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It finally happened


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Well, it happened. Through my deals and the like I am now the owner of a SBC TPI setup, minus injectors. I am thinking about ordering a megasquirt kit and trying to do the injection thing instead of being a stead fast carb guy.




you can get a complete retrofit harness and a computer from painless wiring for that setup.... gives you oem diagnostics and what not for repair work or tuning

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i thought he was gonna say "i admitted defeat to a liberal"




The republicans did loose, due to the war and scandals, they beat themselves. I really don't believe they lost on a platform of policys as much as they screwed themselves on these two other things. Hell, look at Nancy P and the cat hearding she is already involved in. You have Waxman out in Califorina screaming that he's going to lead the charge into a full (expensive) investigation of the entire Bush presidency and the head of Ways and Means cliaming that he's going to push forward to reinstate the draft. Do you believe that those are election winning issues. Not to mention Clintons money guy talking about raising taxes because the economy could handle it, after saying that the Bush tax cuts would do nothing for the economy. I am not saying that the dem's don't have a few good ideas. I see a split on the illegal immigration policy and I am 100% for throwing them all out of the country and doing everything we can to keep them from being here illegally. If that means fining and jailing the people that employ them, so be it, even if it goes to seizure of their businesses. I put together a big post elsewhere about how illegals hold down the wages down for all Americans so I am not going to go into all that.


All I can say as far as the dem's winning in such a land slide victory is that the American public put them there because they want to see change, it's really on the democrats now to get changes to occur, if they do then great, if not, they will not sit in power for long.

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I don't know about that, not that I am questioning it.


But I do know that carbs are FAR cheaper, in all but the most esoteric setups.





Oh yeah BTW, Greg.... Bite me!


well with efi, your constantly tuning.long term fuel trim is most important on a street car.race cars your normally tuning for track conditions and weather anyway.

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Honestly, like you're not constantly tuning a fuckning a carb, at least with FI you don't have to fuck anything under the hood, just a laptop and and a cable, and you're tuning



not so much as EFI. you may have too change jets if the weather gets crazy.

if you leave them just a tad on the richer side of things, do dont have too touch them ;)

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predictions for this thread from here on: The Poster Formerly Known As Da Troof and desperado get into a political fight that would more likely resemble an Olsen twins pillow fight, someone says something offensive about Anthony, Linn challenges Howard Dean to a race, at least 2 people get the banhammer, a n00b chimes in with some nougat of idiocy and gets flamed and subsequently banned, someone says something racist or sexist and the thread comes to a screeching halt and someone locks it, the someone unlocks it and coltboostin accepts Linn's race on behalf of Dean, and announces that he(JP) will be seen racing in a rocket-powered tricycle.



don't disappoint

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