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2 State Highway Patrol Officers killed..


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21 year Vet of the Force, and i belive the younger one was only on for around 6 years.. the girl was a mother and her daughter is belived to have seen the accident, called Grandma and said "i think mommy has been in an acident".. terrible way to go after seeing the car terrible terrible way .. our thoughts are with the families of all involved and hope that there can a path found to ease the pain
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Yes, OSP does use crown vics.

I believe it was the year 2000 crown vics that had problems with fuel systems. They were actually KNOWN to catch fire if hit from the rear end :( If you look in the trunks of the cars, they have a fuel pump shut off system. This system is suppose to kill the fuel system in event of being hit from the rear end.



Quote http://www.yourlawyer.com/topics/overview/Ford_Crown_Victoria

""""""Ford Crown Victoria Fires

The popular Ford Crown Victoria model has been linked to hundreds of fires that have resulted in the deaths of police officers and civilians. The Crown Victoria's gas tank sticks up in the trunk area making these cars susceptible to fires when they are involved in rear end crashes. The Crown Victoria along with two other Ford Vehicles, the Lincoln Town Car and Grand Marquis, are the only American-made automobiles that have gas tanks located behind the rear axle.


The controversy surrounding the Crown Victoria surfaced in 2002 when reports implicated the car in the death of approximately 12 police officers. All of these police officers died after being involved in rear end crashes that caused their vehicles to burst into flames. In response to these fires, Ford installed rubber and plastic shields to cover sharp parts around the fuel tank of the Crown Victoria police car to help minimize punctures and fires.


These shields are now standard equipment in police cars but these important safety features are not included in the civilian versions of these cars. As a result, thousands of civilian Crown Victoria drivers remain at great risk because Ford refuses to provide these shields for non-police vehicles.


If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective Ford Crown Victoria, please fill out the form at the right for a free lawsuit case evaluation by a qualified product liability attorney."""""""""




Another http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060101/AUTO01/601010379/1148




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the daughter was literly just dropped off at daycare(school) i belive... mom was heading to work or just got off work and heading home to sleep while the little girl was at school... its still kinda scetchy but i know the daughter was quoted by the grandma saying that..
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The funeral Sunday was quite amazing. Probably 200+ officers and at least over 100 cruisers.. The drive to the grave site was about 16 miles of every car running lights, and not a single civilian vehicle was moving the entire time (EVERYTHING was blocked off). Was deffinately one of the most amazing and yet sad things Ive ever seen.
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the daughter was literly just dropped off at daycare(school) i belive... mom was heading to work or just got off work and heading home to sleep while the little girl was at school... its still kinda scetchy but i know the daughter was quoted by the grandma saying that..

So, she pulled out of the school in front of them?




A witness reported hearing a siren just before the crash, according to a news release from the highway patrol. Investigators don't know yet if the officers were responding to a call.

So, look and listen, just like they taught you in drivers ed. The cars were "Charred and mangled", so you know that the officers were going along at a good clip. I wonder why the SHP isn't releasing the details of the accident, it seems like this would be a good poster for "look the hell out for lights and sirens".


Another, with some pics:



This wasn't no 50mph crash, and it does look alot like those rear impact fires that were posted further up. The vic looks newer though.

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So, she pulled out of the school in front of them?





So, look and listen, just like they taught you in drivers ed. The cars were "Charred and mangled", so you know that the officers were going along at a good clip. I wonder why the SHP isn't releasing the details of the accident, it seems like this would be a good poster for "look the hell out for lights and sirens".


Another, with some pics:



This wasn't no 50mph crash, and it does look alot like those rear impact fires that were posted further up. The vic looks newer though.




I think they are still trying to figure out the details. I heard it may take some time.

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It was an 05 model vic, and yes they are making sure they get their details rite before releasing any info to the media. This is OSP were talking about, they are masters of fine details (actually have one of the best highway patrols in the country).
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having kids and being able to relate really hurts to think about. can't imagine how the little ones are taking it....one day thier daddy's off to work to stop the bad guys and that same night, he's not coming home ever again.....gotta go hug my kids...be safe.
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