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North Korea Nuclear test


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As you all are aware North Korea has now tested a nuclear weapon with an undergound detonation.


I realize there are some that say they have a right to have these weapons, personally I disagree. Mind you, just saying that they will use them is not a valid reason, anyone that has them could use them. Even the fact the they are a wacko, backwards country with a border line lunatic dictator, still isn't it. The idea that there technology sucks is my gripe.


Nuclear weapons are a complex thing. Mind you getting plutonium to go critical is not a difficult thing. There are nuclear engineers that say you could get a low yeild detonation by taking two pieces of weapons grade plutonium, holding them in your hands and slamming them together. Problem is that if North Korea's wepon is no better than that, the after effects will be worse than the initial blast. By not consuming all the fissable material in the initial blast because of it being a cheap shit bomb, the radioactive material would be scattered around the blast site and may make the area uninhabitable for 10000 years or more. This is where the idea of the lunitic guy with his finger on the button becomes really scary.


Figure that when even Red China thinks that you shouldn't ahve a nuclear weapon, there is a good reason for you not having one.

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Or the fact that he has funneled all of his rescources into the military, and his citizens are living in horrid conditions as a result. Hopefully the guy knocks off soon, but who will the replacement be. Maybe while he poses for a photo op with his nuclear penis extender the crappy technology will mafunction and it will turn him and the majority of his cabinet into cinders.
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this honestly scares the crap out of me! if we don't do something soon then I have a feeling that we're going to have some big problems on our hands... I do think that we can't go in there guns blazing... we have to hurt them in other ways to make them see our side... I read that China has a huge effect on their economy for fuel and oil... maybe we should put pressure on China.
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There are like 6 countries going to discuss this problem today in some big ass meeting and then they are hoping all to meet with the crazy ass North Korean leader. The problem is that the North Korean leader wants to only meet with the U.S. leaders face to face and not deal with everyone else. The guy is obviously crazy, but he has the mind set of a damn 6 year old. Shit, all he does is watch american cartoons all day on his satillite TV. I think he just misses a certain childs program that has been cancelled and wants it put back on the air, so he needs to talk to the U.S about doing so.


But in all seriousness.....


The Pakistani bastards are the ones that gave North Korea this technology, so it's not really going to be a cheap shit bomb. The Chinese are thinking about not importing any food into North Korea because they are Korea's main food source, but if they did this they would just make an unstable country with maybe 10 nuclear bombs even more unstable......not good. I dont think as of right now North Korea themselves are going to use any of the bombs, the biggest fear of mine is that they are going to supply terrorists. Terrorists are going to be offering N Korea alot of money for these bombs and N Korea being as poor as it is will probably accept any decent offer. It's when this shit gets into the terrorist's hands is when I'll start being worried, but North Korea won't use them on anyone.

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I just wish the current admin. would recognize that we are way over-extended...we're doing just what the nuts in the middle east want. I don't think Bush realized or realizes that they are totally insane bastards that have been fighting wars for hundreds of years. they don't do anything else....and they are wearing us down. That IMO is their plan. They know that we can't keep it up for as long as they can.


It's just like all the ricers around here do...they are doing a fly by. As soon as we let off the gas, they will attack again. Only they won't be flashing taillights at us.


Agreed. One more thing to "Over-Extend" ourselves :rolleyes:
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I am deffiantely not a Bush supporter, but hearing everyone say, "if Bush has his way" or any other anti-Bush stuff is annoying... it's over played... he was elected into office... either start a petition to get him impeached or can it... I don't think it's his fault that N. Korea is doing Nuclear testing.
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am I the only one that realizes that we're all seeing the dawn of World War III?


in the mid-1930s no one in America paid attention to Germany because we figured they were still so destroyed from WWI that they posed no threat. Their economy was in shambles, they had a crazy little leader, but we didn't think much of it at that point, because we had our own depression to deal with.


Compare to now......yea, we're fucked.

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am I the only one that realizes that we're all seeing the dawn of World War III?


You know, if it really gets that far, I hope the US rethinks their enlistment requirements. My asthma is not bad enough to stop me from doing anything, and I would love to go to war. Hell, I would even go as far as taking my own gun. lol

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Hell if we can "extend ourselves" then I say go for it. We are the super power and its time we used it. "To secure peace is to prepare for war."


Haha Yeah well I agree with the guy who thinks there leader wants the US to put some cartoon back on the air. Thats an awesome theory and only because its probably true.

Fuck the rest of the world, only liberals think it matters what they all think anyway.



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Kim Jong Il is no joke. He is the definition of "radical fundamentalist". Yes, this scares the living hell out of me.


However, it is quite amusing to hear all of the people laying into Bush and that he should have wiped out NK already. Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not btw), but hasn't Mr. Bush received heavy criticism for his "make-it-up-as-you-go" policy with Iraq? Then these same people turn around and lambast him for his multilateral approach to NK. You can't have it both ways fellas...who's "making-it-up-as-they-go" here again?


“The Democrats need to take a deep breath and realize that this is not about the election, and that Americans don't want anyone playing partisan politics with the threat of nuclear weapons. Rather than attack the president, we ought to be coming together to support his efforts to protect America,”




This is serious business. As stated hereinbefore, China is pissed off something fierce. Bush is receiving solid support from the other Nations involved in the aforementioned "talk"(including the UN ::shock:: ) and China is urging NK to attend the meeting as well. We'll see....but I wouldn't hold my breath, Kim Jong Il is an outright lunatic.

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I am deffiantely not a Bush supporter, but hearing everyone say, "if Bush has his way" or any other anti-Bush stuff is annoying... it's over played... he was elected into office... either start a petition to get him impeached or can it... I don't think it's his fault that N. Korea is doing Nuclear testing.



+1 - I am not thrilled with all we have done but we cannot continue to blame Bush for everything. How would things be different if Kerry were in office? His speeches would have been worded better - that's about it. It may have taken him a bit longer but, make no mistake, we would have attacked Iraq even with Kerry at the helm.

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I am deffiantely not a Bush supporter, but hearing everyone say, "if Bush has his way" or any other anti-Bush stuff is annoying... it's over played... he was elected into office... either start a petition to get him impeached or can it...


ever heard of freedom of speech? its american citizen's duty to question our government. this is what helps keep politicians fair and honest. (sometimes)

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Kim Jong Il is no joke. He is the definition of "radical fundamentalist". Yes, this scares the living hell out of me.


However, it is quite amusing to hear all of the people laying into Bush and that he should have wiped out NK already. Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not btw), but hasn't Mr. Bush received heavy criticism for his "make-it-up-as-you-go" policy with Iraq? Then these same people turn around and lambast him for his multilateral approach to NK. You can't have it both ways fellas...who's "making-it-up-as-they-go" here again?






This is serious business. As stated hereinbefore, China is pissed off something fierce. Bush is receiving solid support from the other Nations involved in the aforementioned "talk"(including the UN ::shock:: ) and China is urging NK to attend the meeting as well. We'll see....but I wouldn't hold my breath, Kim Jong Il is an outright lunatic.

wow, a really well thought out, intelligent, coherent post by a cr n00b. thank you.

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The only living beings in threat of a North Korean Nuclear strike at this point in time are the fish in the waters of their coast.


Looks like a return to M.A.D.

Not to concerned with N Korea launching a nuke on a missle. As much of a nutjob as he is, he knows better. I am concerned about them selling nuclear technology of materials to other "Less than desirable" characters around the world. Hugo Chavez with nuclear capability is really scarry.

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