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They caught the fucker.....


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...who crushed my FD, AND HE'S PLEADING NOT GUILTY!




For those who do not know the CPD failed to properly identify the Latino who hit me by not processing him downtown, even though he had no license, no ID, no insurance, and spoke no english. But the did give him a ride "home". Of course, he failed to appear for court and a warrant was issued.


Not that it's gonna help my situation in any way, but I'm subpeonaed as a witness. At least I can help to punish the fucker.


He'll just serve his time, pay the fine ,and dissapear. So a civil case is a waste of time.

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Mike, I got kicked off AIM when we were talking about this, then you weren't on. I know this thing had just been a big pain in the ass for you, but there will be balance with this somewhere. I know you said you are out of the car scene, but you are missed and we all hope to see you out in the near future. Stay in-touch.
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And if you civil suit his ass, he never will be able to. If he ever gets a real not under the table job or ever tries to purchase a home, etc. it would come back to haunt him. Civil suits follow you around for life like herpes. He'll probably run again, too so whatever you file against him in the civil suit, no matter how ridiculous the amount, if he or his representation does not show up, they judge in favor of you and that amount will follow him around.
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Mike thats great to hear.


The question I have is why is he getting a trial hes not a US citizen.


secondly how can he plead not guilty to your issue Mike its not something that has any merit to agrue ( unless hes pleading not guilty to different charges).

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