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Joooohn Carey.


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good message but worded incorrectly.. what he was trying to say is that these people shouldn't be sent over there by draft-dodging nancy-boys.


EDIT: Also, his entire speech shouldn't be summed up by 10 f'ing seconds of video. In order to have a proper opinion on the matter, I believe anyone should have to listen to at least 5 minutes before and after that statement.

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On Glenn Beck's show tonight, he showed that pic of the troops with the sign ... and the misspelling of his name in this thread I think is a play on what the moron said ..


Kerry said in 04 how he was all for the troops and this crap just shows where he really was on the issue!


I never like the guy but I really dont like BUsh ... I think Bush is a tad bit better choice but its like choosing between an 80hp hyundai or an 80hp Kia ... what to do!!

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Kerry wouldnt even apologise to the troops untill way after the fact of people feeling he had offended them... fucking dumbass... its one thing to bash a fellow candidate but DONT EVER BASH THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO SERVE THIS COUNTRY!!! GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS! he knew what he said and it shows how much of a moron he is for leaving it there and reading it off his prepared speech, a monkey could of put those two subject together as a bad idea..
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Guest Mushijobah

God bless 'em.. Fuck waffle ears.


people say things like that around the dinner table every night.. he just got nailed for being politically incorrect.


This is true (for anti military homos). But the VAST majority of people speak less traditionally/fluently/eliquently than GWB, but he still gets shit for being a dumb Texan ;)

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John McCain is going to be the next POTUS (President of the United States) so it doesn't really matter. Its a good thing, too. Anyone too liberal (read: Hilary Clinton) would fuck up the stasis in a negative way, but absolute stasis is a bad thing; change is needed. McCain is a fairly moderate conservative and most of all he's fucking DOWN TO EARTH GUY that doesn't prattle on and on about ridiculous ideals for his potential administration.
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