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Speeder Ethics


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Figured I would post this, I had some Jackass cut across 3 lanes (670) and almost tag me in the process and proceed to take off like a bat out of hell. Now I have been known to go fast as does alot of us. So figured we could post some common sense guidelines.



2. Be Aware of your surroundings

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8. The side of the road is for emergency stops only, its not a passing lane

I love when I'm backed up in traffic and I see someone blow by me in the breakdown lane, only to see a semi pull in front of them 50 feet ahead and see them careen off into the grass...fucking idiots.


9. TRUST NO ONE!!!! It doesn't matter how fucking amazing a driver you are, all it takes is one dumbfuck slut on her cell with a triple carmel venti macchiato cockshake latte and 14 kids in the back of an Excursion and a blindspot to ruin your day, your car, and your health.

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9. TRUST NO ONE!!!! It doesn't matter how fucking amazing a driver you are, all it takes is one dumbfuck slut on her cell with a triple carmel venti macchiato cockshake latte and 14 kids in the back of an Excursion and a blindspot to ruin your day, your car, and your health.

Amen. I've been saying this for years, but more in the form of "Never assume anyone else ont he road knows what the hell they are doing." This applies to racing as well.

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10) If you are doing slower than 80MPH stay the fuck out of the left lane and once you pass someone and you can get in the right lane next to you safely, fucking do it.


+1.....fuckin hate when people seriously cruise along in the FAST lane doing the speed limit and won't move out the way and I have to go around them.

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10) If you are doing slower than 80MPH stay the fuck out of the left lane and once you pass someone and you can get in the right lane next to you safely, fucking do it.

+ 2... If you see a car going 80 in the fast lane and you are going 60, MOVE!!!!!. I'm probably late for work, so stay in the slow lane where you belong!!!

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When you notice a police cruiser behind you.. GO THE FUCKING SPEED LIMIT AND NOT 10 UNDER.



If a cruiser passes me on the freeway without it's lights on and I follow it doing the same speed, even he is going like 80....can he pull me over? I'm just curious because I've followed one doin 75mph for awhile and nothin happened.

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If a cruiser passes me on the freeway without it's lights on and I follow it doing the same speed, even he is going like 80....can he pull me over? I'm just curious because I've followed one doin 75mph for awhile and nothin happened.


Most cruisers have radar bulbs facing the rear as well, so yes he could if he wanted. Be careful :) Just dont follow too closely. Most cruisers youll find on the highway (EXCEPT highway patrol units of course) are on the highway because its gets them wherever they are going much quicker than backroads.

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13) If I'm in the left lane of a four lane road (2 each direction) going faster than the fellow in the right lane, and you're at an intersection thinking about merging into our direction of traffic, I swear to god next time you go straight through the right lane and just go into my lane (the left lane) I'm going to plow right fucking into you.
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14) Just because I'm in a 5.0 does not mean I want to race everything in sight that includes your primered Civic.


15) Keep your flybys and close calls (aka Primered hatch that left about two inches between my front end and your cars ass) to your buddies. Leave me the fuck alone.

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13) If I'm in the left lane of a four lane road (2 each direction) going faster than the fellow in the right lane, and you're at an intersection thinking about merging into our direction of traffic, I swear to god next time you go straight through the right lane and just go into my lane (the left lane) I'm going to plow right fucking into you.

+1 that is what the beater is for.

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