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I like my women how I like my...(stolen from another forum)

El Karacho1647545492

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politically correct freaks get the fuck out



I like my women how I like my metal: black and heavy


...how I like my GPA: constantly going down on me.


...how I like my Scotch: aged 12 years.


...how I like my Saddam Hussein: convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging.


...how I like my beer: dark and double fisted.


...how I like my summers: hot and no class.


...how I like my DRZ06: fast and rich.


...how I like my coltboostin: crashed into a wall at 200mph.:confused:


...how I like my nitrous: wet and ready to take a big shot.


...how I like my CR admins: fucking crazy.


...how I like my exhaust: loud and pungent. (ew)


...how I like my racetracks: tight and curvy.


now you try.

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I found a couple.


I like my women like I like my lava lamp ... not too bright and pretty to look at.


I like my women like i like Rollercoasters, wait forever to get on, ride for 97 seconds, and get off.


I like my women like I like my cycles: bi.


I like my women like I like my blunts: Fat, cheap, and easily shared with friends.


I like my women like i like my cream cheese: white and spreadable.


I like my women like i like my politicians: Willing to do or say anything for my approval, and morally flexible.

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Yep typical stupid OSU fan that does have the facts right....


Michigan 57 -- OSU 39 and 6




Typ. ohioian that claims to be a michigan fan, arnt you also going to tell me that "the rivalry between osu and mich only matters to us and michigan st is a bigger game to you guys"


since we have been in the big ten the record is 45 39 4 .


our record post 1950 (about the time todays helmets started to be used) we are 27 27 and 2


go blow

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