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Racism or just idiots looking for something to whine about?

El Karacho1647545492

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Okay, so theres an issue that is surrounding Boston University right now that has recieved national attention; not much, but enough to spark a controversy. I'll link you guys, but here's the short and dirty version of it: BU Campus Republicans recently announced that they would be giving out a Caucasian Scholarship. This would be a scholarship awarded to someone who is at least 25% caucasian and who submits an essay that BUCR deems the best on the topic of what it means to be Caucasian-American today. The dollar amount? $250. Chump change.



However, someone somewhere said "NO, WHITE KIDS AREN'T ALLOWED TO HAVE ADVANTAGES" and decided to make this a huge debate. So, lets see where this takes cr.com.


I firmly believe that people need to get a grip on reality. Affirmative action is in place to correct social and economic imbalances that exist due to racial problems. Whether it is because of injustices committed in the past or by self-deprication on the parts of those helped by affirmative action is not important because the idea is to get to a certain, acceptable level of equality. What is acceptable, then? In 63 years, the United Negro College fun has spent over $2 billion to exclusively help 350,000 black students. The fact that people are in an uproar over $250 to someone who is 25% white shows to me that people don't really have a grasp on equality at all.





EDIT: i posted this in the parking lot because i want it to be a good political/social discussion. move it to the kitchen if you think it'll just turn into a name-calling competition.

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There is so much to be said about this..


I think if they want to have scholarships for races and genders. You need to hit them all. Every single one. If not.. you'll have problems like this.


Personally, I don't want a scholarship that says, because I'm white... I get this. I want a scholarship that says I am exceptionally well at something and I deserve X amount of money for it. Earn it for crying out loud. You didn't earn a scholarship because you were born into a minority group or poor family.


That's just me.

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Blacks have BET, black scholarships, affirmitive action, etc etc etc...


They can call themselves words which whites dare not even mutter in fear of being called racist. Its all bullshit. Equal rights for ALL. Not more rights for blacks. If they can have scholarships for only blacks, then there should be scholarships for only whites. There should be no debate. Equal is equal.

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... Not to sound like a bigot but, I'm sick of people thinking there still owed something because of Slavery, Look my parents did not enslave you, Theres nothing we can do about it. Your not owed jack or shit because of it I don't here the jews complaining or anyone else for that matter. History has shown almost every if not every race has been enslaved at one time.


Affirtive action is fucking stupid. The same things it implies would be considered outlandish if reversed. Wanna hear someone who should be bitching. Indians Native americans the people we stole our land from.


Its fucking stupid CREATE WET and watch what happens outcry and uproar. Also we have a AFROCENTRIC public school WTF is that about, I want a Germanic School or English (British) what ever else you want to through in there I get so pissed off when my Tax dollars goto Racially biased things.


The response that the world is racialy biased is bull shit. You are what you make of it, Everyone has opertunities in life. If you don't sieze them don't blame me. If you say they wernt there CREATE THEM.

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s all bullshit. Equal rights for ALL.




just watch this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkSv3ig3mIs


talk about how there should be a "final solution" and that he wants to "exterminate white people"


if I got on tv, and said that i thought that we should start exterminating blacks, there would be hell to pay...

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I read an article a while ago about this older black man who was fighting (I can't remember what state, down south somewhere) for elementary schools to go back to being separate for whites and blacks. His theory was that both the white and black students would learn better without the "race" issue.


How gay is that...

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Im black and could give two shits if a white person got into a college on a scholarship based on him being caucasian.Racism today isn't even based on the same shit it used to be white vs blacks etc etc, It's usually about publicity.That shooting in new york out of the 7 officers involved 2 were black and 1 was latino,yet still Al sharpton needs something to help his career since he hasn't done shit in awhile so he's protesting it,yes the incident may be wrong but was it racially motivated? No.If you can't afford to go to school and need a grant or scholarship help then It shouldn't mater if your black white mexican red chinese,indian caveman whatever.



No, there would not be public outcry if there was a white entertainment television,but what would you air on it?The same shit thats on every other channel.Im not saying the media shows ''White" shows (because would would define a show as white or black) but what would you watch on it you couldn't view on other channels?Nothing.Who cares.


Some of this stuff isn't even a right or really racisim.I'don't say ****a but some of my black friends do and white friends do and I could care less.Any other person can use that word in either context but deal with the consequences of you saying it.Its not a right that black people can say that word,if you want to say it go ahead free speech,but then if someone calls you a racist, again free speech, deal with it and don't wine when something happens.Its not like your not allowed to and I have the right too.

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Guest Mushijobah
The playing field is fair. Attain the grades in school, goto college. If you do not have the capital to go at the time, get loans then get a job! College loans barely tap into your past history, so if you are young and have no credit, you can still get one. It is simple yet a lot of people do not take advantage of it. They then blame other people on their own negligence of not seizing the moment in which they should have gone to school. It is kind of sickening to see people get into a school because of their race and not their success/intelligence. Think of all the more qualified people who could have been there. They are now lost and replaced by someone less qualified. Truly sickening.
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I have noticed how some of the big name people out there that try to speak about how bad racism is, do more to damage the situation, two that come to mind are Al Sharpton and Kanye West. Everytime they open their mouths, people are reminded of why racism exists.


I am glad that this new scholarship exists. The way things have been going, there has been so much equality that equality no longer exists. A poor white kid is far less likely to get the assistance to go to college than a poor black kid these days, even if the white kid scores better on the entrance tests. How is that for fairness and equality?

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Some are not "owed" but I am not happy to say this but my grandfather is a racist truck driver, he has been getting better, but that is in ohio and at family functions, I could only imagine what wealthy even more southern buisness and school owners could be. He is only 70; even older people have to be even more racist. They are not treated equally, but you have to ask yourself how many times does the less qualified white male, get the job over the minority? I dont believe the schollarship is wrong tho.
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The playing field is fair. Attain the grades in school, goto college. If you do not have the capital to go at the time, get loans then get a job! College loans barely tap into your past history, so if you are young and have no credit, you can still get one. It is simple yet a lot of people do not take advantage of it. They then blame other people on their own negligence of not seizing the moment in which they should have gone to school. It is kind of sickening to see people get into a school because of their race and not their success/intelligence. Think of all the more qualified people who could have been there. They are now lost and replaced by someone less qualified. Truly sickening.


How do you know that person is less qualified?Because they were given a scholarship based on their race or being any kind of minority?Thats making a pretty big assumption on your part.For those types of scholarships you still need to meet certain criteria on top of being a minority,Its not like I can drop out of school in the 8th grade and because im black apply for a scholarship based on the fact black,and be accepted.Alot of times even at work places a non minority will see a minority and assume he/she is less qualified,even though he/she may or may not simply because the color of his skin.That in itself doesn't help the problem much either.

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I have noticed how some of the big name people out there that try to speak about how bad racism is, do more to damage the situation, two that come to mind are Al Sharpton and Kanye West. Everytime they open their mouths, people are reminded of why racism exists.


I am glad that this new scholarship exists. The way things have been going, there has been so much equality that equality no longer exists. A poor white kid is far less likely to get the assistance to go to college than a poor black kid these days, even if the white kid scores better on the entrance tests. How is that for fairness and equality?



Any one these days white or black can get SOME kind of assistance these days to go to some type of college.


Thats still making big assumpstions.Have you persoanlly seen each persons entrance test scores or any type of statistics to show that the people who got those scholarships scored low and the people that were turned away scored higher?Not likely but maybe you have.Again I don't agree with those types of scholarships based on race,but to make a good decision on something you need to look at the whole picture with an open mind.If your poor thats another thing,poverty knows no race but I dont think anyone of any race should get a scholarship based on the fact they are a minority or white or anything in between.


Yes the Al sharpton thing goes with what I was saying about him and publicity,He's out to make a name for himself,thats it.If it pushes black/white race relations even further apart he could care less.Until human greed and money are taken out of the equation there will always be things to hurt race relations.Example BET.Thats marketing 101 for you right there.Corner the market of your industry.Mtv just started The hispanic version of MTV mtv tres or some shit.Why? To corner the market of that area of the industry and make money.There are shoes,clothing,tobacco products and even soft drinks that are targeted at minorities or a certain race of people.Until that stops being normal expect someone on the other end to whine about it even if its their people who are doing it in the first place.

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Remove the race and gender selection boxes from every job aplication, every interview, loan aplication, remove it all together.

Step 2: Shoot the Reveeeeernad Jesse jackson, Al Sharpton, and Kanye West.


Since this will never happen, I support the white persons scolarship. If nothing else it is $250 spent to help identify some of the bigest idiots in the political arena.

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Christ that is so damn stupid...who was it that everything's fine if there's a Jet magazine, BET, etc, but people would be in an uproar if there was a cloud magazine, WET? It seems very unfair. So you can do it and we can't?



blacks have BET. whites have nbc, abc, cbs, mtv, fox, fx, discovery, tlc, cmt, tnt, etc....

making a special group for whites doesnt make sense since we are already the majority of most groups.

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Perception and opinion are the factors here. And deciding right and wrong will not come out of it. Peoples points of view will always differ depending on their experience's and exposure. Because of the rights that have been put in place, organizations have been able to establish benefits that are geared toward people of a certain back ground. Being upset because there is/was nothing put in place to make things easy for YOU, is a bit narrow minded. However, if you feel strongly enough about it, you can start the "just like me foundation", and be sure that someone in your shoes does not have to go about things the way you did. That is your right. And it may upset someone that you are giving benefit to someone they feel is not in need of it as bad they are. I don't see this being any different that getting mad about an MBA player in a Bentley and you not having one. They positioned them self to have that in their life. It is your right to position your self to have one too.
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Theres stupid people everywhere and of every "race" that think they are better than everyone else because of thier skin color or nationality. No matter what anyone says or does the race issue will always exist, it always has and always will. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. I don't understand why people continue to fight, or bitch about it. Just accept it as a part of ALL societys and move on. It's been around since the beginning of time and will be around until the end of time. End of story. I try to give everyone a fair chance, when I meet you in person then I classify you to where I feel you belong in consistence with my belifs and views. I have met black people I do not like, and I have met white people I do not like. I have also met black people that I like, as well as I have met white people that I like. Theres good and bad to everything, unfortuneately some some of the bad will fuck it all up for the good. Thats my .02
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blacks have BET. whites have nbc, abc, cbs, mtv, fox, fx, discovery, tlc, cmt, tnt, etc....

making a special group for whites doesnt make sense since we are already the majority of most groups.




What the fuck are you talking about????? CMT is the only one I'll give you. That's only because about 99.9% of blacks don't like country music. The rest, no fucking way. MTV? Are you fucking serious? Have you heard of this hip-hop thing that's been happening in the last, oh 30 years? Pimp my ride? Cribs? As for nbc, abc, cbs, fox, etc... have you heard of, oh I don't know, professional sports?


Our country is a very, very pathetic place these days. I don't care about your feelings. I don't care if you're white, black, yellow, purple, blue, green, orange, red, whatever. Be gay, be straight. I don't care... until you get a scholarship over someone else more qualified because of one of those characteristics listed above. Then you have created this racism.


Come on, slavery ended 200 years ago. It was a horrible thing, but neither I, my parents, my grand parents, nor my great grand parents had anything to do with it. My family in general had nothing to do with it. In fact, here's a little history for you to read up on:






Why should you get preferential treatment over me because of what happened over 200 years ago? If you don't like it here, quit bitching and go back to your ancestors' home country. See how you like it there. Then maybe, just maybe, you'll appreciate what you have here.


Africa = AIDS, poverty, etc. Trust me, its better here.


Mexico = no jobs, shitty water, shitty beer. Again, its better here.


Stupid liberals and women who don't shave = move to France. You're more likely to be appreciated there.


Don't blame society. Don't blame racism. Don't blame anything or anyone but yourself. You and you alone are responsible for your actions and your life.



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Read through every one of these posts. If something in here makes you mad or you feel it's not right, good. Someone is taking out of their ass. You don't think they have a clue what they are talking about. This can all be true, but it's only up to them to change their mind about it. They don't have to. That's their right. Even if it's not widely accepted. I'm not the most peace loving person on here. It is however my experience that if you feel strongly enough to change something, you have to get the differing point of view to see things from your eyes. You may alter your previous perception as well. We are a blending race. Human race. There is not interracial. Interracial is a man getting fucked by a kangaroo.
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Here's the quote
I don't think being a minority makes you a victim of anything except numbers. The only things I can think of that are truly discriminatory are things like the United Negro College Fund, Jet Magazine, Black Entertainment Television, and Miss Black America. Try to have things like the United Caucasian College Fund, Cloud Magazine, White Entertainment Television, or Miss White America; and see what happens. Jesse Jackson will be knocking down your door.
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Guest Mushijobah
How do you know that person is less qualified?Because they were given a scholarship based on their race or being any kind of minority?Thats making a pretty big assumption on your part.For those types of scholarships you still need to meet certain criteria on top of being a minority,Its not like I can drop out of school in the 8th grade and because im black apply for a scholarship based on the fact black,and be accepted.Alot of times even at work places a non minority will see a minority and assume he/she is less qualified,even though he/she may or may not simply because the color of his skin.That in itself doesn't help the problem much either.



If you have been through the college process, you will know that minorities are admitted with lower GPA's, scores, and less challenging class-load than non-minorities. I am not just talking about scholarships dumb dumb. PS the criteria is much less challenging than a normal academic based scholarship. You have reminded me of another thing, grants are given to minorities too with no requirements. Explain that. Damn, this guy is a serious dumb dumb.

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End of debate:woowoo:






So wait, that justifies blacks getting preferential treatment????? Because they're good at running and playing with balls????? Are you serious?????


Take away the running and playing with balls and you get:





Etc, etc, etc.......


Does that mean its okay for me to post:


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Guest Mushijobah
P.S. Don't mind BuckeyeGT...He is messed in the head. Not quite the poster child to be talking about equal rights and non-bigotry. Ask him what he thinks about a certain tiny WORLD minority that he thinks needs wiped out.
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Hahhaha...touche'. I'm glad someone gets it. And for the record: I agree with everyone that says scholarships should not be exclusive. It just seems when topics like these come up, a lot of you use it as a way to vent about things race related that have fuck all to with the issue.

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