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Fucking Car


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Some of you may know that I've needed to rebuild my transmission in the Mustang for a while. I finished that on Labor Day weekend. I didn't replace the clutch because it wasn't slipping or giving me any problems. (I know, I know I should have changed it.) 3 days after that the clutch started slipping. The day after that a heater hose blew on 670 dumping all of my coolant on the road. I fixed the hose that day. The next day, which was last Friday, I pulled the tranmission out and cleaned up all of the coolant from the underbody. I picked up my new clutch and the turned flywheel this Weds. I got everything back together lastnight. Today after pulling into my job I had a co worker tell me that I had a harness draging on the ground. It turned out to be my O2 harness that has now worn thru the insulation on a couple of wires. While lying under the car taping the wires and connecting them to the body with a zip tie, I notice a puddle of oil under the rear engine area. I know what it is already. I noticed a little bit of oil on the rear main when I replaced the clutch. Now I get to remove the transmission and the clutch again tomorrow. I'm begining to hate this car.

Anyone willing to lend a hand tomorrow morning? I could use some help pulling the transmission etc.



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Rick (Grease Monkey) came and helped me out. TJ (ODB) came and gave some moral support. Rick and I found a few more problems with the car and fixed them while we were at it. I still need to do a few things but one of them requires a welder. :(


Joe, Jason and Rob, I appreciate the thought.



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