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Any database admins here?


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Ryan, Ray said the guys he works with depending on experience and the amount of responsibility can go from $80k to $120k in some cases.


Yeah, this is much more inline with what I've seen and worked with. FYI, any DBA I've ever worked with who was worth anything was paid 6 figures as a FTE or billed out at $100 an hour as a contractor... :nod:

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When I was at Nationwide the DB guys weren't happy with their compensation...


..so they quit near the year's end, and started a consulting company in which Nationwide had no choice (Oracle/SQL experts) in hiring them back on for about 100-110K :eek: .


Yeah, that seems about right. I've worked with some not so good ones (and some paper cert DBA's) who made about half of that and they were shit. I design better than they do, and I'm not a true DBA, but I know enough to be dangerous. I'm a software engineer first, I just happen to know/do a lot of other things. :)


Best one I ever worked with was probably making $150K - $200K. If you don't mind the work, responsibility, and what it takes to be truly good at it, you'll do quite well for yourself. But it will take a good 10 years before you'd make that kind of money, because with that pay comes the experience you got in the meantime... :nod:

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