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Extreme home makeover


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What's wrong with that house?

Nothing. Like many of the homes they bulldoze over to tug on your heart with a sob story so that they can make money doing it.


I agree that what they do for those people is commendable. And I am sure the families involved are eternally gratefull, but SOME of the familes they choose should have been over looked for others I sure with a much worse plight but less TV appeal.

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I read the ad in the dispatch today at lunch. Hell, the wife that lives in there said that they've NEVER SEEN the show before and doesn't even know who Ty is?


WTF? It's called get a damn job and fix up your house. Maybe they'll just produce another 6 kids on top of the 6 (I think) they have now.

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isnt this is the same guy that when the 9/11 movie came out and they had the part about him pulling the guys from the rubble, that he was scripted as a white guy because he never came forward and said who he was, etc...once the movie was out, he came forward and the news did a big story on him


i agree with the other people...they could help 1,000 other people in columbus that is much more unfortunate than that guy. 10 kids or not.

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I know that there is more deserving people out there but they are given a great home for a good cause. So, nobody should be upset. People win millions of dollars on TV shows all the time and don’t do the right thing with the money, and most of the time it is a struggling actor who doesn’t want to work for a living and has time to send in multi-audition tapes to everybody. So, I am glad that someone is given a house.
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Sure there are worse looking houses in Columbus, but that doesn't mean that the people who live there deserve a new one just because they themselves are too poor and won't get a fucking job.


So, your logic is find the worst house and then re-make it?


The show isn't necessarily about that they cannot survive in their current situation. It is about doing something good for someone deserving and making it a dream home. The show isn't about "Oh, these people can't survive in that house." If that were the case, they would just go find homeless people and say give them houses.

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Sure there are worse looking houses in Columbus, but that doesn't mean that the people who live there deserve a new one just because they themselves are too poor and won't get a fucking job.


So, your logic is find the worst house and then re-make it?


The show isn't necessarily about that they cannot survive in their current situation. It is about doing something good for someone deserving and making it a dream home. The show isn't about "Oh, these people can't survive in that house." If that were the case, they would just go find homeless people and say give them houses.

I agree.. it is for people who are deserving of it, not what the house looks like before hand.....


But still........

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Most of the times that I've watched the show, the people were given houses because their old house was caught on fire, or some other major disaster. Sometimes a few people in the house were disabled (kids mainly) or had some major special need (Anyone remember the one with the kid who had the sun disease? Couldn't have any interaction with the sun or what not).


That's a lot different than the one they're doing here. The guy does have a job (security ???? ).. wasn't he in the marines? Maybe he's disabled now. I don't know. I don't think they deserve a dream home just because the guy saved a few lives on 9-11 (go ahead, call me an asshole). They have a house and I'm not sure if it went to shit since then? or they bought it like that.


It sounds like they aughta call Bob Villa and not Ty.

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you mean "while"?


where do you work?



damn i need to start reading what i write lol... i work downtown at Hyde Park.. he was walking around looking for a good "Thai Food" (SP) resturant then wanted to know where Brothers was.. only talked to him for a min since it was way to cold out

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Well......I can see opnions of this vary, and everyone is entitled to their own. After all opnions are like assholes.


Anyway, to clarify some of the issues...........Yes the guy is a Former Marine who was not active @ the time of 9/11. He was living in NYC and went to the site to help on his own, he DID help locate and save 2 PAPD members.


As far as the movie they knew of the person, but didn't know who he was, he knew nothing about the movie and had not came forward about what he had done. To me it just seems like the guy was just doing what he thought was right and wanted to get on w/ his life.


As for the house.........him and his wife and 5 kids moved to Whitehall after 9/11 and he does work as a security guard downtown (i'm sure the pay isn't the greatest). They had bought the house, and after living in it found many issues w/ the house (I've seen first hand). Support beams are not tied into the house floors are giving way, staircases are spliting in half, cabinets are falling off the walls, the floors sag when people are on them etc. etc. He has tried to repair what he can, but more issues arise (remember the movie Money Pit!). The builder of the home which will go unnamed...... builds alot of cheap homes w/ poor quality in the area.


The house will be torn down today and the reveal will be sunday. It will be a 3600 sqft home built by M/I / Showcase homes.


The picture above is the house, but the house as it sits has different colors (not sure when the above pic came from). It dosen't look like a bad house from the street, but i assure you it has it's major issues, structure wise and cosmeticly.


I'd just like to say....if you think this family is not deserving, just because you think they have too many kids, the house looks better than some others or (the biggest one i have a problem w/ people saying) just because he went to ground zero and helped save acouple lives! Take a look at yourself!......This guy did something worthwhile for others in a time of need, while not thinking about himself. Did some of you people who are critizing this man get off your fat lazyass and do anything to help? I doubt it.


Not only did this man serve his country, but he went above and beyond, when he wasn't required to do anything!


So get your facts straight before you pass judgement.

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I think it's great what they are doing for this family. Their life will never be the same. And they will be able to enjoy some of the good things thy never thought they could. However, I have to wonder about the castle among hut. The value of this home will be cut in half because nothing in the area will be comparable to it. Not that they would sell or want to refinance it. I just wonder where that puts things down the road for this property. Over all, who cares on the value. Glad to see a do gooder get some recognition.
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