZING someone's property, and last I heard messing with someone's mailbox is a Federal Offense.


I'll tell you what to do, set out a chair and wait for the fuckers to come. While you wait, grab a pellet gun and just keep pumping that sucker up. If you're lucky you'll shatter one of the vehicle's windows. Or just make a mailbox out of cast iron so the fuckers DO get hurt trying to bash the shit.. just make sure you get it on tape so we can laugh about it later.

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How the fuck can parents try to sue someone when their kids are VANDALIZING someone's property, and last I heard messing with someone's mailbox is a Federal Offense


so is mexicans jumping the border carrying 800lbs of weed but they still sued the 2 agents that shot him in the ass

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My girlfriend and I were cruising around a couple days ago and someone had a HUGE stump that they installed their mailbox inside. First thing I said was, "Try to hit that fuckin thing with a bat", and started laughing.

Whatever you put that heavy duty mailbox on will probably be the weakpoint, though. I would like to put that thing on a huge, stiff spring. :D


I tried to find Ohio's mailbox regulations but was unable to. I did find this, though. Not that I think it'll really help. A sticker... :rolleyes:



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up where my girlfriend is from (BFE) it happens a lot. So when you drive around you see all kinds of innovative ideas. The most popular one was to mount steel plates on the sides of the mail box. Some of these people have 1/2 inch to an inch plates. They also have thicker metal posts that they mount their box on.


I have also seen people just put a big metal sheet on the one side of the mailbox.


Another one that I thought was funny, there is one up there that had two mail boxes, the one wasn't a real mailbox at all, just a decoy and it was just solid steel and painted to look like a mailbox.

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i can remember a story that some guy put a metal pole in the ground and the mailbox had a hole allowing some of the pole in the actual mail box and some dumbass took a swing from a moving car and almost tore his arm off when he hit the mailbox/concealed part of the pole



I know a damn fine idea when I see it, and this, sir, is a damn fine idea. I'd put the metal pole about 4-5' in the ground, fill the whole with quik-crete, and then fill the actual pole with quik-krete.


Screw just stopping them. I'd want to hurt them as much as possible. That way, they won't just stop hitting your box, but mailboxes all together. They'll think twice if they have thier arm broken once.

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When i was 16 i was driving a truck and slid off the road hit a mailbox that was a 12 foot section of metal telephone pole filled with concrete. I knocked the mailbox off but the pole didnt move. I later found out that i could have sued cause a mailbox pole has to give way in the event of a accident. So im thinking extremely hardcore steel mailbox mounted to a couple car springs welded together should do the trick.
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As mentioned, careful with that. It does have to break away with certain force, or I believe, as an alternative, it can be mounted further from the road. (not sure on that).


I would do a brick house around the box for strength.


I had a friend whose mailbox would get trashed with each passing of the snow plow (country roads). They built it on what was essentially a tripod of wood. The force would push the box over, pick it up in the morning.


When we were having issues with box bashing, we stuffed a couple paint cans in the box. The bashing ended after that hit.

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my grandpa had the same problem and he is a stuborn hardass. He dug a 1 ft square hole 3 ft deep and filled it with cement. Then inserted a steel 1/4 in 4x4 post in it. Then welded a 1/2 in steel plate on top and put the smallest mailbox on it ive ever seen. The actual mailbox is about a foot long but only four in tall, which would make it very hard to hit it and no steel. my grandpa has shown me three broken baseball bats he has found in his yard, two wood and one aluminum. It seems to be very effective. lol :D
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I doubt many cases people win when they're hurt whacking mailboxes.


My girlfriends dad took one of those big metal mailboxes, insert a small mailbox, and filled inbetween with concrete. After the previous one kept getting nailed, that thing got hit once and never again was it touched. They found a broken bat next to it though. Little fuckers.

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my grandpa had the same problem and he is a stuborn hardass. He dug a 1 ft square hole 3 ft deep and filled it with cement. Then inserted a steel 1/4 in 4x4 post in it. Then welded a 1/2 in steel plate on top and put the smallest mailbox on it ive ever seen. The actual mailbox is about a foot long but only four in tall, which would make it very hard to hit it and no steel. my grandpa has shown me three broken baseball bats he has found in his yard, two wood and one aluminum. It seems to be very effective. lol :D


I bet the ass who hit it with the aluminum bat regretted the shit out of it.

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I know a damn fine idea when I see it, and this, sir, is a damn fine idea. I'd put the metal pole about 4-5' in the ground, fill the whole with quik-crete, and then fill the actual pole with quik-krete.


Screw just stopping them. I'd want to hurt them as much as possible. That way, they won't just stop hitting your box, but mailboxes all together. They'll think twice if they have thier arm broken once.



IIRC thats Illegal to do reason being if some one is in a accident the mailbox has to give way when hit.


Personally when we lived back hame is was a problem on our road as well one of our neighbors made one outa 1/4 steel (even the flag). Was mounted to a Pressure treated 4x4. Never had any problems again.

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IIRC thats Illegal to do reason being if some one is in a accident the mailbox has to give way when hit.



The main thing you want to do is stop the person doing it. Maybe the mailbox will fall off, but they'll never want to hit a mailbox again eh? So.. make 'em regret ever hitting it like said story above.

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