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CPD tasers


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If anyone has herd latley, the Columbus Police have requested to purchase enough Tasers to Place one in each patrol car. This has already proven to save people from being shot. I do belive the number of potential police shootings that it saved was around 44 or so.. Please call your city council person and let them know to support the Police and give the money (from the federal government) so that they can purchase these tools that save lives on both sides of the taser.




Now im not a Cop as of yet but i do my fair share of help at a local deparment and possibly soon a federal one. I have seen how easy a taser will control a crowd and de-escalate a hostile situation. some of the bullshit going on from the Group that is protesting these taser being bought for CPD is crap and shouldnt even of been played on TV.

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As more and more departments deploy them and the public sees what they are capable of they become an excellent deterrant. If you read the article about them in This Week or whereever, they talk about how merely drawing the taser and stating "lay down or I will taze you" has gained more and more compliance.


I still don't think their designation as non-leathal has proven 100% accurate but they are certainly better than standard 9mm deadly force. Suicide prevention and drunk/drugged up aprehension has become more effective with the Taser. I really want one for home protection, this way I can get my family away and if I lose control of it I probably won't be killed with it.

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As more and more departments deploy them and the public sees what they are capable of they become an excellent deterrant. If you read the article about them in This Week or whereever, they talk about how merely drawing the taser and stating "lay down or I will taze you" has gained more and more compliance.


I still don't think their designation as non-leathal has proven 100% accurate but they are certainly better than standard 9mm deadly force. Suicide prevention and drunk/drugged up aprehension has become more effective with the Taser. I really want one for home protection, this way I can get my family away and if I lose control of it I probably won't be killed with it.

they are no longer considered non-leathal is now been reworded to less then leathal.


I glad that more and more police are getting them. Another thing I saw on TLC or discovery was were riot control in larger cities and in prisons are using paintball buns that have peper spray balls for there crowd control.

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hah werd :D


FYI im planning another trip to the range soon, it will be in the next couple weeks for 100% sure. I will post it in the meetings section in a week or so.



DAMNIT PICK A RANGE THAT ALLOWS 223. iirc new albany doesnt allow rifle rounds, or powder room.

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I know from personal experience you have to be tasered and trained before you can carry one on the street. I took my 50,000 volt ride an it hurt like hell. But I wiil take the taser any day over mace. Mace is the gift that keeps on giving like herpes. Its awsome. Mace is also on a lower level use of force for cpd than the taser.
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I've never looked at the specs on a tazer, but I've taken a copy machine corona discharge and I nearly passed out. The older ones where 50Kv at 1500ma. I've seen others accidentally touch them too and they usually drop to the ground making funny noises.



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