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Transporting beer on a plane

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Last winter on the way back from Colorado I saw a guy carrying on a 12pack of Fat Tire. Wish I would have known you could do that. I very highly doubt you'd get away with that now though.


Call your airline, I had a bunch of questions about bringing my ski's last year and they were very helpful.

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If it is more than 3 oz of liquid you cannot transport it thru security. If you buy it on the other side of security you should be Ok.


Passengers may have the following items, but must declare them to TSA at the screening checkpoint if items are not contained in a clear transparent re-sealable 1 quart (1 liter) size plastic bag and/or are over 3 oz. (90ml):


* One clear transparent re-sealable 1 quart (1 liter) size plastic bag containing liquids, gels and/or aerosols in containers of 3 oz. (90ml) capacity or less per container.

* Medications (liquid, gel and aerosol)

* Liquids (to include juice) or gels for diabetic or other medical needs


If you pack it, double or triple bag it and wrap it in your clothing and you should be OK. You used to be able to carry it so long as you didn't drink any but alas the terrorists have yet another annoying victory.

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I've carried bottles of liquor back. Just wrap do what DuffGTP said and wrap them individually in plastic or paper, then in clothes. With 12oz. bottles, I doubt you'd be able to fit a ton of them in a reasonably sized suite case. I fit three or four 1/5's in a suite case big enough for two weeks, and that was pushing it for the safety of the bottles. They sell it in pints, or maybe even bigger bottles. That might be the better route to go to maximize the amount you can bring back.
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I work for an airline. Just ship it home. If you are going to be bringing back alot of it the airline will charge you if your luggage is over 50lbs. Just pack it in a big box with some of your clothes. BTW different airlines have different rules on how much of that stuff you can bring with you. I used to work international flights alot and people were always trying to smuggle extra bottles of rum on the airplane. I love the duty free stores:)
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Yeah we brought back 4 bottles of wine from my family's wineary in Cali...we just wrapped them up in towels and packed clothes around them...we didn't have any problems...

but when we flew down to play college softball in Florida they made up empty out all our equipment bags and scan everything through...we even had to scan the whiffle balls...so I guess it just depends on if you get lucky...

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Last year, my family transported 10 bottles of hard liqour on an airplane. When we went through customs in florida they didn't say anything. The airlines didn't either. The boxes the liqour was transported in was clearly marked... Not real sure what it's like now though, this was Oct of 05
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but when we flew down to play college softball in Florida they made up empty out all our equipment bags and scan everything through...we even had to scan the whiffle balls...so I guess it just depends on if you get lucky...
They were looking for snakes... :D
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Got a case of Balashi Beer back from Aruba that way.


Balashi beer is so good. I drank so much when I was in aruba. Never thought about bringing it back with me though.


The last night I was there at the hotel they had all you could eat dinner, all you can drink balashi, and live music. It was $25 a person. I drank so many bottles that night. :D

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Ok, I don't know if he posted this or not, but I would assume he's going to Colorado. If not, definitely somewhere in the states.


Changes it a lot, I have no idea on how the laws are for state to state transport.


If I had to guess, it depends on what state you are going to. I know for a fact that it is illegal to transport more than 7 cases of beer (per person over 21 in the vehicle) from Ohio to Ky. Brings up the old bootlegging laws.

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