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Pics From Yosemite


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Pics of the Sierra Nevada on my way to the hotel in Mammoth Lakes, CA.





Here are some pics I snagged while I was at Yosemite Today.

El Capitan on the left and on the right if you look closely you can see the waterfall. I forget the exact name.


Another pic of Yosemite Valley


Clean water



Picture of Yosemite Valley from Glacier point. The famous half dome is on the right




Then pictures of the Giant Sequoias at Mariposa Grove (in Yosemite)

This tree is "Grizzly Giant" (the name) suspected to be over 3000 years old. is 300 ft tall.



A picture of me standing infront of the exposed roots of a sequoia that toppled over. I am in the picture to give you an idea how huge these trees are.



I have many many more pictures, again most wallpaper worthy, if anyone wants em let me know.



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mikehaze- yeah they are huge and the pictures just don't do them justice, the grizzly giant's branches are big enough to be big trees themselves!!


Joe - thanks I almost ran shor ton batteries, the ones i took i thought had charged weren't charged. Finding a place to sell batteries in Yosemite isn't the easiest.


Jason- All pics are 5.1 mp Photobucket reduces them I believe. I can email full sized versions.


V8killer- wow is right, Pictures don't do it justice.


Clark- I still love you too, sweetheart.


Eric- I didn't have time to Treck anything that was mostly just half mile walks from the parking lot I only had a day really. The altitude did own me. a half mile walk with only a 500 ft elevation change and I was huffin good.


Boosted98GST- I got lucky sort of. The test engine I am working on in Reno ran into some issues so I was supposed to leave Friday and fly back Sunday night. But I asked my boss if I could stay the weekend, he said yes b/c its cheaper for the company. FTW


It is about a 2 hr drive from Mammoth lakes to Yosemite valley. The roads are Fun to drive. But if you drive them all day it gets a little old. Specially last night I didn't want to leave the valley and I waited till night fall. Deer are active and its just not good on roads with blind turns. I have all day today but I also have to drive back to Reno which is 3.5 hrs. So i'm not sure if I am up for a 4 hour detour. If anyone comes to Yosemite I would recommend camping onsite to avoid the drive.


I was also surprised to see how commercialized Yosemite Valley was. Gift shops, hotel, food. Very clean for the most part.

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