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2004 Srt-4 4 sale.

Guest dsm8u

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Dude are u buying it?Then mind your own buisness.If this guy is interrested and has talked to his manager and he (manager) is interrested in buying my trade from me then i will drive down there.Intil then im not sure if he will buy it or not.Not a realy big deal to me.
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I was under the impression you had a sale in the process, thats why i made the offer if it didnt work out we could take it. but if your in a Big RUSH to sell the car you WILL need to bring it down here so we can appraise it. Our dealership is NOT going to buy your car sight un-see. so if you can drive here we cant buy.
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Right i know that.the guy who was surpose to by it could not get a loan.

So today ive had about 7 calls on it.I had a dealership call me today and said they seen my car in auto-trader.They said they have had 2 srt-4s before,And they sold fast.He said that they have someone looking for a srt-4 now.Thats why he called to c what i would take for it.I told him my bottom dollor.And he said that they were very interrested in it.They would call me back for directions when i got off of work.Im not trying to be cockey at all guys.Im just tired of people out there offering me 11,000 10,000 or even lower prices for this car.If you cant offer more than 13,500 for it dont repley please.If a dealership wants it they will come to my house.I just found this out. if you would of said this same thing yesterday i would of believed ya.but now i know they can.

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