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Halo movie...... CANCELED


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That's microsoft for you. They set that movie up to fail and it's better I think for the Halo franchise for it to be dropped now than ruining it by releasing a shitty movie that that has 1 goal in mind, make money. The story behind Halo would make for a great movie and as usual greed got in the way.
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the HALO movie was NOT cancelled!

the greedy production studios wanted more of the profit percentages, so microsoft and bungie said "no thx"....... more than likely some group like warner bothers will pick it up and ditribute it!



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Guest drumer919
I love Halo2. I played that all the time... I wasn't too bad on LIVE either....


Level 34 rumble pit, 23 or somthing on team slayer, I never play slayer though, to many idiots.

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The first Halo was GREAT. I spend hours in front of my PC (fuck an X-cox) playing it. The single player game was and still is one of my all time favorites.


There does not need to be a movie based on Halo. Hollywood will just completely fuck it up.

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A couple things from the resident Halo 1 and (semi) halo 2 expert.


That movie would kill me, and everyone else who loves either Halo game. Sure, Halo 2 sucks, but thats nly because you can play it whenever you want on the internet with people all over the world, and the bullshit is magnified by the internet capabilities and lag. H1 is mosly played on LAN, but there are a ton of players on XBC. They're still able to have a (relatively) even match, because een though theres lag and a little bullshit in online H1, it's MUCH more consistant and predictable. In Halo 2, you really don't know whether your shot or melee or his are going to register in the host box, which in turn makes the luck factor go wayyyy up and the skill factor go wayyyy down.


Point is, Both Halos have offered countless hours of fun with my existing friends and has made me a shit-ton of new ones. You guys can call me a nerd all you want and I'll admit to it, but I can honestly say that 80% of the GOOD ( kids who win thousands of dollars at tournaments) either play or have played sport at varing levels, and every single one of them is more down to earth than most of the Axe Bodyspray drenched bro-hams that populate this place.


Halo is about competition and having a good time, I don't need to have Hollywood give me their viewpoint on it, when they have NO idea about any of it's culture.

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PS: I'm very very fucked up for like the first time in a week.


PPS: The only people whose responses I'll listen to are Berberich's for a gay sex joke, Jesse's for being a funny jackass, Stillman for making us laugh by failing miserably at being funny (Oxy moron?), John Bravo for being the guy that we all fear (That newly filthy rich smartass who in high school and college aways got straight A's, never played sports and got beat up for being a douchebag all the time. Now that he's gotten wealthy from hard work and putting up with shit, he's enjoying every god damned second of his "revenge."), and Chris "I hate having choices" Green, for either a tasteful nude photograph or something inappropriate to show to children under the age of 18.



PPPS: Beverly Hills Ninja Destroys.

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omg my life is ruined now that I can't see yet another movie with cheesy acting and unrealistic over the top special effects with a popular video game name slapped on the cover. I wanted so badly to watch a group of guys and one girl go to some weird planet, kill everything, then watch the sole-surviving main character fly away with the girl who he is now in love with. I never get tired of that same plot over and over again. Why microsoft, why. /suicide



I'm with you man.

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