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people are already waiting


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At my circuit city on morse rd people have been waiting for a few hours for the PS3. They plan to wait all the way till 8 am friday morning. thats dedication but comes at a pretty long wait. To each his own is my feeling on it.


P.S. I cant wait to make Michigan our bitchagain!!!!! Go bucks!!!!

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I heard that there are problems with P3. I heard it doesn't play P1 or P2 games in Japan.....

that doesn't mean anything...kinda like how in Australia the toilets spin backwards, in Japan the discs spin backwards, so we're all good here.




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Guest FooFooMaru

I've heard they have problems but are going to release anyway and fix em later.Don't know WHAT problems but meh


People are out in tents today at Best Buy to get PS3's since about 4pm or earlier I think they were there.


Yeap and definately didn't know it was what $499 for 20Gig and $699 for 60 gig is it?


Wow, PS3>money

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At my circuit city on morse rd people have been waiting for a few hours for the PS3. They plan to wait all the way till 8 am friday morning. thats dedication but comes at a pretty long wait. To each his own is my feeling on it.


P.S. I cant wait to make Michigan our bitchagain!!!!! Go bucks!!!!

To each his own, yes, but talk about mass stupidity. It's a fuckin' GAME SYSTEM, not the Holy Grail!


On the other hand, it'd be fun to fill a SuperSoaker with piss & take a ride down there, lol...



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Anyone here able to get me a WII I've got 2 on order from fYE but I'm number 9 and 10 and they said they think there only getting 8.....


Call London's Walmart....not sure of the phone number, but not many people go there for game systems and it can be fairly easy compaired to other places to get one there.

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If you think about it from a fiscal aspect, a couple days of waiting ='s at least 1500 dollars. I don't make 1500 dollars in 2 days. The time ='s the money for some.


Now, being a responsible adult there's no way in hell I could take a complete day out to go do that. I stood in line for the Wii's pre-order. That was me going to the EB games at like, 6 am, then them opening up at 10. A few hours? Sure, I can do that. But days on end? No. Work/family/life is too important for me to toss it aside for a few days.


Now on the other hand, if you were able to get this thing sold for say, 3k? It may be worthwhile for the wait.



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I drove by Best Buy at Polaris this morning and all the tents were down, but the line was even longer. What really surprised me was that there was no one at the Circuit City across the street. I wonder if they chased them off. There were about 10 cars in the parking lot though.
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I drove by Best Buy at Polaris this morning and all the tents were down, but the line was even longer. What really surprised me was that there was no one at the Circuit City across the street. I wonder if they chased them off. There were about 10 cars in the parking lot though.


Difference between us (Circuit City) and Best buy, we handed out the peoples vouchers at 6 am. We dont make them wait any longer outside in the cold. So they can go get some breakfast and comeback for our store to open at 8am. I opened my circuit at easton and we did the same thing. We did however have like 100 people come after that asking if we had any more PS3s. Circuit isnt dicks like Best Buy either by not telling people how many systems we have in. So you dont wait 2-3 days for nothing. The 10 cars that you saw in the parking lot is the people just chillen with their vouchers till the store opens. Rather be in my car then out in the cold.

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