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arab drifting accidents


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so...drifting kinda originates in Japan...culture one



then america takes it and makes it her commercial bitch, overdoes it, and sucks the fad drier than barbara streisand's pussy




then the arabs take it and drive that gritty sandy nasty fad and just takes it to the point where everyone is angry at the japanese for coming up with it in the first place.

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Thier normal driving habits are not far from that video.

What the hell posseed you to take you little crap box former taxi and cut in front of a semi with a dozer on the back of it and a passenger with a rifle? Those people drive like complete idiots. Also, on a 4 lane highway, if they cant pass on thier sie of the road, they will go to the oposing lanes and haul ass over there into oposing traffic.

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Just a quick FYI: Drifting didn't start in Japan. It started right here in America over 40+ years ago. Japanese kids copied that and added their style then americans too young to remember anything older than their own diapers picked up on the oriental version and thought it was new. Same as most anything. In fact - 90% of what kids think originates in Japan... didn't.


(Cept maybe girl robots...)

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