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Sprint Cell Service


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Anyone on here sell Sprint phones / service? Tomorrow my 2-year agreement is finished on this POS phone, and I want to upgrade.


I need 2 new phones, tons of minutes, and we have a ~20% discount through a plan w/ Children's Hospital.


Let me know ASAP.



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Reynoldsburg by the Quiznos and Starbucks I think (but maybe they are all by Quiznos and Starbucks??)


I know he works 1-9 tomorrow. Said he might be able to a little discounting ..something about waiving activation...i dunno..brief phone call :)

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Kevin, your buddy hooked me up last time... problem is, he hooked me up with a shitty phone. :-)


Are you sure? He didn't start with Sprint until not too long ago. He is a stand up guy and I don't think he would do you wrong.


Plus, I have never recommended him to anyone on here. I saw this post and thought of an oppurtunity to hook him up with some Christmas season commission, plus maybe get Vinny a deal.



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My work phone is Sprint. Garbage service, to the point we have had meetings with Sprint reps about this BS.


Pretty sad I can be pretty much anywhere in 43204 (just west of downtown), and have a good chance of not having service. Blacklick...yup, you are going to drop calls. Deep into Canal Winchester, well, you might as well turn the phone off, as it isn't going to work. Worthington...spotty in several areas. The higher $$ area of Murfield = Sprint no worky there. I can go on if you would like, and this is JUST Franklin County.


As far as personal phones go, I'd only take one if it was free, and would probably still keep my Verizon phone.

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I <3 my sprint PPC-6700. I don't drop calls but I have troulbe answering them ... It happens if i have to many programs open (Its windows based).


EVDO is fast as crap.

I've had an Samsung I300 and I500 with them, and now have a Treo 650. All the same BS. Using the Sprint Vision web service is slow as piss too.


And I forgot to bitch about the voice mail. Where sometimes a phone call won't show up, but someone leaves a voice mail. A few days latter, the VM finally hits my mailbox. Or sometimes I'll miss a bunch of voice mails, and a couple weeks later they pop up. Happens to my co-workers as well. My g/f has had it happen to her on her Sprint phone (which she also wants to be rid of, but got screwed by them on a contract renewal).


Or...when people try to call me, I have service and am not using data services, yet it still goes straight to voice mail...nice. Then they try a couple mroe times in a couple minutes, and works fine.


Of course, ANY time I can't get service with my Sprint phone, I bust out my Verizon, and imagine that, I have service w/ a good signal. Speaking of which, I forgot to add Bexley on Livingston as another spotty connection area I dealt with today. :rolleyes:

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And I forgot to bitch about the voice mail. Where sometimes a phone call won't show up, but someone leaves a voice mail. A few days latter, the VM finally hits my mailbox. Or sometimes I'll miss a bunch of voice mails, and a couple weeks later they pop up. Happens to my co-workers as well. My g/f has had it happen to her on her Sprint phone (which she also wants to be rid of, but got screwed by them on a contract renewal).



I never had any dropped call issues with sprint. but we did have tons if issues with the voices showing up days or weeks later.

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My only real complaints about Verizon is about them being phone Nazi's. As in replacing the GUI's the phones come with, and putting their own crap on there (which they rarely update, and put the same cheapie GUI on a variety of the same-brand phones).


That, and they lock down some phone features.

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Kevin, the store told my wife your buddy no longer works there.


Got a new black Katana.


Very pleased.


Yupp. Pretty odd I posted that and then today he got canned for not meeting his quota. Pretty fucked up to do before Christmas if ya ask me.


But, I hope your happy and like your phone and sorry if I made ya travel out of your way. :)

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My only real complaints about Verizon is about them being phone Nazi's. As in replacing the GUI's the phones come with, and putting their own crap on there (which they rarely update, and put the same cheapie GUI on a variety of the same-brand phones).


That, and they lock down some phone features.



That will change soon..


and there is a new law that passed that we can not lock any features on a phone IE: bluetooth so don't worry all is well!

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Orion hooked me up with my Treo 700w in January, I also got EVDO with it. I can connect it to my laptop for 500k average download speeds. I've been with Sprint and T-Mobile in the past, and Verizon beats them hands down. My only complaint is that Verizon is expensive, but that's quality for ya.


Posting on CR on your Treo while sitting on the toilet at work FTW.

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Are you sure? He didn't start with Sprint until not too long ago. He is a stand up guy and I don't think he would do you wrong.


Plus, I have never recommended him to anyone on here. I saw this post and thought of an oppurtunity to hook him up with some Christmas season commission, plus maybe get Vinny a deal.



positive... when I added my g-f to my plan about 2 months ago. It was our fault for getting a crappy phone... he seemed like a nice guy.

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