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Next autox Oct.8

Dr. Apex

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Yep, still 2 weeks away and we've been off for 3 weeks already!! It sux when we have a big gap between events but the Solo nationals were this past week so they avoid scheduling events during that time and probably unable to get any available lot the other weekends.


There's 3 events left this year, Oct. 8 at Cooper stadium, Saturday Oct.21 at Trails, and Nov.5 at Cooper. Then the season is over until around April!! Trails will be a new place we'll be running at and we will have use of their ENTIRE parking lot, so it should be a huge course!! I hope we can run several events there next year as it's a near perfect place to race of course! :burn:

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Ben, what kind of time line is needed for the day? When should someone be there? How long do they HAVE to be there? How many runs can you usually get in? do you have to stay the whole day? Are there pants and long sleeve shirt requirments( it will probably be chilly out anyways)?



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Ben, what kind of time line is needed for the day? When should someone be there? How long do they HAVE to be there? How many runs can you usually get in? do you have to stay the whole day? Are there pants and long sleeve shirt requirments( it will probably be chilly out anyways)?




It's best to pre-register on http://www.dlbracing.com so you can have more time to show up later. If not you need to be there NO LATER than 7:30am. Just ask Andy(white79bu), he was turned away last event because they only allow 30 on-site registrations and they were all taken!! It sux that they do that but to run the event in a timely order they have to.


The work/run order is mostly unknown until near the start of the event, so plan on being there most of the day. If you race early and are supposed to work later and you decide to leave early that's ok, but they usually need the help and may remove your times from the computer. Usually that's not a big deal but if your there for points like me it is.


We average 4-6 runs and sometimes they do fun runs at the end of the day time permitting.


Dress code is light, I think even sandals are allowed, or at least I've seen people wearing them. T-shirts and shorts are fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So it you ARE preregistared, what time should you be there?






Matt, you can be there as late as just before 9 I believe. But if you come that late you won't get a chance to even walk the course! I'd show up no later than 8:30 so you have a little time to get ready and walk the course.


I can't wait for tomorrow, it's been a damn month since the last event!!! :burn:

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I went today and had a good time. I drove the 87 vette and saw a few others participating in their C4s. I loved the guy that was running a CT-R, it had some after market exhaust that sounded like a B&B. There was no-one there with a Fox body mustang. I was speaking to a guy that a 78-80 Malibu that was tricked out. The Malibu had a small block 406 with a 6 speed and was clean.

I might have to enter a Auto x next year, I dont know if I would drive the C4 or the fox body.


How did the CR participates do?

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I went today and had a good time. I drove the 87 vette and saw a few others participating in their C4s. I loved the guy that was running a CT-R, it had some after market exhaust that sounded like a B&B. There was no-one there with a Fox body mustang. I was speaking to a guy that a 78-80 Malibu that was tricked out. The Malibu had a small block 406 with a 6 speed and was clean.

I might have to enter a Auto x next year, I dont know if I would drive the C4 or the fox body.


How did the CR participates do?


Shit man, I didn't realize that was you, you should of come up and said hi.

The CTS-V does sound like sex and ais a clean ass car to boot. None of the normal fox bodies were out, but I know all the drivers and they were driving different cars. The guy in the Malibu was Andy(White79bu) on the board here, he got 1st place today(Congrats Andy).

As for the CR crew, I got 2nd place and continue my points lead. Craig got 2nd place in STX. I'm mot sure about Matt(Buckeyebullitt) or Stanello. My friend Steve won H Stock in his Talon and his girlfriend beat a few guys for 3rd place and of course Andy winning the CP class and Gray(Cheif8one) got 2nd in G stock.


Damn good seeing everyone out there today and it was a perfect day for it! :burn: :burn:

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i didn't as good as i wanted but still kept up some of the other people.


What was up wit those damn timers? i had to wait around at corner 2 for almost 2 hours


Supposedly it was an odd electrical interference, as soon as they moved the finish line a few feet the timer worked great....too damn wierd.

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I did see one fox body out there. He was running with my group. Black with T-Bird or something wheels.


I got 4th out of 5 in STS2 (If I remember right). I feel like I got the most out of my car that I could. Time for some much needed upgrades to the Miata. Wheels/Tires being #1.


The best I can figure with the timer issue is maybe there is an underground powerline where the initial finishline was causing too much noise. I don't remember seeing any overhead powerlines.


You couldn't ask for better weather though, anyone else get a little sunburnt? I'm sure working the course during the timer delay didn't help any. :rolleyes:

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