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Filthy commies

Science Abuse

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I'm amazed that such a jack ass could possibly consider himself an American.

Homeowners associations are commies.

Some quotes:

Kearns ordered the committee to require Jensen to remove the wreath, but members refused after concluding that it was merely a seasonal symbol that didn't say anything. Kearns fired all five committee members.

Stalin would have had them killed, what a half ass this guy is.


If you let one go up you have to let them all go up

That's a right that thousands have died to protect.


4 people complained....out of 200 housoulds.

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This is what PC gets you. Look at the percentage of Christmas celebrating people in the US, but its against the Constitution (which says GOD right in it) to put the Ten commandments, or a cross or andthing really to do with Christmas in a public building.



Go figure.

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HOA are not all bad, it just depends what is in the bylaws. I live in Apple Valley near Mt. Vernon, we have an HOA. It is really a good thing for us. The HOA keeps people from putting up a trailer next to my nice house. Along with keeping people from running a junk yard. Therefore protecting home values. I am glad we have ours, otherwise we would have some hillbillies up here KILLING my home value


If you have an HOA that has weak bylaws (too much interpretation) then you can get the little old lady telling you what color your house can be painted.

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Yes but there is a difference between hillbillies with a couple old cars and things that actually hurt properity values. I am not saying that living next to a full on junk yard is not going to be a bit of a detriment to your property value, but a neighbor with a old car or two ain't gonna have much effect.


But the pink flamingo's are another story.

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