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Went down to Hocking Hills for the weekend.


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So the wife and I get this place called "Plymouth Rock" or something. Southeast corner of hocking hills. I didn't care as we just needed to get away for a few days.


I will say DO NOT ever stay at this place. It's a shithole. Here's why.


1. I go to make dinner Friday night (boil some brats before grilling). Turn on the buner.. POOF.. Smoke starts pouring from the underside of the buner (that metal catch type thing.. can't remember what it's called). Nice. It sets off the fire detector. Pull that Off the ceiling and chuck it across the room. Wait for it to cool down, clean it and start to boil the water. next.


2. Go to light the grill. Push button ignitor doesn't work. No big deal. Get some paper plate and light the left side. 4.. (FOUR) of the little flames go. just 4. Light the right side. Most of them light up. Fine. Cook dinner.


3. Look in the bathroom (did this earlier). Nice. Fucking lady bugs EVERYWHERE! In the shower, toilet, all over the groud. Some dead, some alive. They were the ones that bite too. Look on the comforter of the bed. Yep.. on there too. Brilliant!


4. Go in the hot tub. Umm.. ok, it's kind of slimey. Upon entering, now my skin feels like I just rubbed lotion all over it. Eww? The whole inside of the hot tub was like this. You try to sit down and you just slid everywhere. There wasn't a strong smell of chlorine either.. so I'm going to assume that this tub wasn't cleaned in a while? :mad:


5. Go back inside.. turn on the TV. Now I know you're not supposed to go to hocking hills to watch TV, but this is our 3rd trip down here and the caves and shit aren't going to change much. Turn on the TV. Nothing. Static. nice. Look in the back. no rabbit ears. Brilliant. The only thing that worked was the mini-dvd player they had. There were movies.. old john wayne movies, Wall street, and some other lame movies. VERY lame I'll add. Now I go all MacGyver and shit. Go out to my car. Get a safety pin, and my jumper cables along with a pair of pliers. Straighten out the safety pin and shove it in the cable hole. Clamp one end of the jumper cables onto the pin and clamp the other one on the curtain rod on the window next to it. Do an auto search of channels. TWO! Found NBC out of some hick down in WV and some cartoon channel. NBC isn't too bad. It has some vertical lines and some snow, but its livable. Oh, not to mention the nice 3" green round spot on the bottom right corner and also the entire screen was a light red. Awesome!


6. Lastly. The bed. I normally don't complain much, but this was fucking retarded. I go and lay down and I felt like I was stuck in a U shape of a craft-matic adjustable bed. No shit either. I could lay down and see my feet a foot above the rest of me. I'm big, don't get me wrong, but it seemed like Andre the Giant slept on the one side of the bed.


7. The fouton was shit too. Again, Andre the Giant must have jumped smack dab in the middle. It was bowing too and was pretty freakin' uncomfortable.


Anyways.. that was my weekend was like. I normally don't bitch about stuff like this but this really pissed me off. I didn't contact the owner this weekend while I was there. I'll be sending her an email.


But for $145 a night (on the weekend) this was a complete rip off.




I'll get some pics tonight. Here's the web site of the shit hole.



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Totaly shithole, agreed. Here's a big warning sign:


You dont need a mosquito net in a place that seals up properly.

So knowing that, there's one thing you can't realy bitch about:

3. Look in the bathroom (did this earlier). Nice. Fucking lady bugs EVERYWHERE! In the shower, toilet, all over the groud. Some dead, some alive. They were the ones that bite too. Look on the comforter of the bed. Yep.. on there too. Brilliant!

Ladybugs get inside of everything, everywhere, every fall. I grew up with a lot of freinds who lived out in the country, same problem, they come in in the fall. Fuckin place should have been cleaned, but they're going to get in, period.


Why anyone would spend $145/night to stay down there is beyond me. If you're just going to see the big hitters, a day trip is all you need. I can see everything on the map ina 9am to 6pm day.


5. Go back inside.. turn on the TV. Now I know you're not supposed to go to hocking hills to watch TV, but this is our 3rd trip down here and the caves and shit aren't going to change much.

I've been downt here 6 times int he last 2 years and manage to find something new almost every time. Get out more. ;) Theres a pair of 100-150 foot high waterfalls in the Climbing area, the west one isn't hard to get to via the horse trail:


The east on is hard to get to from below, but by the high trail its easy. The veiw aint so great from up there, though.



Btw, you didn happen to see a parade of 6 cars tooling about down there yesterday, did you? No idea who that could have been. ;) I hear a Subaru club lost a car to a tree a week or two ago.

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I know it's expensive. Some days I like to spend money on stuff.


Next time we'll just go to a fancy hotel and it would have probably been better.


This was the 3rd time we've been down there and the other two places we had rocked. This just happened to be one of the shitty ones :(.


Oh well, live and learn I guess.


Edit - We go down there to get away from our two kids once or so a year. It's nice. It's quiet and peacefull. That's why we go there. That and I was pretty burned out from work.

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Every time my wife and I go down to stay in a cabin we stay at Get Away Cabins.




Always clean and nice cabins and if I remember right the hot tubs are cleaned after every stay. And I agree, sometimes it is nice to go down there to just get away for a weekend.

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I went to one of those places down there about 5 years ago. Me and the g/f at the time spent 2 night there, and NEVER left the cabin. I brought my DVD player, food, and a bunch of movies. But that trip wasn't meant for hiking and exploring, it was for banging as much as possible. :)


But our cabin rocked, other than a bit too much chlorine in the hot tub (I couldn't take doing the deed in it). I think I should probably hit up one of those cabins again this year. :D

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