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This is how I plan to go

El Karacho1647545492

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I read about that on another forum. Basically, a no-knock warrent was issued, allowing the cops to bust into the house without announcing themselves off of a flimsy tip they got on the street, and did no other research. This practice is becoming more and more common, causing similar outcomes in several cases.


That being said, I feel that the police have gone beyond pushing the limits, and what they are doing is complete bullshit. I just wish that woman had been more accurate.


*Note: These comments are not to be construed as me disliking police. I just fucking hate it when they pull this shit, putting innocent people at risk and putting themselves and law abiding citizens needlessly into dangerous situations, when a little bit of time and courtesy could prevent this from happening. Dragknee, if anyone tries to talk you into going on a raid like this, please tell them to fuck themselves and do the shit right.

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so you're telling me that they did not knock once, busted down the door, yet a 92 year old woman had time to grab her gun, and get off 3 shots, all of which hit officers, they returned fire, and she died?


someone call the waaaahhmbulance


"There was no reason they had to go in there and shoot her down like a dog."

hello....she fucking shot 3 cops. maybe instead of shooting your 92 year old grandma, they should have let her keep shooting and possibly kill multiple officers. fuck off

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I live alone and I'm not quite 92 but if I had people knocking at my door, IN PLAIN CLOTHES, yelling that they are cops, I wouldn't have let them in either. And I would have gone straight to my 12 gauge, loaded it... and waited.


That being said, I haven't done anything to deserve cops knocking at my door, which I would think this lady didn't either but who really knows.


Nothing against the cops... but I have as much right to protect myself as they do.

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fuck them. whos to say a 92 year old woman in atlanta cant be slinging drugs


is it the most common thing? no. is it 100% impossible? absolutely not. im sure if shes able to pop a cap in 3 cops by the time they killed her (which means she was doing some VERY quick shooting with very good accuracy) she sure as hell could be selling some crack or something

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fuck them. whos to say a 92 year old woman in atlanta cant be slinging drugs


is it the most common thing? no. is it 100% impossible? absolutely not. im sure if shes able to pop a cap in 3 cops by the time they killed her (which means she was doing some VERY quick shooting with very good accuracy) she sure as hell could be selling some crack or something


lol What!? Because she shot them, in the thigh, leg and shoulder... she's a crack dealer???


Let's not assume she didn't win some contest for shooting accuracy way back in the day either, coz THAT is very possible too.

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why the hell would a 92 year old woman be slinging a gun? im sure she didnt get up and walk to her husbands gun locker, pull it out, load it up, then shoot the cops. that had to be laying right beside her


i didnt say she was a crack dealer because she shot them. the facts are they had a tip, went to the house, got shot trying to enter...looks a little suspicious to me to say the least


give me your reasoning of why you're so sure a 92 year old couldnt sell crack?

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why the hell would a 92 year old woman be slinging a gun? im sure she didnt get up and walk to her husbands gun locker, pull it out, load it up, then shoot the cops. that had to be laying right beside her


i didnt say she was a crack dealer because she shot them. the facts are they had a tip, went to the house, got shot trying to enter...looks a little suspicious to me to say the least


give me your reasoning of why you're so sure a 92 year old couldnt sell crack?

lol I'm not saying she couldn't sell crack. But why couldn't she have had the gun already loaded next to her and be a good shoot?


Just playing devils advocate...

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why the hell would a 92 year old woman be slinging a gun? im sure she didnt get up and walk to her husbands gun locker, pull it out, load it up, then shoot the cops. that had to be laying right beside her


i didnt say she was a crack dealer because she shot them. the facts are they had a tip, went to the house, got shot trying to enter...looks a little suspicious to me to say the least


give me your reasoning of why you're so sure a 92 year old couldnt sell crack?

There are plenty of people that carry and sleep near guns that are law abiding citizens.

I would and know plenty of people that sleep and pack heat.



Better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it......

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why the hell would a 92 year old woman be slinging a gun? im sure she didnt get up and walk to her husbands gun locker, pull it out, load it up, then shoot the cops. that had to be laying right beside her


i didnt say she was a crack dealer because she shot them. the facts are they had a tip, went to the house, got shot trying to enter...looks a little suspicious to me to say the least


give me your reasoning of why you're so sure a 92 year old couldnt sell crack?


did you ever think that she lived in a bad neighborhood and or in the past maybe was was robbed and since then carries a gun with her everywhere she goes now?

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I don't think it's odd an elderly lady has a gun ready. My parents are in thier very upper 70's and in a nice area of Cleveland, but it's a big target for crime since there are so many elderly couples. Even here in Dublin, the one house that got hit on our street, the only one in the past 9 years, was home to an older couple in their 80's. hmmm....wonder why?


My father is very well trained at using his guns and mom...she's not afraid either. They have one in their kitchen up top, near the coffee cups, one in the bookcase in the family room and one in the bedroom. Chambers are empty, but they are one slide of the bolt from action. Lord have mercy on whoever tries to pull a home invasion on them.


My wife is a very good trained shot and goes to the Powell range with me often. She'll be one of those old ladies that will likely take out a punk should the time come.




why the hell would a 92 year old woman be slinging a gun? im sure she didnt get up and walk to her husbands gun locker, pull it out, load it up, then shoot the cops. that had to be laying right beside her


i didnt say she was a crack dealer because she shot them. the facts are they had a tip, went to the house, got shot trying to enter...looks a little suspicious to me to say the least


give me your reasoning of why you're so sure a 92 year old couldnt sell crack?

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I have to side with the old lady here, if 3 plain clothes under cover officers break in my house not announcing they are cops, I would have pulled the triger more that 3 times. And any cop dumb enough to enter a building with a warrant and not announce yourself as a cop is a fucking moron. They are lucky it wasn't a bunch of thugs with automatic weapons sitting behind the door, the cops would be dead instead of the 92 YO woman. If it had been Tony Montana, he would have showed them his little friend.....
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I'm sorry, I must've been naive to think that people in Atlanta never heard of undercover cops who don't wear suit at all times. I bet she didn't even know they didn't have uniforms on. She probably heard them knock and say they were cops and she felt discrimination and started bustin. I don't mean to be offensive but it seems very plausable.
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