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I"m a dreamer

V8 Beast

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Safety is doable. We just have a med on site, and proper fire fighting equipment. If we really want to get froggy we can keep a life flight helicoptor out back just in case.


And with enough stopping distance at the end of the track it would reduce wear, and the neck snapping of letting a shoot go.


People needed



Track crew



Customer Service Dept

Cleaning Crew


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Guest kissmyaspen
you would have more problems trying to find a place where you could build on than having enough money. then when you do get it built you would have to have people who know what they are doing so they could run the place like it should be. then you would have to pay out the wazoo for EMT to be there, then have a ambulance there and some people trained in fire rescue. then you have to pay your help then your electric buill and if you are going 7 days a week that would be a killer. then u have to worry about who would come and then you would have to have a ton of cars so that you could pay to keep the place running so you would be back into the log jam. and my self i would not go out just for a test and tun i am a bracket racer and race every weekend and i cant see going out and betting on my car for no money. :zoom:
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If money wasn't a issue heres how I would do it.


1. Drag track built to NHRA specs.

2. 1.5 mile road course built to nasa/scca specs (if there is such a thing). if people want to roll race use the straight to do so.

3. 5 acres for trailers and prep work

4. ala strip mall for vendors 12 slots 2 set aside for food 1 for a dyno, and 1 for security/medical. the rest for preformace shops kinda like a gasoline alley type thing

5. 6 restroom facilities

6. a drag/track tower to monitor everything plus offices for staff.

7. 10 acre parking lot.

8.plus anything else I am missing.


oh since its slow at work here.



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you would have more problems trying to find a place where you could build on than having enough money. then when you do get it built you would have to have people who know what they are doing so they could run the place like it should be. then you would have to pay out the wazoo for EMT to be there, then have a ambulance there and some people trained in fire rescue. then you have to pay your help then your electric buill and if you are going 7 days a week that would be a killer. then u have to worry about who would come and then you would have to have a ton of cars so that you could pay to keep the place running so you would be back into the log jam. and my self i would not go out just for a test and tun i am a bracket racer and race every weekend and i cant see going out and betting on my car for no money. :zoom:


There are always going to be exceptions, and people that wouldnt go. But from reading the thread its apparent that the major would hang out there regularly. The great thing about being able to race 7 days a week is that there isnt a "one night crowd". Its spread out over the week. Plus bills will happen.... thats why you have to charge the vendors to lease the space, charge membership fees, pay per use fees, and rental fees. With Ohio having so much unused land it can be done. Might be a 30-45 minute drive, but it can be done. If it were to happen and it got too big then thats when you use the money to expand. A good race track is hard to come by in central Ohio so if you build it, they will come :D

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If money wasn't a issue heres how I would do it.


1. Drag track built to NHRA specs.

2. 1.5 mile road course built to nasa/scca specs (if there is such a thing). if people want to roll race use the straight to do so.

3. 5 acres for trailers and prep work

4. ala strip mall for vendors 12 slots 2 set aside for food 1 for a dyno, and 1 for security/medical. the rest for preformace shops kinda like a gasoline alley type thing

5. 6 restroom facilities

6. a drag/track tower to monitor everything plus offices for staff.

7. 10 acre parking lot.

8.plus anything else I am missing.


oh since its slow at work here.


Wow I didnt see that. Nice setup!!


Why dont they make 4 lane drag strips?? It would make things move so much faster, and would make for some sweet tournaments and events!

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dad said something about doing that back at alexander hollow, quarter mile back with the runoff going up hill like down south at KD raceway by lucasville i think. Now just figure out how to keep the deer off the track caue i don't want to build a fence around all that
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Even that track design might be too elaborate. We need to think of ways to build a completely economical track, while maintaining some level of quality. Sponsors like economical ideas that are good ideas. It tends to make them want to jump on the bandwagon faster ;)
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you would have more problems trying to find a place where you could build on than having enough money. then when you do get it built you would have to have people who know what they are doing so they could run the place like it should be. then you would have to pay out the wazoo for EMT to be there, then have a ambulance there and some people trained in fire rescue. then you have to pay your help then your electric buill and if you are going 7 days a week that would be a killer. then u have to worry about who would come and then you would have to have a ton of cars so that you could pay to keep the place running so you would be back into the log jam. and my self i would not go out just for a test and tun i am a bracket racer and race every weekend and i cant see going out and betting on my car for no money. :zoom:


buzzzzzzzz kill right there :(

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There's a good idea on top of a good idea.....in the winter and what not, it could be a training course for those that want to brush up on safety skills.


Who knows, maybe the Police dept could be involved and use the grounds too.


The whole idea is very good. Low maint. investment. One that could serve a variety of uses that would broaden the income potential. One that could capitalize on weather conditions and times.


With strong potential sponsorship backing....hmmmmm....I have quite a bit of investment money for serious consideration....hmmm.....will the wife go for it???


Actually it may be able to be classified as a safety training ground, if given defensive driving classes there.
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If the police used it for training then the state would definitely help. That usually equals a tax break. If there is a location far enough away that we dont have to worry about people complaining it would be fairly easy to start up. With the right contractor a plan could be drawn up in less than 2 months after the land was purchased. Then you present the idea to various sponsors, get there backing, and use their money to make it happen. From there you get some local repair shops, and dynotuners. Have 2 or 3 very well known fast food chains. Add in something like a Jegs, Summit racing, auto zone, etc and start a pretty good business. We could even keep a warehouse in the back for all kinds of car parts. Throw in an actual gas station that offers gas from 93-120 octane and we are good to go. Oh, and for the people that just want to chill we could have an indoor sports bar type of setup for big games, etc. What do ya think??? Location is the key. If its built in the wrong place it would go belly up before we knew what was going on.


And I have some family friends in high places that the idea could be pitched to. My father in-law use to be the vice-president of advertising for the Columbus Dispatch, and has part ownership in the Mitchells restaurants. Now he's the publisher over the newspapers in Athens. I think he may even still be buddy buddy with the guy that owns Diamond Cellar. He's been looking to start his own business, so if I can get his buy in, he may just take the project an make it happen. I think I'll run it by him, so he can throw some negatives at me.

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