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Why dont people listen?


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Why is it that when somebody gets up in your face about something stupid, and you tell them to back off or youre going to knock them the fuck out, they dont think youre being serious? Is it something that McDonalds puts in the Double Cheese Burgars that make people think that a stout man like myself is joking?


Long story short, confrentation, spoke my peace, was grabbed on the shoulder and spun around, right hook, sleepy.






Now my hand hurts :mad:

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and now the long story....was this a Linn style beatdown?


LMAO! No, there was no beat down.... i dont fight like that unless someone swings on me first... then it looks something like a Ortis/Shamrock fight :D


This was a one shot, mushroom cloud to the face. Dude never knew what hit him.


The LONG story:


For long time now, one of the girls the Bellarussian (sp?) girls that works for me has been seeing this guy that in my book, is a total douch bag. One of those guys who thinks hes badass, but in reality, has no balls. Well this girl that works for me has been around for about 3yrs and ive been supportive of all the things thats happend to her since ive known her. I.E. Some bad relationships, highschool and college troubles, her dad passed away, and a few other things. Even though im her boss, she sees me as her big brother. So anyway, i found out that this guy shes seeing was cheating on her. She came to me balling her eyes out and mumbling stuff i couldnt really understand... sorta like Ron Burgandy in a phone booth. I gave her my advise and let it end there. Well i guess she smoothed things out with him and they continued thier relationship... mistake. She comes back to me again about a week ago, crying herself into dehydration with the same story. I told her i didnt really feel sorry for her this time because she knew better, but that i would "take care of the problem". Rather than go out looking for the dude i just waited for him to come to me... hes a customer on occasion. Sure enough, he came in. I told him that he and I need to have a man to man chat, and to meet me after work. Incredibly, he showed up... with 2 of his buddies, one of which is my employees younger brother. I begin talking to this guy... a very one sided conversation. He listens, nods his head, has some comments, yada yada. For some unknown reason, the two other guys get out of the car and start walking over to us. Now, im pretty big, but 3 on 1 arent odds i like. So i end the conversation pretty quickly. As im walking back towards my car, i can hear them talking in Ukrainian to eachother... and i happen to pick a few words i didnt like. I am Tylers dormant frustration. Still walking backwards towards my car, i spun around and told them that they shouldnt say things like that to people who have the means to drop them, and that if they kept it up somthing bad might happen to them someday. This sets this dude off, and he comes running up holaring a bunch of shit how tough he is and something about the Russian mafia... :rolleyes: he continued to tel me that i shouldnt be all in his business and to stay away from his girlfriend... which is hard since she works for me :rolleyes: ... I immediatly told him to back up and lose the attitude or he was going to to knocked the fuck out. Did he listen, no. Then, he did what i like to formaly call, "The Linn trigger". He did infact poke me in the chest with like 3 fingers. I am Tylers anger managment dropout. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, let it go, and turned around to get into my car. As soon as i go to open the door, a hand grabs my left shoulder and pulls me back around. I am Tyler's uncorked fury. My eyes locked right on to this dude and before his friends could say "uh-oh", i landed a nasty right hand on his jaw and the dude just dropped. I looked over at my employees little brother, and told him to get him the hell out of my parking lot, and that if he didnt straiten up his act, he would get one too. (Hes been a real jack ass lately)


Havnt heard from any of them since. I just hope he learned something... cuase god damn did that hurt. My hand was swollen, but its not now... just little sore. My hands arent used to bare fist strikes.


BTW - i just got done watching Fight Club lol.

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